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Pharus (stalkgrass) | BioLib.cz

Taxon profile


Pharus P. Browne

kingdom Plantae - plants »  divisio Magnoliophyta - flowering plants »  class Liliopsida - monocotyledons »  order Poales »  family Poaceae »  subfamily Pharoideae

Included taxa

Number of records: 7

species Pharus ecuadoricus Judz.
species Pharus lappulaceus Aubl. - Cape Francais Stalkgrass
species Pharus latifolius L. - Broad Stalkgrass

Pharus latifolius

species Pharus mezii Prodoehl
species Pharus parvifolius Nash - Creeping Stalkgrass
species Pharus virescens Döll
species Pharus vittatus Lem.

Links and literature

EN The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera [1287622]

Rees, T. (compiler): The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera [http://www.irmng.org] [as Pharus P. Browne, 1756]
Data retrieved on: 9 December 2019
EN C. Ulloa et al. (2017): An integrated assessment of the vascular plant species of the Americas, Science. 358. 1614-1617 [as Pharus P. Browne]
Data retrieved on: 19 September 2019

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