(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

1. Range of themes
The ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU publishes reviews and original articles on the whole area of nutrition science, including nutrition behavior, nutrition economics, public health nutrition, nutritional medicine and other areas of importance for human nutrition. In addition, the ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU publishes current information and news on nutritional practice (e.g. news, congress reports, book discussions), together with contributions on further education and postgraduate training (e.g. certified advanced education) basic knowledge, nutritional practice and dietetics). Successful participants in the certified advanced education can acquire CME [Continuing Medical Education points, postgraduate training, recognized by Hesse Medical Association] or points for the certificates of the DGE, VDD, VFED and VDOE [German Nutrition Society; German Dietitian Association; Association for Nutrition and Dietetics; BerufsVerband Oecotrophologie].

2. Requirements for published material
The ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU is a scientific journal that is read by professionals from different disciplines, particularly nutrition science and home economy, dietetics, public health and nutritional medicine. The articles include the proven results of scientific research, as well as reviews of the current state of research in these areas. Opinions and statements are marked as such. The texts should be written in a comprehensible manner.

Special technical terms must be explained, perhaps in a separate glossary. The manuscripts will be processed in the Editorial Office. All texts must be checked before being sent to the Editorial Office.

Publication languages are German and English. Submissions can be made in German or English. If your paper is accepted for publication, please submit the translation (German/English) based on the accepted version within 4 weeks.

3. Form of submission 
Articles can be submitted as a text file (Word for Windows) along with a short e-mail. You will receive a confirmation of receipt as well as a manuscript number. For English language articles, either the British or the American spelling can be used, but should be consistent. British spelling is based on the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and American spelling on the Merriam Webster Dictionary.

4. Peer-review/assessment procedure 
Original papers, case reports as well as narrative and systematic reviews can be submitted. In principle, all manuscripts in the section “Peer Review” are assessed by peer review.
Articles accepted for publication are published with the date of submission and acceptance. The regulations follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals (update May 2023 www.icmje.org/recommendations/).

No editing or publication fee is charged. However, the publisher generally charges a translation fee if you do not translate your article yourself (see also point 7: English publication and our information on open access publication).

5. Structure of the manuscripts

A) Peer Reviewed manuscripts

Full Paper

Size: Approx. 6-8 printed pages (24,000 up to 38,000 characters, including blank spaces, summary and keywords, tables, literature). Longer manuscripts may be published in two parts or eSupplements can be published online only.

Title (as short and as striking as possible), possibly with a subtitle, the name of the author with title and fully written out first name, institution, address and e-mail.

Abstract (max. 1,000 characters and max. 5 keywords).

In articles of more than 5,000 characters, the main text is subdivided into up to 3 levels by subtitles. It is normally completed by figures and tables. These are sent separately (see below). Please employ the classical structure (introduction, problem, methods, results, and discussion including limitations [e.g. of the study design]). The article must be structured clearly.

Figures and Tables should be given running Arabic numbers. The text will include a corresponding reference (Table/Figure 1). The number of figures and tables should be appropriate to the text (maximally 2 per printed page). The figures and tables must be submitted in printable quality (300 dpi) as an “open” file (e.g. xls or ppt files, to which the publishers have access) or as a reproducible draft. If figures or tables are taken from other printed works, please give the source precisely. It will be assumed that you have approval for reproduction.

Short Paper

The category Short Paper gives you the chance to publish the results of even small studies in a form that can be cited. In comparison or in addition to volumes of congress reports or symposia, you reach many more readers, as the circulation of ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU is so high.

Short papers are between 4,000 and 8,000 characters in length (including blank spaces), depending on the proportion of figures and tables. This corresponds to two printed pages and is about the size of a classical congress poster. Larger manuscripts are treated as a full paper (see above). Because of the special features of the short paper, it is essential to employ short and striking formulations and to concentrate on the methods, results and discussion sections. If at all possible, duplications (e.g. values in both the tables and text) should be avoided. You can discuss this with the Editorial Office.

Title, main text, summary and references comply with those of Full Papers (except: abstract should not exceed 300 characters incl. blank spaces, references should not exceed 15 citations).

If the study has already been submitted elsewhere in a similar form as a poster, please mention this in the text (e.g. updated version of a poster at function XYZ).

Scientific papers which pass the peer review process also appear as the full English text in the online journal Ernaehrungs Umschau international (see 7. Publication in English within these “Instructions for Authors”).

B) Acquired manuscripts

The form of acquired manuscripts mainly complies with peer reviewed articles. What’s different, is:

- Instead of an abstract the manuscript starts with a lead text (max. 400 characters incl. blank spaces) that introduces the topic.

- It is not necessary to follow the classical structure (introduction, problem, methods, results, and discussion); structure is to be oriented towards the content.

- Length of manuscripts depends on the category and is agreed upon between author and editors.

6. References

The list of references includes the literature references in the sequence in which they are cited in the text. The running numbers are in the text in square brackets. The list should not contain more than 40 references (original articles). A greater number is allowed for review articles, a smaller for Short Papers (15). If more references are cited, editors may publish them not in print, but only online. Please cite original articles where possible.

The standard manner of citation is as follows (1. book; 2. journal; 3. URL).

From 01.01.2020 on, ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU is using the endnote style of “Deutsches Ärzteblatt”.

Referencing Styles

– List up to six authors; with seven or more authors, list only the first three, followed by “et al.“
– English titles are not capitalized, with the exception of the first word, and proper nouns (e. g. German, German Nutrition Society etc.)
 – Journal abbreviations follow the convention used in the NLM Catalog www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals or www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals


1. Journals

  1. Arends J, Bachmann P, Baracos V, et al.: ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in cancer patients. Clin Nutr 2017; 36(1): 11–48.
  2. Lhakhang P, Godinho C, Knoll N, Schwarzer R: A brief intervention increases fruit and vegetable intake. A comparison of two intervention sequences. Appetite 2014; 82: 103–10.

2. Books

  1. Creswell JW, Creswell JD: Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. 5th ed., Los Angeles: Sage Publications 2018.
  2. Siegrist J. Soziale Stressoren und stressbedingte Erkrankungen. In: Fuchs R, Gerber M (eds.): Handbuch Stressregulation und Sport. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer 2017, 91–97.

3. Internet

  1. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V.: Vollwertig essen und trinken nach den 10 Regeln der DGE. www.dge.de/fileadmin/public/doc/fm/10-Regeln-der-DGE.pdf (last accessed on 23 April 2019).
  2. Robert-Koch-Institut: GEDA – Gesundheit in Deutschland Aktuell. www.geda-studie.de/deutsch/gesundheitsstudie/geda-2012/studiendesign.html (last accessed on 28 October 2015).

7. English publications in Ernährungs Umschau 
Since 2013, all peer-reviewed articles (full paper, short paper) have been published in the German-language print version of ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU and additionally as English full text in the online journal Ernaehrungs Umschau international. The English full text is available in open access (CC-BA-NC-ND) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.
Authors can also make the German version available in open access for a fee.

As of 2013, articles published in ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU should be exclusively cited in the English citation form (as given under “citation”), in order to ensure optimal listing in scientific databases.

Translation of publications submitted in German into English:

a) Please send us the English version of your contribution within 4 weeks after the German version has been released for printing. The translation should be based on the print release version of the manuscript so that the translation corresponds to the German-language original.

b) If desired, the translation can be carried out by a specialist translation agency. In this case, the publisher will charge a translation fee of 680 euros plus VAT (up to an article length of 30,000 characters incl. LZ) or 960 euros (article length >30,000 and < 42,000 characters incl. LZ). We will inform you of the translation fee for longer articles if necessary.

If you are not sure in what form you wish to submit a manuscript, the editorial office would be glad to advise you.

For contributions outside the section ”Peer Review” (e.g. special articles), authors can agree with the publishers that it should be published in the online journal Ernaehrungs Umschau international. In this case, the authors bears the costs of the specialist translation, insofar as he/she cannot provide an English translation of equal quality.

8. Specimen copy
The author will be sent the article as a pdf file. If desired, the corresponding author can also be sent 2 specimen copies free of charge. Additional issues can be ordered and paid for.

Declaration on copyright
a) The submitted manuscripts may not be submitted to other journals or publishers or accepted by these.
b) The corresponding author confirms with the imprimatur that there is no conflict of interest. If there is however a conflict of interest, this must be briefly described at the end of the manuscript.
c) With the imprimatur, the corresponding author confirms that all authors participating in the article have been named and that they agree with the publication in the present form and with the agreements on copyright law.
d) The authors grant the publishers the exclusive rights, without limitation in time, space or content, comprehensively to use copyrights and related protected privileges in the sense of the Law on Copyright which they have acquired in the fulfilment of their contractual obligations from the author agreement as author or coauthor, from the time point of the legal origin. In particular, the right of use includes the right of the publisher to use the works listed in sentence a both in Germany and abroad, in physical and mental form, and to transmit them publicly, both in printed media and in film, radio, databases, telecommunication and data networks (e.g. online services) as well as data carriers (e.g. magnetic, optical, magneto-optical and electronic data carriers, such as CD-ROM and microfilm), whatever the techniques of transmission and carrying. This includes translation into another language. Use of the work in a currently unknown manner is also regarded as having been granted.
e) The author assumes the liability that the rights of third parties are not violated by the article he has written.
f) Once the manuscript has been accepted, its ownership passes to the publishers.
g) Payment: There is no payment for scientific articles submitted to the section Science & Research (but see Section 6 on English Publications). For the contributions to the other sections, a payment is made for each printed page, as agreed with the Editorial Office. This is mainly determined by the quality and possibly the exclusiveness of the contribution. The agreed payment (per printed page or contribution) must be confirmed to the author by the Editorial Office. The fee is paid after the printed version has appeared.
h) After publication of the printed issue and shipment of the specimen copy or payment for manuscripts acquired by the editorial office (see [g]), all claims from the authors from this work and from the transfer of the right of use have been settled.
i) The author accepts this declaration on copyright by signing the imprimatur declaration.

Contact and manuscript submission:

mpm Fachmedien
Redaktion Ernährungs Umschau
Postfach 1103, 35411 Pohlheim/Germany

Phone: +49 (0)6403 63772
Fax: +49 (0)6403 68442

Declaration on the use of AI and conflicts of interest
In order to make clear to our readers both the nature and extent of the use of AI in the preparation of manuscripts and possible conflicts of interest of the authors of specialist articles, only manuscripts with a declaration on the use of AI and conflicts of interest by all authors involved are published in Ernährungs Umschau. The declaration on the use of AI is signed by the corresponding authors for all co-authors.

Manuscripts submitted for the peer review process without this declaration will not be forwarded for review.

You can download the declaration on the use of AI and conflicts of interest here.

There is a conflict of interest when your interpretation of data or your presentation of results could be influenced by your personal or financial links to other persons or organizations. Authors should exclude all financial conflicts of interest, as well as non-financial conflicts of interest, which might discredit the publication and/or the authors, if these conflicts first become known after the publication of the manuscript. Please send us a current declaration of conflict of interest with each new manuscript, even if you have frequently published in the Ernährungs Umschau. By signing the imprimatur form, you confirm that the declaration on conflict of interest we have received is correct and valid.

You can base your formulation on the following examples:
I declare that there is no conflict of interest in the sense of the Guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Prof. Dr. B. Muster participates in the research projects of the firm XYZ.
Dipl. oec. troph. B. Muster receives lecture fees, expenses and travel costs from the company XYZ.
Dr. B. Muster has received research support from the firms XX, YY, ZZ and the foundation of the company XYZ.
He receives financial support for studies, lectures and consultation work from the company XYZ.
Dr. B. Muster is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the company or organization XYZ.

Additional literature on the theme of conflict of interest in scientific publications:

Please base your declaration on the information and examples in the Guidelines for Authors of the Ernährungs Umschau. Original text of the Committee of Medical Journal Editors:

You can download the declaration of conflict of interest once again here

Statement of Informed Consent

With the submission of the manuscript, the authors confirm - in so far as this is relevant and applicable to the study design - that the objective, type and scope of the study have been appropriately explained to all study participants, that they have understood this explanation and that they have confirmed in writing that they consent to participate in the study. Examples of the documentation on the Statement of Informed Consent can be found, e.g. here: www.who.int/rpc/research_ethics/informed_consent/en/

Statement of Human and Animal Rights

When the manuscript is submitted, the authors confirm (or demonstrate) that there is a positive vote from the responsible Ethics Committee - in so far as this is relevant and applicable for the study design. This applies to both studies in man and to studies including animal experiments.


Statement of Informed Consent

With the submission of the manuscript, the authors confirm - in so far as this is relevant and applicable to the study design - that the objective, type and scope of the study have been appropriately explained to all study participants, that they have understood this explanation and that they have confirmed in writing that they consent to participate in the study. 
Examples of the documentation on the Statement of Informed Consent can be found, e.g. here:

Statement of Human and Animal Rights

When the manuscript is submitted, the authors confirm (or demonstrate) that there is a positive vote from the responsible Ethics Committee - in so far as this is relevant and applicable for the study design. This applies to both studies in man and to studies including animal experiments.