(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
inauthor:"Niels Christian Hvidt" - Google 検索
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In this book, however, Niels Christian Hvidt argues that prophecy has persisted in Christianity as an inherent and continuous feature in the life of the church.
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Mange familier rammes af livstruende sygdomme eller andre alvorlige livsbegivenheder, og i kølvandet på dette konfronteres de ofte med store eksistentielle spørgsmål og dilemmaer: Er der en mening med livet eller er alt meningsløst?
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Teologen Niels Christian Hvidt og kræftforskeren Christoffer Johansen har bedt i alt ni læger, teologer og terapeuter beskrive forholdet mellem tro, helbred og psyke.
books.google.com からのinauthor:"Niels Christian Hvidt"
Abstract: Background In order to facilitate better international and cross-cultural comparisons of health professionals (HPs) attitudes towards Religiosity and/or Spirituality (R/S) using individual participant data meta-analysis we updated ...
books.google.com からのinauthor:"Niels Christian Hvidt"
I bakgrunnsartikler belyser forfatteren miraklenes historie og aktuelle rolle innenfor teologi og naturvitenskap. Niels Christian Hvidt, f. 1969, er dr. theol fra det katolske klosteret i Rom, hvor han nå underviser.
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Abstract: Modern healthcare research has only in recent years investigated the impact of health care workers' religious and other moral values on medical practice, interaction with patients, and ethically complex decision-making.
books.google.com からのinauthor:"Niels Christian Hvidt"
Abstract: Research to date has shown that health professionals often practice according to personal values, including values based on faith, and that these values impact medicine in multiple ways.