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books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
THE RAILWAYS. Deputation From Port Perry to the Ontario and Quebec E.E.. Pacific for. A>*D QUEBEC. A number of gentlemen from Port Perry waited yesterday on .air. E. B. Osier, president pro tern, of 'the Ontario and Quebec railway, for the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry, after strenuous competition, Stone Cannington bc-mg the runner-up. In the Ward Luck competition, Mc- Hone of Port Perry was the winner, nosing out Skip Brady of Lindsay in the final game. y Event — Sunderland — Brethour . Port ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry slowly began to grow. In 1835 coal mining started the hills. This added an atThere. traction that John Perry hadn't foreseen. It was reported in 1840 that only eight families lived there, but a population boost came a little ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry, the town in which she was raised before the flood' of 1936 forced her family from their home. "It was a great town. Every-, body was friendly." she said. Roy Stell, 82, of North Braddock, said he used to visit his cousins ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry is a victim of prosperity." During the Civil War, 2 million gun stocks were produced at the sawmill in Port Perry from 1861 to 1865. In the early 1860s, the population of Port Perry was 3,500. In those years, the people of ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry. after strenuous competition, Stone Canning-ton being: the runner-up. In the Hard Luck competition, Mc- Hone of Port Perry was the Avinner, nosinp; out Skip Brady of Lindsay in the final game. — Primary Lindsay — Brady ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry. Canning-. ton, Sunderland. Uxbridge and Beaver—. ton, The .McCarty Cup and prizes go to Skip J. J. Turner, of Lindsay, who has won the trophy three times in suc- ct-sslon, the runner-up being Mr. James Doan, also of Lindsay ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry postodico, groceries, class 14, Jenckuer Charles, Port Perry postoftice, hotel, class li, Joyce Mrs Peter, Port Perry postoflice, groceries, class 14, Lwfkovita Morris, Wall postofflco, groceries, cltiss 14. Mason Janies R ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry postoilico." groceries, class 14, Jeuokuer Charles, Port Perry postoiQoi?, hotel, ciass 14, Joyco Mrs Pet^)r, 1'ort Perry pjjstouice groceries. <:lass 14, Lefkovitz Morris, AVall postoifie?, groceries, ciass 34, Mason ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Port Perry"
... Port Perry P O., rt. Coyle, Mrs. B . Port Perry p. O., rt. Cox, Thos.. Dlxon_M'C ., Enst Pgh.. -pn.", rt. Conahan, Jno B.. Turtle Creek. Box 64, rt. Duncnn, A.. East PlUsburgh P. O.. rt. Dlegelnian Edw. . MrKeesport R." D... rt Enrlcy ...