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Bloodborne, Vol. 1: The Death of Sleep by Aleš Kot | Goodreads
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Bloodborne #1

Bloodborne, Vol. 1: The Death of Sleep

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Librarian's note: There is an Alternate Cover Edition for this edition of this book here.

Discover the terrifying secrets of Old Yharnam in a brand new comic series spinning out of Fromsoftware/Hidetaka Miyazaki's critically-acclaimed Bloodborne videogame!

Awakening in an ancient city plagued by a twisted endemic - where horrific beasts stalk the shadows and the streets run slick with the blood of the damned - a nameless Hunter embarks on a dangerous quest in search of Paleblood... his only escape from the endless Night of the Hunt...

Collects Bloodborne #1-4

112 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2018

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Aleš Kot

268 books166 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 209 reviews
Profile Image for Petrik.
739 reviews52.6k followers
August 15, 2022
ARC provided by the publisher—Titan Comics—in exchange for an honest review.

I've said it across my social media several times now, I am a huge fan of FromSoftware games. I've been a huge fan of FromSoftware since the Demon's Souls was first released, and Bloodborne was one of the main reasons why I ended up buying a PlayStation 4. I loved EVERY game in Soulsborne, I loved Sekiro and Elden Ring. And being given the opportunity to read a graphic novel adaptation of Bloodborne means a great deal to me.

The first volume out of four in Bloodborne graphic novel adaptation by Aleš Kot and Piotr Kowalski (illustrator) was mostly good. I think the texts and the artworks successfully nailed the atmosphere of Bloodborne well. But I will also admit that the graphic novel fell short of my expectation. The cryptic messages and stories did not seem to work nicely in graphic novel format. A graphic novel has many challenges to overcome to get what made the story and world-building in Bloodborne so damn good. First, it is too short. Second, to be fair, the details and revelations that we attained from brief NPC dialogues and item descriptions in the game can't be replicated. Moments of "ah-ha!" and "wow" that I constantly had during my playthroughs were completely missing.

I will, however, praise the artwork. Kowalski's illustration on this volume looks spectacular. I never once felt like any panel in the comic didn't do justice to Bloodborne. And at the end of the day, the artworks in Bloodborne: The Death of Sleep were the biggest highlight of my reading experience. I still recommend this to the fan of the video game. It was intriguing to experience Bloodborne in a graphic novel format. However, do not expect something mind-blowing from the story.

You can find the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions | I also have a Booktube channel

Special thanks to my Patrons on Patreon for giving me extra support towards my passion for reading and reviewing!

My Patrons: Alfred, Andrew, Andrew W, Amanda, Annabeth, Diana, Dylan, Edward, Elias, Ellen, Ellis, Gary, Hamad, Helen, Jesse, Jimmy Nutts, Joie, Luis, Lufi, Melinda, Meryl, Michael, Mike, Miracle, Nanette, Neeraja, Nicholas, Reno, Samuel, Sarah, Sarah, Scott, Shawn, Shawna, Xero, Wendy, Wick, Zoe.
Profile Image for Brandon Baker.
Author 3 books6,955 followers
March 10, 2024
Bloodborne is my favorite game, and so of course I loved the art style and the little tidbits of lore, but if I wasn’t already familiar with the game, I feel like I’d be lost 😂 it’s a bit disjointed so far, but again it’s still really cool!! I got the next three volumes as well so we will see 🫡
Profile Image for Gianfranco Mancini.
2,239 reviews992 followers
May 2, 2019

More a ☆☆☆ - ☆☆☆ 1/2 read, having never played the videogame who inspired this grimdark fantasy comic-book I felt sometimes like I started watching a movie after missing the first half of it, but I just loved the creepy nightmarish storyline and the suggestive artworks of this Bloodborne adaption.

The you're dead 4th wall breaking panel was a real blast and a genuine jump-scare like I've never read in comics totally rised my final vote to full 4 stars.

Not bad at all for a videogame-franchise based comic-book.

Profile Image for Pardis Ahmadi.
144 reviews59 followers
November 4, 2018
ok so i'm currently playing Bloodborne on my ps4, and i am insane about the story. i'm really drowning in it's lore. these comics. Vol.1 and Vol.2 (that i'm currently reading) have the same atmosphere and some same characters, but i thought it would actually go deeper in the story of many characters like Gascoigne, Micolash and Vicar Amelia and others. let's hope it will happen in the upcoming issues.
Profile Image for Lukas Sumper.
131 reviews27 followers
September 6, 2023
It certainly pays homage to the game by retelling the player's experience woven into its own meta-like story. It's simple and tries to be poetic which sometimes works, underlined by a feeling of emptiness and loneliness which fits the setting and is reflected in the art (games always had a dead feeling about them, locked in place never changing).
I kind of liked what they did with this, it is not really expanding on the games universe, it is more like an introspection of someone playing the game.

Even our protagonist is neither male nor female, the protagonists actions also feel as being led by a magical hand (us). Intriguing concept that certainly isn’t for everyone and probably flies over the target audiences head..
4.0 out of 5.0 stars
Profile Image for Ed Erwin.
1,030 reviews120 followers
August 2, 2019
Hadn't realized this was based on a video game when I picked it up. The art was good, but I got nothing from the story.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books104 followers
September 23, 2021
A Hunter wanders the city of Yharnam, told repeatedly that Hunters must hunts. But what if they have another cause to fight for? What if there's something else that the Hunter can do to escape the nightmare? The answers lie far beyond Yharnam's walls, away from the Hunter's Dream, in an old fishing village. All the Hunter has to do...is get there.

To say I enjoyed this would be an understatement. These four issues are superbly done. The atmosphere that Kot creates feels distinctly Yharnam, and weaves in and out of the Bloodborne narrative while giving us a new protagonist with their own mission to complete. It's only once the volume begins to wind down and answers are unveiled that you can see what these issues really are in relation to the video game - . I'm not even sure if that's a spoiler, but it was such a revelation when I realised it that I want to preserve that for everyone else that might not know.

The artwork can't be faulted either. The colouring's sometimes a little heavy in the early issues when everything's on fire, but otherwise it's visceral, creepy as hell, and actually made me jump. There's a moment in the final issue where you can feel the dread building, and yet you'd never be prepared for what's on the opposite page - I'm glad the trade preserves the page flip rather than having it on the right hand side. Piotr Kowalski weaves in many recognisable enemies from the game including a boss or two, and they're all instantly obvious as to what they're meant to be. His artwork and Kot's plot together really build off one another to make something brilliant.

If you've played Bloodborne and it's Old Hunters DLC, then I'd highly recommend this first volume of the comic. I think each subsequent volume is a different story focusing on different characters, so we'll see if it manages to keep up the quality going forward, but since the creative team is the same I definitely have high hopes.
Profile Image for Nick Vossen.
Author 13 books29 followers
January 8, 2019
Man, very underwhelming. I gave this a three-star rating but it's actually more a rounded-up 2,5 stars.

I've waited a really long time for this comic and it's not that great. Not terrible either, just very mediocre. Where I had hoped the writer would've dared to step out of the comfort zone of an established setting, what we actually get is a literal rehash of locations from the Bloodborne video game. With the exception of one very awesome splash page, we kinda saw it all before. There was a chance to give the hunter a name, a personality, a background. But rather, the choice was made to keep him/her (the comic literally suggests the uncertainty of the hunter's gender) very bland.

Everything is bland. Well, except for the art, which in some cases is really good. I don't know, I didn't even have high expectations perse, I just feel disappointed. I hope the second volume in the series will be a step up.
Profile Image for Jessica.
308 reviews53 followers
December 31, 2023
*relectura diciembre 2023

Bloodborne es uno de los videojuegos más famosos y queridos de la actual generación gracias a sus magnificos diseños, interesante mundo, etc, y es algo que este comic ha sabido aprovechar para sacar una interesante historia corta que aporta más riqueza a este universo. Y no solo una historia interesante, el arte de este comic ha cumplido con creces las expectativas que tenía en él.

En mi opinión solo recomendaría este comic a los que ya hayan disfrutado del videojuego en cuestión, porque solo estos podrán disfrutar plenamente de cada una de sus páginas. Espero que haya más comics pronto ya que te deja con muchas, muchas ganas de más.
Profile Image for RG.
3,090 reviews
October 11, 2019
Never played the video game but of what I've seen the artwork gameplay interested me. Decent story and art here but nothing amazing. Kinda reminded me of a Victorian era Witcher with lovecraftian themes/world.
Profile Image for Альфина.
Author 9 books398 followers
September 7, 2019
из этого произведения мы узнали, что каноничный гендер Охотника — охотник.
Profile Image for Jovi.
152 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2023
Historia muy interesante y entretenida.
Profile Image for Ƙʏᴙᴀ.
190 reviews13 followers
January 11, 2021
Era da un po' che adocchiavo questo fumetto, e ora che ho finito per l'ennesima volta la mia "caccia" in Bloodborne l'ho dovuto recuperare, perché le cose erano due: leggere il fumetto o ricominciare da capo il gioco.

Rispetto alla lore principale e a quello che succede nel videogame, questo primo volume aggiunge ben poco, ma vale sicuramente la pena dargli un'occhiata. Anche solo per quel bambino che ricorda vagamente, anche se poi non c'entra nulla, un certo figlio di... ehm... Kos, o per alcuni Kosm... coff coff.

Una nota di pregio dell'intera opera sono le ambientazioni, i mostri e i personaggi, tutti decisamente cupi e lovecraftiani, e qui riportati in maniera molto fedele a quelli che ho tanto amato nel gioco.

"Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good"
Profile Image for Charan Singh.
83 reviews1,505 followers
August 3, 2022
"The Death of Sleep" may not be a definitive companion graphic novel for the game, nor may accomplish capturing of its intense surreal environment, but overall just a light-weight appetizer for the fans seeking more of Bloodborne universe. I will sympathize and agree with those who may be disgusted to have truly wide lore of their beloved RPG reduced to narrow confines of few pages, and doing less than perfect job about it. Art work and story, as well as dialogues, are passable on their own, but do not hold well in conjunction to greatness of the game.

For the readers not familiar with the game, it will most likely sound as concoction of some monster hunter story (with little sense to it). Which again is a real shame even if intended audience are supposed to be non-game players.
Profile Image for Володимир Кузнєцов.
Author 31 books77 followers
October 4, 2021
Тут є приємні моменти, але загалом - це дуже поверхнева історія, яка трошки чіпляє лор гри, але більшою мірою - її зовнішню атрибутику. навіть репліки певних персонажів перенесені з гри прямим цитуванням. При тому бойові сцени передані якось дуже невміло і недбало, більшість фреймів змушує чудуватися "а як він так вигнувся?", "А чому такий рух взагалі міг навіть ранити ворога, не те що розрубати того навпіл?"
Коротше, трохи дивний комікс, надто поганий щоб бути для фанатів, і нічим не видатний, щоб залучити незнайомих зі всесвітом гри читачів.
Profile Image for Ashley Rose.
598 reviews149 followers
January 14, 2023
AHH This is my 500th book I’ve read! It’s crazy to know most of it has been read in the last 5 years. I can’t wait for another 500 more! ♥️😁

I loved being in this world and seeing old characters again. A quick and easy read with more questions than answers but still has a fun time. Looking forward to reading the rest in the series.

Profile Image for Noah.
63 reviews
August 16, 2022
I cant wait to get to the part where the guy gets to a really hard boss definetly not saying any specific one (Orphan of kos) and dies 500 times
Profile Image for Sean Bai.
Author 2 books27 followers
June 19, 2021
I finished playing Bloodborne on PS4 in May 2021.

This is a great comic book series, based on Bloodborne, the difficult Victorian game by Hidetaka Miyazaki. I don’t think it’s required to have played the game before you read this comic series, but it definitely helps, as some of the quotes are taken out of the game, and the experience of reading this comic series will be better if you’ve played the game.

In this comic book, you are The Nameless Hunter. Hunters hunt beasts. Beasts used to be human but got blood drunk after using the blood of the Old Gods too much (Old Gods are also known as Great Ones if I remember correctly).

The art style is very good. I see a lot of familiar creatures in this comic that I slew in the game. For those unfamiliar with this comic and who are picking it up for the first time, the protagonist is using a saw cleaver, which is a trick weapon. In Bloodborne, melee weapons have two forms.

The beasts and weapons are drawn very well, and the action is tightly paced and good.

This story begins in Old Yharnam, which you saw in the game. If you’ve played the game you don’t need to worry about reading what you’ve already played through. This takes place before Old Yharnam was blocked off by the hunter that didn’t want anyone to kill the beasts.

You’ll also see hunters carrying some familiar weapons, like the Hunter Axe and the Whirligig Saw.

You can tell the author and/or artist who worked on this comic series have a great understanding of the game.

The ending is very good and has you asking some interesting and "insightful" questions, like what is the difference between humanity and beasthood? There was no cliffhanger at the end, so that's good.

Issues #1-4 are collected in this trade paperback, and contain one complete story arc.

Issues #5-8 are collected in Volume 2, The Healing Thirst. You don't have to read either this volume, or that volume, in any particular order. Volume 2 will cover how Yharnam became afflicted by the curse of beasthood.

You can find Volume 2 here.

Profile Image for Alec Lyons.
52 reviews9 followers
October 30, 2019
I feel today is an appropriate day to dive into this nightmarish world.

I discovered the existence of this while researching some inspiration and references for an art project I'm working on (to do with Bloodborne,) and felt excited to pick this up, today of all days.

Being a big fan of the game, the world, and the beautifully depicted horror within the nightmare and all that it revels in... I feel that after having read this, I am no richer for it.

The atmosphere of which creates the world of Bloodborne is far from fully realised, and feels glossed over at best. It captures it well in a couple small moments, but the overarching tense, creeping eldritch-esque horror is lacking.

The writing, and the dialogue, fall spectacularly short, unable to replicate the voice of the world. The art, while beautiful and well drawn, also has this fault. Too bright, too clean, too sparse to properly reflect the dark waking nightmare.

In saying that, I probably will read on, as from what I can tell the collected volumes are anthologies, and so hopefully my complaints about the depiction can be realised in another volume/story arc.
Profile Image for Gabriel.
28 reviews1 follower
March 31, 2022
I wasn't sure what to expect from this going in, and I definitely wasn't expecting to love it nearly as much as I ended up loving it. The art is gorgeous, and I'd honestly recommend it for that alone if you're a fan of Bloodborne and/or great horror art. But the story and narrative hold up really well, too. In my opinion, it captures the vibe and atmosphere of Bloodborne perfectly.

I really liked the protagonist and their internal monologue throughout the story. You learn very little about them (and very little about the child they end up traveling with, for that matter), but even though they're a very ambiguous and mysterious character, they still manage to have enough of a personality that I didn't feel like I was just reading a story in a video game setting with some generic video game protagonist person just kind of slapped in there. A lot of books adapted from video games sometimes fall into this trap of making the main character so faceless and bland that it's hard to care what ends up happening, but by the end, I was really hoping they'd end up getting where they wanted to go safely.

...Which, in Bloodborne, is always a very dangerous thing to hope for, haha.
Profile Image for Olivia Elizabeth.
123 reviews40 followers
September 30, 2019
My boyfriend and I read this together and it was a great time! He's finished Bloodborne and I'm too much of a wimp to play it by myself so it was cool to get a glimpse into the story without having things actually jump out and scare the crap out of me. The artwork is gorgeous and the atmosphere has a dark and melancholy vibe to it that I liked a lot. It's very fitting considering the source material.

The plot is vague and mysterious in a way that made me want to continue on, though I could see others finding this a bit frustrating.

I adore Lovecraftian horror and seeing it done so well in striking (and also terrifying) detail was a treat.

If you like Dark Souls/Bloodborne or you're looking for something spooky to read this Halloween I'd highly recommend checking this out!
Profile Image for Sylvia Joyce.
Author 1 book7 followers
July 6, 2021
Bloodborne is my favorite video game of all time, so I’m always down for more material I can get my hands on. I wasn’t expecting it to be this fun! This comic tells a story of a hunter tasked with taking a Paleblood child out of Yharnam with the ultimate goal of using them to transcend the hunt entirely. Along the way, the two develop a bond as they explore the outer rims of Yharnam, the forbidden woods, and the fishing hamlet of the Old Hunter’s DLC. The artwork is great, the writing is decent enough, and there are a ton of fun cameos of characters, monsters and bosses from the game!

This was a lot better than I thought it would be. I’m very excited to read the next book in this series!
Profile Image for Mae ❀ Paper Rêveries.
192 reviews53 followers
July 26, 2021
I, like most readers of Bloodborne, started the game and became instantly entranced in the lore. What are hunters? What is this Church? Who is Paleblood?

This first volume of incredible images only made me hungrier. I wish the graphic novels were twice as long! Having not gone further than Father Casoigne yet in the game, much of this information is brand new to me— and oh, so exciting.

Starting the second immediately. Horror and apocalypse fans: pick it up.
Profile Image for SOUP CHAMP.
82 reviews8 followers
December 3, 2021
It took me a solid 25 hours to read this. The opening chapter alone took me 13 attempts before I was able to defeat it. I raged quite a few times towards the end of the second issue in this volume, but kept coming back. I'm still pretty bitter about the countless amount of blood echoes I permanently lost but it was still worth it in the end. Can't wait to read the next volumes, then I'll attempt a New Read+.
Profile Image for Ash.
335 reviews2 followers
February 21, 2022
I am not a comic book reader, so maybe I just don’t get it. I love Bloodborne - it’s my favourite game, so I was excited to get more content in this world. I didn’t find there was a story here though - the art was great, but if someone were to ask me what this is about, I have no idea what I would say. It ends on a cliffhanger (I think?) and I don’t care to read the next instalment.

Still, the art is nice & seeing some familiar characters was good too, so 2 stars.
Profile Image for Rem.
4 reviews
August 10, 2022
Even if you haven't played the game, this is a pretty good, short story. The art works wonderfully with the tone, and the pacing is very steady. It was definitely written for people who're alreayd fimilar with the lore, with quite a few name drops that don't really go anywhere, but don't let that stop you from enjoying it
20 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2018
Gorgeous art, but the writing is kind of nonsense. I’m a big fan of FromSoftware’s games, but their stories don’t lend themselves to the written word. I’d gladly frame multiple pages of the art on my walls, it’s a great looking book that captures the game perfectly.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 209 reviews

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