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books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen is disrupted. Fragmentary reports indicates there was a panic in Mannheim and Ludwigshafen, thc twin cities, as detonation followed detonation. Chimneys we're knocked from houses some distance from thc scene. Many houses ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen were charred and seared 'and blackened last night by the largest bomber fleets ever sent against ... Ludwigshafen cost th* British 32 bombers — "a small pert centage of the very large forces engaged." London speculated ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen. The disaster* In the French JOB* city appeared to De the greatest in Europe Since the wkr. Police in Mannheim, an American zone city across the Rhine from Ludwigshafen, said about 2.000 Injured already .have been taken to ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen numbered IS. They took the air at 3 a. m. Thursday. The works of the Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik company, the largest explosives factory in Germany, occupy an "entire quarter of Ludwigshafen, near Mannheim, and an ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen last night, and today U. S. Flying Fortresses with fighter support attacked western Germany. The Fortress targets were not specified in the first announcement At least 700 heavy bombers and perhaps a full thousand took part ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen, where important munition factories are reported to have been set on fire and partly -destroyed- The ... Ludwigshafen, near Mannheim, and an important annex, was established near Oppau, a mile and half from ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen, according message received here today., The workmen have not attempted to enter the works which are shut down. with, an entire French regiment quartered there. The. street railways at Ludwigshafen have ceased opera- tion as ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen, Germany — UP}— A great explosion and fire wrecked a large I. G. Farben Chemical Works here Wednesday, leaving 5f>o to son persona missing and believed dead by police estimates. Possibly 2.nnn others were injured in the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen. The disaster in the French zor>» city appeared to be the greatest in Europe since the war. Police in Mannheim, an Amer- ican zone city across the Rhin*» from Ludwigshafen, said aho ;t 1400 injured already have been taken ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Ludwigshafen"
... Ludwigshafen, according to a message received here today. The employees have not atttempted to enter the works which h are shut down, with an entire Fr«moh h regiment quartered there. The street e railways at Ludwigshafen have e ceased ...