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Écho des études romanes: Écho des études romanes, 2023 (vol. 19), issue 1

Revue semestrielle de linguistique et littératures romanes

Écho des études romanes, 2023 (vol. 19), issue 1

Page de garde

Numéro thématique « Rencontres franco-tchèques au fil du temps »French

Thematic issue "French-Czech encounters over the course of time"

Kateřina Drsková, Catherine Ébert-Zeminová, Jitka Radimská et Záviš Šuman (éds.)

Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1)  


Rencontres franco-tchèques au fil du tempsFrench

French-Czech encounters over the course of time


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):5-7  

Littératures et cultures entre réciprocité et inspiration

Une châtelaine et sa bibliothèque. À propos de Český Krumlov et du baroque tchèqueFrench

A chatelaine and her library. About Český Krumlov and Czech Baroque


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):9-19 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.001  

The study is devoted to the casle library in Český Krumlov in South Bohemia, the Czech Republic, specifically the part of its collection collected by Princess Marie Ernestine von Eggenberg, and to the European context of the Czech Baroque.

Les pays tchèques et l’Europe centrale dans les livres d’extraits d’un.e inconnu.eFrench

Czech countries and Central Europe in books of excerpts of an unknown


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):21-31 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.002  

61 manuscript books of 160 to 180 pages each are kept in the Prague Castle Archives. This is an example of the genre called “books of excerpts”, a kind of private library, born in the 18th century. As for our “books of excerpts”, we do not know the name of their author; no doubt he was an educated person, close to the King of France Charles X, who spent part of his exile (1832-1836) in Prague Castle. The pages reflect diverse topics on science, technology, geography, history, travel, etc. Some are devoted to the history of the lands of the former Austrian monarchy, e.g., the Wars of Austrian Succession and the...

Manuscrits français des religieuses de Notre-Dame à BratislavaFrench

French manuscripts of the Sisters of Notre-Dame in Bratislava


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):33-51 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.003  

The paper deals with French Manuscripts of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Canonesses Regular of St. Augustine in Bratislava. The educational activities focusing on the instruction of girls at the Canonesses of Saint Augustine of the Congregation of Notre Dame (founded by Pierre Fourier (1565-1640) and Alix Le Clerc (1576-1622) at the beginning of the 17th century), arrived in Central Europe in the middle of the 18th century. It is in the Holy Roman Empire that the Canonesses of Saint Augustine were first invited to found institutes outside of France : Stadt-am-Hof, near Regensburg, was one of the first cities in Germany...

La francophilie d’Henri Hantich (1855–1919) et d’Emanuel Čenkov (1868–1940) à la lumière des livres et des documents d’archivesFrench

The Francophilia of Henri Hantich (1855-1919) and Emanuel Čenkov (1868-1940) in the light of books and archive documents


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):53-85 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.004  

The presentation is devoted to the Czech-French relations of two important Francophiles of the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, today somewhat forgotten. It is based on the study of written sources preserved in the Czech archives (personal inheritance, correspondence, diaries, photographs etc.) and on the study of documents of the book preserved in the libraries of Prague and Paris (copies signed by the author and given to Czech and French friends, copies read and annotated by known owners etc.). The presentation draws attention to rarely studied documents that can bring new knowledge both about the biography...

Un tchécophile français résidant à Brno : Eugène Gabriel Billaudeau (1882–1953)French

A French Czechophile residing in Brno : Eugène Gabriel Billaudeau (1882-1953)


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):87-105 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.005  

Eugène Billaudeau is one of the outstanding personalities in the history of French language teaching in Moravia during the interwar period. We describe the dramatic beginnings of his arrival to Brno at the end of the Great War (see his autobiographical narration « Au Spielberg et à Vienne, 1914-1915 ») and his career of the headmaster of the Berlitz school and the lecturer of French at the Brno University of Technology, one of the oldest universities in Bohemia and Moravia. Subsequently follows the analysis of his methodological approach, which emphasised the communicative aspect of teaching foreign languages used in the multicultural...

Karel Rocher-Skála lycéen et étudiant universitaire. Contribution à l’histoire des études romanes dans les pays tchèquesFrench

Karel Rocher-Skála high school and university student. A contribution to the history of Romance Studies in the Czech countries

Ondřej PEŠEK

Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):107-130 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.006  

The article in this volume opens a series of studies on the Czech Romanist Karel Rocher-Skála (1863-1934). The article aims to reconstruct and evaluate the portfolio of the student Skála. Based on archival documents, it highlights the specificities of the school system of the time. We analyse Skála’s studies from grammar school to university doctorate. The facts found in the hitherto unpublished archival documents are interpreted in the context of the history of Romance studies in the Czech Lands.

Traduction comme médiateur du transfert culturel

Les traductions raciniennes de Gustav FranclFrench

Gustav Francl's translations of Jean Racine


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):131-143 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.007  

The paper attempts to characterise the work of Gustav Francl (1920–2019) on the Czech translations of the plays by Jean Racine, focusing both on the formal aspect (style, verse, rhythm, rhyme, and cæsura) and, drawing mostly from a detailed analysis of his unpublished translation of Andromaque, on Francl’s tendencies to deviate from the meanings of the original.

Les sources de Francouzská poezie nové doby de Karel ČapekFrench

Sources of Karel Čapek's Francouzská poezie nové doby


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):145-153 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.008  

The core of Karel Čapek's translations – a set of translations of modern French poets – is linked to the time of the First World War. According to Čapek's note accompanying the first edition of this set – Francouzská poezie nové doby (Praha, František Borový 1920) – "this handful of translations of French poetry comes mainly from 1916". It can therefore be said that the chapter of Čapek's creative biography dedicated to translation is limited to this year alone. Čapek would translate only sporadically thereafter. Nevertheless, the short period of his activity as a translator was of fundamental importance for Czech...

Notes sur la relation Nezval - BretonFrench

Remarks on the Nezval - Breton relationship


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):155-170 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.009  

The organised surrealist movement in Czechoslovakia came to life in the 1930s only after the exhaustion of the concept of poetism as defined and promoted by Vítězslav Nezval and Karel Teige. It was primarily Nezval who completely fell for surrealist ideas and championed them in the Czech artistic and literary milieu as an essayist and, above all, as a poet and novelist. One of the key influences on Nezval's activities and work in the 1930s was his relationship with André Breton, with whom he established a deep personal and professional friendship. Expressions of respect and boundless admiration for Breton can be traced in Nezval's poetry, essays, personal...

La sensibilité de Pierre Emmanuel à la liberté des intellectuels en Europe de l’EstFrench

Pierre Emmanuel's sensibility to the freedom of intellectuals in Eastern Europe


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):171-178 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.010  

Putting one’s talents to work for the freedom of culture, embodying one’s deepest desires in a literary creation, or disturbing the peace of the public through the media by means of one’s reflections of an unhappy conscience; these are traits that belong to several French intellectuals, including, for example, one of the academicians, Pierre Emmanuel. This poet and journalist was particularly sensitive to the freedom of cultural representatives in former Czechoslovakia and other Eastern European countries, which he also supported at times when they no longer had freedom of speech. This article reviews the main features of his...

L’album Paris : un livre par quoi tout recommence ?French

Album Paris: a book by wich everything begins again?


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):179-195 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.011  

The project of the book Paris has derived from Philippe Soupault and Josef Šíma’s trips to Paris and Prague in the 1920s. This book is a testimony to the relationship between the two artists. In their dialogue, we see elements of urban poetry that goes with the desire to "reconstruct the world" claimed by avant-gardists. This article presents the modalities of the exchange between Soupault and Šíma and shows their specific effects on the poetry of this book. It also attempts to assess the impact of figures of revival that appear in this book, so that we could enrich our understanding of how and why Paris can be considered to be...

Les rêves français de l’artiste tchèque Alén DivišFrench

French dreams of the Czech artist Alén Diviš


Écho des études romanes 2023, 19(1):197-210 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2023.012  

This paper deals with the figure of the artist Alén Diviš (1900-1956, the first name is a French pseudonym). He was influenced by the avant-gardes of the time, and, in his own way, he anticipated «art brut» and informal painting. His work was above all based on a deep interest in existential topics, inspired both by his tragic fate and literature. From a global perspective, the work of Alén Diviš is an original contribution to the theme of primitivism in avant-garde plastic art, which expressed his scepticism towards Western civilization. Due to difficult circumstances, the work of Alén Diviš reached French and Czech viewers and art lovers...