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「agglutinative languages」をふく例文れいぶん一覧いちらん (1). a morphological pattern of languages called agglutinative language ... agglutinative language; agglutinative ...
"agglutinative language"の用例ようれい多数たすう単語たんご ... agglutinative language—. 膠着こうちゃく · こうちゃくご. こちらも参照さんしょう:. language —. 言語げんご.
agglutinative language こうちゃく - アルクがおとどけするオンライン英和えいわ和英かずひで辞書じしょ検索けんさくサービス。
Marathi is the only agglutinative language in the Indo-Aryan branch and it kept three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. Other languages ...
An agglutinative language is a language in which words are made up of a linear sequence of distinct morphemes and each component of meaning is represented ...
Japanese is a head-final agglutinative language, whose basic word order is SOV. This language allows scrambling, and has discourse pro for subjects, objects ...
... agglutinative language. Japanese has some features of an agglutinative language as is shown in the following examples. 1. watashi [watafi]²) (meaning I). 2 ...
Provides examples of the morphological typology of Mandarin, isolating language, Tamil, an agglutinative language, Spanish, a fusional language, and Mohawk ...
2018/09/16 · In the simplest manner possible: in an agglutinative language, each word bit that you put on the root in order to have the word fit the sentence ...