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books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... China Is embracing democracy similar to that on which the United States has ... administrative unit of government. Sun Yat-sen, father of the Chinese ... autonomous administrative units. Now the total probably approximates 1,000 ...
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
China: It is big, it is poor, and it is hungry Baby-switch lawsuit: Thomas J. Houser's monthly column in The Free ... administrative divisions (China considers Taiwan to be its 23rd such division) and five autonomous regions, including Tibet.
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... China and participating in a memorial service for those who died in May's ... areas of China this year, young people told me repeatedly of their frustration ... Autonomous Region to encompass about one-fourth of China, taking in parts of ...
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... provinces under a North China political affairs commlKflion. (An II, happuiiM Japan for 10 years bus sought to wrest effprtive control of those provinces from C'lilnn through an "autonomous" regime.) Vpon the Inaugural Ion of Wang's so ...
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... areas of China pledged supporl loday to Ihe party cenlral committee but refrained from endorsing Hua Kuo- feng as successor lo Ihe late party Chairman Mao Tsctung. Messages of support from 10 of the nation's 29 administrative regions ...
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... Chinese politics and diplomacy. The student manifestations coincided with hurried preparations for inauguration, probably tomorrow, of a new Hopeh-Chahar political council, to take virtual self-rule over the two broad North China provinces ...
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... political experts close to the government asserted today that the north China situation has developed into an explosive Issue within the Tokyo government. The autonomy movement In the five provinces of north China came to an abrupt halt ...
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... administrative areas consisting of provinces, autonomous regions, Peking and Shanghai. It seemed likely that the reported struggles for personal power had been one cause of fighting reported in recent weeks from different areas of .China.
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... regions- had good revolutionary situations, and such stories in the past have been precursors that a committee had b"en founded.. Victory Complete isow all of China's 28 administrative areas — provinces, autonomous ... China, has no committee ...
books.google.co.jp からのAutonomous administrative divisions of China
... regions had good revolutionary situations, and such stories in the past have been pre- .cursors that a committee hac b"en founded.^. Victory Complete' ". iSow ail of China's 28 administrative areas — provinces, autonomous ... China, has no ...