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"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia - Google 検索
ヒント: 日本語にほんご検索けんさく結果けっかのみ表示ひょうじします検索けんさく言語げんごは [表示ひょうじ設定せってい] で指定していできます


だい運河うんがは、中国ちゅうごく北部ほくぶ東部とうぶのさまざまな主要しゅよう河川かせんむす相互そうご接続せつぞくされた運河うんがシステムであり、中世ちゅうせいおよびぜん近代きんだい中国ちゅうごくにおいて南北なんぼくあいだ重要じゅうよう水上すいじょう交通こうつうインフラとして機能きのうしました。世界せかい最長さいちょう人工じんこう水路すいろであり、ユネスコの世界せかい遺産いさん登録とうろくされています。 ウィキペディア(英語えいご)
全長ぜんちょう1,776 km (1,104 miles)
接続せつぞくHai River, Yellow River, Huai River, 長江ながえ, ぜに塘江
www.britannica.com からの"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia
Grand Canal, Series of waterways in northern China that link Hangzhou with Beijing. Some1,100 mi (1,800 km) in length, it is the world's longest constructed ...
www.citedelarchitecture.fr からの"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia
Spanning more than 3,000 kilometres in length, the Grand Canal has kept a physical record of China's history for 2,500 years. It is a key cultural resource, ...
ゲッティイメージズで、Grand Canal Chinaのストックフォトやニュース写真しゃしんつけましょう。プレミアムなGrand Canal Chinaのこう品質ひんしつ素材そざい3216てんのなかからおえらび ...
www.archwaymarinelighting.com からの"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the oldest and longest man-made canal in ... It begins in Beijing, China, and stretches 1,115 miles to the southern city of ...
transportgeography.org からの"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia
The Grand Canal is acknowledged as a significant element in imperial China's economic and political stability, mainly through grain distribution. The canal ...
The Grand Canal (Da Yunhe) waterway connects the Huang He (Yellow River) system of North China with the Chang Jiang (Long River, a.k.a Yangtze River) system ...
wgly.hangzhou.gov.cn からの"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia
2023/08/28 · The Grand Canal's significant role in China's culture, economy, and politics has blessed it with numerous historical and cultural landscapes and ...
kids.britannica.com からの"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia
Today, the Grand Canal continues to be used for shipping and irrigation. Located in eastern China, it connects Beijing to Hangzhou, in Zhejiang Province. It is ...
2023/12/11 · People visit a museum at a historical and cultural district along the Grand Canal in Wuxi, east China's Jiangsu Province, Dec. 7, 2023.
whc.unesco.org からの"Grand Canal" China -wikipedia
2014/03/06 · The Grand Canal forms a vast inland waterway system in the north-eastern and central eastern plains of China, passing through eight of the ...