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Year 1080, Bishop Events [Catholic-Hierarchy]
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The Year of Our Lord 1080

Bishop Events

See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1079) | Next Year (1081)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownBornBernardo de AgenBishop of Sigüenza, Spain
BornAlbéric , O.S.B. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia
BornSt. Cellach di ArmaghArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
AppointedBertolf Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
40.0Ordained BishopSt. Bruno , O.S.B. †Bishop of Segni, Italy
AppointedGodefroi Bishop of Maguelonne, France
BornHeinrich Felix von HarburgArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
28.0AppointedSt. Hugues Bishop of Grenoble, France
28.0Ordained BishopSt. Hugues Bishop of Grenoble, France
ResignedOtto von LierheimBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, GermanyBishop Emeritus
AppointedGiovanni MinutoCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
Elevated to CardinalGiovanni MinutoCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
DiedPascual Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
AppointedReinward Bishop of Minden, Germany
AppointedWilliam of Saint Calais (Carileph)Bishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
BornSt. Norbert of XantenArchbishop of Magdeburg, Germany
14 MayDiedWalcher Bishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
5 JulDiedÍsleifur GissurarsonBishop of Skálholt, Iceland
25 OctDiedGérard ChevrierBishop of Sisteron, France
22 NovDiedDietrich Bishop of Brandenburg, Germany
1 DecDiedEgilbert aus BayernBishop of Minden, Germany


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