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books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser über den Abschluss seiner mit Unterstützung der Gesellschaft unternommenen Forschungsreise in Arabien ( dd . Aden , 28. Februar 1894 ) . Der Süden der arabischen Halbinsel präsentirt sich zur Zeit völlig anders als in ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser's life, especially his childhood and youth. A short biography written by Miessler1 while Glaser was alive sheds light on some phases of his life. Further information can be found in his friend Lichtenstädter's2 obituary ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser Anton Kungl Summary This paper is a brief introduction to a hitherto largely unpublished corpus of nineteenth-century Modern South Arabian records from the diaries of the traveller and scholar Eduard Glaser (1855–1908) ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser nicht gefunden haben . Ein gewisser Eduard Glaser ist aber geboren worden am 2.3 . 1852 in Nepomyšl ( Pomeisl ) . Wir haben festgestellt , daß die Eltern von Eduard Glaser ursprünglich in Podbořansky Rohozec gelebt haben ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser Edward W. Lane : a study of his life and works and of British ideas of the Middle East in the nineteenth century Ego and archetype : individuation and the religious function of the psyche Leila Ahmed Levend , Ag ah Sirri ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser is his ability to disguise himself. Does this ability go with the sense of guilt that arises from the act of fooling someone? Once arrived among the Jewish community in Sanޏaގ, Eduard Glaser never mentioned his ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser (1855–1908) during his repeated journeys to Yemen in 1882–84, 1885–86, 1887–88, and 1892–94, consisting mostly of Zaydī works and numerous Muʿtazilite kalām writings. Glaser had sold the manuscripts pur- chased during his ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser erworbenen Sammlung südarabischer Altertümer , nachdem Glaser selbst auf die Edierung zu Gunsten D. H. Müllers ver- zichtet hatte , 2 ) dem letzteren übertragen . Man hätte nun denken sollen , dass Müller , durch die ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... Eduard Glaser , which connects itself with the greatest additions , in recent times , to our knowledge of the history of ancient Arabia . This traveler , in his three journeys ( 1883 , 1885 and 1887 ) has not only collected far more ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eduard Glaser" -wikipedia
... EDUARD GLASER'S EX- PLORATIONS IN SOUTH ARABIA . BY PROFESSOR DR . FRITZ HOMMEL , Munich , Germany . As I propose to write for this journal a number of short articles on the impor- tance of the South Arabian inscriptions for the study ...