(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Australian Road Rules - Google 検索
The model Australian Road Rules form the basis of road rules of each Australian state and territory. They contain the basic road rules for motorists, ...
The Australian Road Rules were implemented in 1999 and have been regularly updated since then. Each state and territory adopts the Australian Road Rules in ...

Australian Road Rules

オーストラリアの道路どうろ規則きそくは、オーストラリア全土ぜんどしゅうおよびじゅんしゅう道路どうろ規則きそく基礎きそ形成けいせいする、国家こっか道路どうろ輸送ゆそう委員いいんかいによって開発かいはつされた一連いちれんのモデル道路どうろ規則きそくです。規則きそく初版しょはんは、オーストラリア全土ぜんど管轄かんかつ区域くいき当局とうきょくしゃとの共有きょうゆう交通こうつう安全あんぜん政策せいさくけてなにじゅうねんにもわたってんだのち、1​​999ねん10がつ19にち発行はっこうされました。 ウィキペディア(英語えいご)
Australian Road Rules. under the Road Traffic Act 1961. . Expiry Program ... rules provides detail about the past and future operation of the regulations or ...
Division 2--Traffic signs and road markings generally · 93 No overtaking or passing signs · 94 No overtaking on bridge signs · 95 Emergency stopping lane only ...
2021/12/10 · (1) The Australian Road Rules apply to vehicles and road users on roads and road-related areas. Note: Road is defined in rule 12, road ...
The Australian Road Rules are a set of model road rules developed by the National Road Transport Commission which form the basis for state and territory ...
Driving rules you must comply with are provided in the Driver's Handbook. The rules and regulations and how they apply to different kinds of roads, ...
This rule is an additional NSW road rule. There is no corresponding rule in the Australian Road Rules. However, the Australian Road Rules allow another law of ...
Rules apply to vehicles and road users on roads and road ... Australian Road Rule not reproduced 244B. Australian Road Rule not reproduced 244C. Australian ...
While all pedestrians should be careful not to step in front of a moving car - "right of way" rarely wins a direct collision with the laws of physics - ...