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books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star that marks one of Ophiuchus's shoulders. Its name comes from Arabic and means “the shepherd's dog.” This name dates to pre-Greek influence on Arab astronomy. Notable Stars in Serpens Official Designation: Alpha Serpentis ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star , but the orange star is bigger . They orbit each other every 2 days and 21 hours . When the big orange star passes in front of the smaller blue star , the whole system dims . You can even see these eclipses without using ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star embedded in a dust cloud reflecting its ruddy - orange light , Rho Oph is a blue - white star embedded in a dust cloud reflecting its blue light , but Sigma Sco is a very hot star that has ionized the hydrogen gas around it ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star , whilst another observes the same star as being yellow . It may even be that you will observe a star to have different color when using different telescopes or magnifications , and atmospheric conditions will certainly have ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange - star 、 green - star , blue - star , purple - star red - bang orange - guillemet 、スターめい: yellow - bang 、 green - check , blue - info , purple - question 196 □著者ちょしゃ髙橋慈子しげこ(たかはししげこ)テクニカルライター.
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star , with its blue companion , on the screen . The orange star is the most brilliant one . The blue star is so faint upon the screen that you can hardly see it from a distance . You may imagine from this what is the difficulty ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... Orange Star served the community between 1916 and 1921. The Star proceeded through a chain of earlier newspapers starting in 1889 . According to Brigandi's Brief History of Orange ( pages 63-67 ) , the Orange Daily News was a competing ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star in ( A ) is haplogroup U2e2a1d , the orange star in ( E ) is haplogroup U4c1 + A827G , the orange star in ( D ) is haplogroup U4a1 + C7868T + A13773G , the orange star in ( G ) is haplogroup U2e1 + C2526T + G12618A , and ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star , the upper that of its faint but beautiful blue com- panion . In the orange star the dark lines are observed to be most intense , and most closely grouped in the blue and violet parts of the spectrum ; the orange ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Orange Star"
... orange star of magnitude 6.5 lies about 2 south of Fomalhaut. Achernar Eridani 01h37.7m −57 14 Sep-Oct-Nov 0.45 v m −2.77 M 144 l.y. Eridanus The ninth-brightest star in the sky lies at the southernmost end of the constel- lation and ...