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Poaceae | BioLib.cz

Taxon profile


Poaceae Barnhart

kingdom Plantae - plants »  divisio Magnoliophyta - flowering plants »  class Liliopsida - monocotyledons »  order Poales

Scientific synonyms

Gramineae Juss.
Lepturaceae Herter

Included taxa

Number of records: 14

subfamily Anomochlooideae Potzdal
subfamily Aristidoideae Caro
subfamily Arundinoideae Burmeister
subfamily Bambusoideae Luersson
subfamily Centothecoideae Soderstrom
subfamily Chloridoideae Beilschmied
subfamily Danthonioideae Barker & Linder
subfamily Ehrhartoideae Link
subfamily Micrairoideae Pilger
subfamily Panicoideae Link
subfamily Pharoideae L. G. Clark & Judziewicz
subfamily Pooideae Bentham
subfamily Puelioideae L. G. Clark, M. Kobay., S. Mathews, Spangler & E. A. Kellogg

Unplaced taxa

genus Stipellula Röser & Hamasha

Links and literature

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