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books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... female ejaculation was looked upon by other societies can help to dispel the view of female ejaculation as an abnormality and can offer insight into its erotic, healing, and sacred aspects. From here, a new attitude can be developed ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... female ejaculation as a possible signifier of orgasm . The current shock wave resulting from representations of female ejaculation in tapes such as Blush Entertainment / Fatale's Clips marks this quest in the bulk of pornographic texts ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... FEMALE EJACULATION (おんな射精しゃせい) , PREMATURE EJACULATION (早漏そうろう,精液せいえき早漏そうろう) , RETARDED EJACULA- TION (おそはつ射精しゃせい,遅延ちえん射精しゃせい) , RETRO- GRADE EJACULATION (逆行ぎゃっこう射精しゃせい)脊髄せきずい仙骨せんこつにあるとされている神経しんけい細胞さいぼう。この神経しんけい中枢ちゅうすう射精しゃせいその生殖せいしょく活動かつどう統制とうせい ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... female ejaculation, which although it has a long and prestigious history is utterly fanciful. Part of the modesty about the female genitalia stems from actual distaste. The worst name anyone can be called is cunt. The best thing a cunt ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... Female ejaculation has been out of favour in post - renaissance mappings of the body . Prior to this it was considered by Greek , Roman and Arabic writers on the body as a crucial mechanism for conception and reproduction . This was ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... female ejaculation その液体えきたいをいう;ヴィクトリアあさ時代じだいのボル!小説しょうせつによくてくる表現ひょうげん性交せいこうちつこうからながあいえき精液せいえきざった液体えきたい 2 Rebecca Ann ~ ( 1835-1930 ) (米国べいこく政治せいじ作家さっか; Latimer ( litamar ) ;女性じょせい立場たちばから政治せいじてき権利けんりの 2 とう ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... female ejaculation . The ejaculating female body has not acquired much of a feminist voice , nor has it been appropriated by feminist discourse the questions posed and the basic assumptions about female sexuality are overwhelmingly ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... female ejaculation - by now something of a lesbian pornographic trope along with the dildo . Several of the above characteristics are touched upon in the initial interview in the film with the boyishly charming Kael : I was pleased to ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
... female ejaculation was previewed at pro- fessional conventions last spring , and it opened the eyes of many sexologists . Scoffers became believers overnight , and women who had been ejaculating for years were overcome with relief to ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Female ejaculation" -wikipedia
Barry R. Komisaruk. referred to as “ female ejaculation . " Female ejaculation has a controver- sial past . Many women reported that they underwent surgery to correct this " problem , " and others reported that they inhibited their ...