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books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
... colonization congress at Quebec to tell the Provincial Government and Hon. Treneo Vautrln. now Minister of Colonization, that a permanent Provincial Council of Colonization should be set up to direct an Intensified back-to-the- land ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
... Colonization Company. Davidson's Add. to Sisters. Ix>ts 13, 14, 15, 16 Blk. 24, 1931 $1.64 Int. $1.30; 1932 $1.52 Int. $|08; 1934 $1.36 Infc $.86; 1935 $1.44 Tnt. $.70| 1939 $2.59" Int. $.00; 1940 $2.30 Int. $.34; 1941 $2.30 Int. $.16 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
COLONIZATION WAS CONFERENCE TOPIC Canadian Pacific Officials anc Others Interested Dis cussed Problems. Tho first conference ot colonization boards associated with the department of colonization and development of the Canadian Pacific ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
COLONIZATION ACTIVITY IN QUEBEC NOT BACKWARD BUT PRO. and Instructive Review of Hon. Honoro. This Important Branch of Provincial Administration Has Done and is Doing for the Settlo. Interesting. Who is Now Setting His Face to the North Just ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
... Colonization, are the three alternatives left to the vast masses of Rusian Jewry, according to Dr. Joseph Kosen" director of the colonization work conducted by .the Joint Distribution Committee in Soviet Russia, who arrivtd in New York ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
... Colonization Jourral. It is a handsomely printed sheet which is designed to be published quarterly by the Boaro of Managers ofthe Maryland State Colonization Society, under the direction ot its standing Committee on Publications. The ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
GOVERNMENT HAS ADOPTED POLICY OF OPPOSITION Mr. Colonization fir. Sauve Says Colonization Aid Aid Could in Could go go Farther RESOLUTION IS PASSED. Now. Dis-. triots. Doplore. Handicap. Encountered. by. Nexv. Settlers. in. Past. Years. fO ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
... colonization may be denned a* the populating ot hitherto unoccupied tracts ot innus. bystematjc. scientinc colonization is to haphazard colonization wtiat the railroad is to the prairie schooner, or what irrigation is 10 i ue mountain ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
... colonization development in the province ot Quebec, is the view held by authorities in such matters commenting on two statements whlcl have been issued at Quebec this week. Tho first statement is tha which deals with the order-In ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Colonization"
... Colonization Finance Corporation of Canada at tho annual meeting of tho Dominion Mortgage and Investments Association, O. M. Bowman, land settlement chairman, announced. Tho letters patent havo been l::ued by the secretary of the state ...