(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Help others find free software: Watch and share Escape to Freedom — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software

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Help others find free software: Watch and share Escape to Freedom

by Greg Farough Contributions Published on Jun 28, 2022 04:29 PM
"Escape to Freedom" is a new animated video from the Free Software Foundation (FSF), giving an introduction to the concepts behind software freedom: both what we gain by having it, and what rights are at stake.
Help others find free software: Watch and share Escape to Freedom

Zara and GNU escape to freedom together

Join our lead freedom-seeker, Zara, as she learns the importance of free software, and guides herself through the labyrinth of challenges posed to her by contemporary digital society, which offers the tempting allure of convenience in exchange for important rights. In search of freedom, she learns how to seize control of her own seemingly predetermined narrative and helps others do the same -- taking the ladder that leads to digital liberation step by step.

This video is the newest addition to the series of animated videos created by the FSF on the subject of free software. We think of Escape to Freedom as a fable that demonstrates the all-too real consequences of not having control over your own computing, and just how important our collective struggle for digital liberation is. By working in a surreal animation style this time around, we hope that we've evocatively illustrated some of the emotional effects nonfree software and a lack of control over one's digital autonomy can have on daily life. Escape to Freedom shows the movement's monopolistic enemies in an eerie lens, but we hope this distortion of reality will help to show them for what they really are. Escape to Freedom presents the movement in the tried and true tradition of allegory, and portrays the need for software freedom in a way that captures the attention of nontechnical computer users.

Help spread word about Escape to Freedom and free software

To help us bring attention to the importance of software freedom, and the need for the technology we use to respect our basic dignity, please show your support by promoting this video.

We're almost halfway to our spring fundraiser goal. If you enjoy this video, your support of the FSF will help us create more materials like this to help spread free software awareness.

Download the video:

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Subtitles and translations

Help us translate to many different languages so we can share this video across the globe! Translation drafts and the how-to explanation can be found on our the LibrePlanet wiki. Once you have finalized a translation, email campaigns@fsf.org and we will publish it.

Subtitle files: English | Spanish | Chinese | French | Argentinian Spanish | Farsi | German

Language tracks (voice overs): See https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/escape-to-freedom-now-also-available-in-mandarin-and-spanish for more information.


Embed Escape to Freedom on your site or blog with this code:

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Thank you for supporting free software. Enjoy the show!

Video credits:

Escape to Freedom by the Free Software Foundation
LENGTH: 3:51
STORY: Brad Burkhart, Free Software Foundation
NARRATOR: Zoë Kooyman
ANIMATOR: Zygis Luksas

Escape to Freedom by the Free Software Foundation Copyright © 2022 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Send your feedback on our translations and new translations of pages to campaigns@fsf.org.