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Sustainable Wildlife Management

Sustainable Wildlife Management

Sustainable Wildlife Management

According to the Convention on Biological Diversity, sustainable wildlife management is the sound management of wildlife species to sustain their populations and habitat over time, considering the socioeconomic needs of human populations (Decision 14/7).

Under the overall theme of sustainable wildlife management, the Convention has focused its work on the following areas:

  • Sustainable management of wildlife used for food, or wild meat, also known as bushmeat;
  • Monitoring tools and databases;
  • Multidisciplinary approaches in sustainable wildlife management, including alternative livelihoods;
  • Subsistence use of wildlife; and
  • Wild meat and food security.


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The Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management

14 organizations working to increase cooperation and coordination, and promote the sustainable management of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife in all biomes and geographic areas, contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, food security, livelihoods, and well-being.

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17 October 2019 29 August 2019 31 July 2019
The CBD Secretariat opened a call for posters on sustainable wildlife management to run in parallel with SBSTTA 23, taking place in Montreal, Canada, from 25 to 29 November 2019. Parties, other Governments, including sub-national governments and local authorities, relevant organizations, businesses, and indigenous peoples and local communities are invited to contribute posters showcasing projects, case studies, best practices, lessons learned and initiatives. More » The CBD Secretariat, together with other members of CPW, promoted discussions on the future of sustainable wildlife management at CITES COP 18, including the identification of potential milestones, targets, indicators, and monitoring tools and databases to be integrated in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. More » The CBD Secretariat has issued notification 064 of 31 July 2019, inviting Parties, other Governments, relevant organizations, and indigenous peoples and local communities to participate in a survey that aims to look at the actions taken to use and manage wildlife more sustainably. More »

18 April 2019 6 June 2019 20 January 2019
To support Parties and other stakeholders in the implementation of COP decision 14/7 on sustainable wildlife management and the voluntary guidance for a sustainable wild meat sector, the CBD Secretariat has created a package with resources available. More » The CBD Secretariat and the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management published the key messages of the 2nd Wildlife Forum, held on 21 November 2018 in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt. More » The CBD Secretariat and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) published the technical report "Towards a sustainable, participatory and inclusive wild meat sector", which describes the situation with regards to wild meat consumption and trade in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide and provides a review of the available literature on wild meat use, governance, and management. More »