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books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads that helped discover (lie West. Trade beads, as the name implies, were glass beads of Europcap manufacture which were imported into North America and purchased by the early settlers and explorers to use as gifts and barter ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... Trade Beads. She took a bead-making class and was hooked. Making glass beads, called lamp- working, for collectors and designers was the beginning of Tank's jewelry designs that utilized her bead creations and old trade beads. Her ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads. Trade were introduced by traders to the Northern is between 1750 and 800. According to museum irces it is likely, that had already reached Northern Plains along " trade networks European traders ied the Plains. With the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads and when people asked about them, I didn't know." Liese and her husband, Ted, have collected beads in their world travels. "We're doing a lot of research," she said. ? . "Beads were used as one of the banking. Early nomadic ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads were rather large and looked like necklace beads. Lewis said. "It was later that the Indians found uses for the smaller colorful beads and began to use them lo decorate their clothing and other belongings," Among the larger ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads he'd acquired on a visit to Morocco. Trade beads originated in Europe, mostly in Holland and Venice, in the 16th century, he said. They were used in Africa to barter for spices, skins, ivory, gold and silver, and even slaves ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads come in a wide variety and can be sandstone or glass that originated in Europe, was traded to Africa in past centuries and now4s traded back onto the Western market. Such beads can cost up to $50 each. James Smits at Aspen ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads" and declined with the industrial revolution and the lessening demand of the colonists. The first lampwork beads, made over oil lamps as a cottage industry ushered in the Age of European Expansion. While the lamps hav,e ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... Trade Beads at 11:45 a,m. and 1:15 p.m. Participants. will have an introduction lo African trade beads with an introduction to several techniques and hard-fired completed beads to suing. I jmited to 15 participants JX.T session. Sign ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Trade beads"
... trade beads that helped discover the West. Trade beads, as the name implies, were glass beads of European manufacture which were imported into North America and purchased by the early settlers and explorers to use as gifts and barter ...