(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The University of Manchester - Public tools

Search hints

  • You can search for an individual word e.g. latin
  • You can narrow your search using more words e.g. cell biology will find items that contain cell and biology
  • You can search for a specific phrase by using double quotes e.g. "cell biology"
  • Search is not case sensitive e.g. physics will also find Physics and PHYSICS
  • You can search for combinations of words using the AND and OR operators e.g. greek AND latin which find items that contain both words
  • Use the * character for any word or part of a word e.g. electr* will find electricity, electron, electrical and electrophoresis
  • Use the ? character to match any individual character as part of a word e.g. characteri?ation will find characterisation and characterization

Can we help?

The library chat service will be available from 11am-3pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). You can also email your enquiry to us.