(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Literatur Für Kinder Und Jugendliche: Eine Einführung In Grundlegende Aspekte Des Handlungs Und Symbolsystems Kinder und Jugendliteratur: Mit Einer Auswahlbibliographie Kinder Und Jugendliteraturwissenschaft by Hans-Heino Ewers | Goodreads
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Literatur Für Kinder Und Jugendliche: Eine Einführung In Grundlegende Aspekte Des Handlungs Und Symbolsystems Kinder und Jugendliteratur: Mit Einer Auswahlbibliographie Kinder Und Jugendliteraturwissenschaft

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Published May 1, 2000

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3,378 reviews104 followers
February 16, 2020
This UTB Taschenbuch (with a title that as can be seen is already totally and annoyingly longwinded and as also such majorly overly complicated) is supposed to be a general and I guess even a basic introduction to German children's literature (and actually to children's literature in general for that matter), but the author's writing style is so frustratingly and pedagogically complex and involved (and in an almost arrogantly annoying fashion at that, typical of rather far too many German and also French literature critics and philosophers) that the amount of time, energy and frustration does not ever really lead or amount to (at least for myself) an enjoyable and even all that enlightening and informative reading experience. For while the information, analyses and interpretations presented in Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche might indeed be both interesting and valuable, obtaining them is a very hard if not even almost excruciating process, read a hugely annoying and sad struggle, since indeed, even if you are fluent in academic German (as I am supposed to be), Hans-Heino Ewers' Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche is certainly extremely tough going, and there are most definitely many other such introductions available that are not written in this complicated and convoluted a style and fashion.

On the other hand, perhaps it is also time to attempt a possible re-read, as this particular tome especially is still considered rather a standard in the field of German language children's literature research, but when I consider that everything I have read to date by the author, that everything penned by Hans-Heino Evers has been similarily frustrating and often like a book with seven proverbial seals, I do tend to cringe and reach for less complicated, less dense fare. One star for Hans-Heino Ewers’ annoying and just too frustratingly complex text, but indeed, grudgingly rounded up to a very low two star rating (and yes, ONLY because the included bibliographies for Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche are indeed a great and very much useful academic research tool, even if the authors’ presented narrative, even if his printed words do in my humble opinion leave rather much if not everything to be desired).
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