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books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
Loan guarantees in Mexico's peso crisis not just charity. The United States has pledged to do what is necessary to restore market confidence in the Mexican economy. To that end, the Clinton administration is offering Mexico $40 billion ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
POPE PIUS ASKS WORLD CHARITY DURING CRISIS Calls Armament Race Important Cause of Suffering. Vatican City, Oct. 3— (U.R)— A charity crusade to meet the economic crisis of the world was urged today by Pope Pius XI. in a special encyclical ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
... crisis centre's money also comes. from referrals, according to Miss Soloyna. She says that they got referrals from such agencies as the Salvation Army, Charity House and the police. The agencies have agreed to pay the centre fee of $20 a ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
Crisis in in Charity". investigate "crisis in charity" was advocated recently at the 41st annual meeting of the Canadian Welfare Council. The recommendation was made by Mr. Gower Markle Toronto, education director of the United ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
... crisis, charity is Jailing. "People desperately in of help • are turned down daily," that's the key tence In the report states this so clearly. | No workable solution been offered. Although the 1957 objective fell considerably short I ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
... charity crusade to meet the economic crisis of tho world was urged today by Pope Pius XI in a special encyclical on unemployment. . The economic crisis is causing great suffering, tho encyclical said, and children are tho most Innocent ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
... crisis. "Charity begins at home," Mr. Chisholm. This principle holds good in this case more forcibly perhaps than in any other case. Think of the vast quantities of pro- ducts that would be consumed by the millions of families in Canada ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
HOSPITALS ARE FACING CRISIS Charity Patients Reduce Income, Add to Costs; Board Meets Soon. Facing troublesome problems, due lo an Increased burden of charity cases, arising during the depression, and prospects of Inadequate operating ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
... Crisis Relief Center, Other Charity and Welfare, General Welfare .2,195.31 F.»t S Bank & Trust Co, Genera, Services. Bank Klnrt 0*7 Hank & Tnisl I'.. (iiinral S4.rvlr.-s. Hank . Babbage Funeral Home, Other Charity and Welfare, Pauper ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Crisis" charity
... crisis. "Charity begins at home." Chisholm. This principle holds good in this case more forcibly perhaps than in any other case. Think of the vast quantities of pro- ducts that would be consumed by the millions of families in Canada and ...