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books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... ( Coordinate Measuring Machine ,以下いか CMM )に応用おうようした事例じれいについて紹介しょうかいする.パラレルメカニズムをもちいた CMM というと,たん直角ちょっかく座標ざひょうがたメカニズムをパラレルメカニズムでえただけとおもわれがちであるが,実際じっさいには測定そくてい精度せいど向上こうじょうさせるために種々しゅじゅしん ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... coordinate measuring machine ] 3 次元じげん測定機そくていき直交ちょっこう座標ざひょうけい案内あんないをもつ測定機そくていきとロボットがた測定そくていアームをゆうする関節かんせつがた測定機そくていき分類ぶんるいされる。直交ちょっこう座標ざひょうけい測定機そくていきは、こう精度せいど測定そくていぶつ形状けいじょう寸法すんぽう測定そくていできるので、こう精度せいど部品ぶひん生産せいさん現場げんばにおいて使用しようされ ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... がかかる,デジタル,こう精度せいど) CMM(Coordinate Measuring Machine : μみゅーm だい) →寸法すんぽう誤差ごさ(1 次元じげん:ほとんどのケース) (接触せっしょくしき)3 次元じげん測定機そくていきによるドアパネルのデジタイジング 5 接触せっしょくしき CMM(ならいプローブデジタイザとして). 109 CADきゃど/CAE/CAM/CAT 通論つうろん(3)
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... Coordinate Measuring Machine and the Analysis of Error Jiro MATSUDA , Hiroshi YANO , Tadao NAKAYA and Katsuyuki OGURA The measurement errors of a CNC coordinate measuring machine is known to depend on machine adjustment carried out in ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... coordinate measuring machine owned by National Research Labora- tory of Metrology ( NRLM ) was assessed by National Measurement Laboratory ( NML ) , Australia , using their 300mm ball - plate artefact . The evaluation of the measurement ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... Coordinate Measuring Machine FT805 : 1982 D Naoya Tsugami M 10 Mitsutoyo Mfg . Co. , Ltd. -3 - Dimensional Coordinate Measuring Machine XYZAX G800A : 1981 Tokyo Seimitsu Co. , Ltd. Digimatic Caliper : 1982 D + M 11 D The Industrial ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... Rosielle, P. C. J. N., & Schellekens, P. H. J. (1998). Design of a high-precision 3D-coordinate measuring machine. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 47(1), 447-450. 228. Bibcode : 2014IGRSL..11..225G . doi : 10.1109 / LGRS.2013.2253444.
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... coordinate measuring machine is used in this study and it is found that a 3 - D coordinate measuring machine will , although its accuracy is still less than perfect , suit for measuring form and form deviation with its good adaptability ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... Coordinate Measuring Machine Using a Standard Ref- erence to Assesses the Distortion of Measuring Space 93E - 64 A New Path Planning Method for Mobile Robots Appli- cable to an Arbitrary En- vironmnt 93E - 65 Motion Planning Strate- gy ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Coordinate-measuring machine" -wikipedia
... Coordinate Measuring Machine . One of the results is that when the edges of gear teeth are clearly finished , the reliability of the accumlative pitch error directly measured by the Three Coordinate Measuring Machine becomes sufficient ...