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books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
... line when the rearing temperature of the roaches is lowered . 3. The resting potential declines rapidly when nitrogen is introduced into the nerve chamber , attaining the maximum value of 50 per cent of the resting potential within 30 ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
... line - 4 - carboxylate ( IIS ) Methyl ( 4S ) -3- ( 4 - chlorophenyl ) -1 ... cockroaches , Periplaneta amer- icana L. , by the procedure described ... cock- roach was about 50 times higher than that of IIR ( Table 1 ) . The ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
さん葉虫はむし研究けんきゅうけた古今ここん研究けんきゅうしゃのドラマティックなエピソードを満載まんさいしつつ、さん葉虫はむし研究けんきゅう世界せかいてき権威けんいがその愛着あいちゃくのおもむくまま、あらゆる側面そくめんからこのきものを活写かっしゃしたけつ ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
おうち時間じかんえたいま家族かぞく友人ゆうじん室内しつない飛行ひこう&そらつまみたのしもう!! 1まんえん前後ぜんこう購入こうにゅうできる「トイドローン」は、100g以下いかのひらサイズ。しかし飛行ひこう本格ほんかくてきで、内蔵ないぞうされたカメ ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
... cock- roaches recorded by the leg - jerk method . The straight line indicates the time unit in minutes . 1-1 : check . 2-1 : Aldrin , 1 to 3 minutes . 2-3 : Aldrin , 30 to 32 minutes . 3-1 : Dieldrin , 3 to 5 minutes . 2-2 : Aldrin ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
The rising generation. he A and invitations in the line of angling come to me ... roaches and daces in my childhood . [ Steady ] , district surrounded with ... line . Though the hook was baited ( carelessly ) haphazardly with an ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
... roaches , and other pests 4.Plumbing 5 . Household equipment F. Workplaces 1 . Safety 2 . Amenities ( e . g . , eating facilities , sanitation ) 3. Work challenge indicators ( assembly line , freedom of movement , etc. ) [ろん所与しょよの ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
... line . The inside walls of the cellers were boarded and the space between ... roaches every year , they tried a BHC insecticide spray in 1954 , but they ... roaches were adults . It was in fact a hard work to find nym- phs ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
... cockroaches recorded by the leg - jark method . The straight line indicates the time in minutes . 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 4 1 ; Control . 2-1 ; NS 2662 , 667 / g , after 1 hour . 2-2 ; ibid . , after 3 hours . 2-3 ; ibid ...
books.google.co.jp からのRoaches Line
... cock- roaches recorded by the leg - jerk method . The straight line indicates the time unit in minutes . 1-1 : check . 2-1 : Aldrin , 1 to 3 minutes . 2-2 : Aldrin , 15 to 17 minutes . 2-4 : Aldrin , 40 to 42 minutes . 3-2 : Dieldrin ...