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acetic (adj.)

1808 (in acetic acid), from French acétique "pertaining to vinegar, sour, having the properties of vinegar," from Latin acetum "vinegar" (properly vinum acetum "wine turned sour;" see vinegar), originally the past participle of acere "be sharp; be sour" (related to acer "sharp," from PIE root *ak- "be sharp, rise (out) to a point, pierce").

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arteriole (n.)

"small artery," by 1808, from Modern Latin arteriola, diminutive of arteria "an artery" (see artery).

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atrophy (v.)

"to waste away," 1808, from atrophy (n.). Related: Atrophied; atrophying.

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barium (n.)

1808, coined in Modern Latin by its discoverer, English chemist Sir Humphry Davy, because it was present in the mineral barytes "heavy spar" (barium sulphate), so named by Lavoisier from Greek barys "heavy" (from PIE root *gwere- (1) "heavy"). The metal is actually relatively light. With chemical ending -ium. Related: Baric.

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bickering (adj.)

1808 in the sense of "contentious," present-participle adjective from bicker (v.). Earlier it was used to mean "flashing, quivering" (1660s).

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bronchitis (n.)

"inflammation of the bronchial membrane," coined in Modern Latin 1808 by Charles Bedham, from bronchia "the bronchial tubes" (see bronchia) + -itis "inflammation."

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brume (n.)

"fog, mist," 1808, from French brume "fog" (14c.), in Old French, "wintertime," from Latin bruma "winter, winter solstice," perhaps with an etymological sense "season of the shortest day," from *brevima, contracted from brevissima, superlative of brevis "short" (from PIE root *mregh-u- "short").

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calcium (n.)

metallic element, coined 1808 by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy, the first to succeed in isolating it, from Latin calx (genitive calcis) "limestone" (see chalk (n.)) + metallic element ending -ium. Related: Calcic.

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creamery (n.)

1808, "establishment where milk is made into butter and cheese," from French crémerie, from crème (see cream (n.)).

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dicephalous (adj.)

"having two heads on one body," 1808, from Latinized form of Greek dikephalos "two-headed," from di- "two" (see di- (1)) + Latinized adjectival form of Greek kephalē "head" (see cephalo-).

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