(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Kobellite site:dakotamatrix.com - Google 検索
Kobellite ; Formula: Pb11(Cu,Fe)2(Bi,Sb)15S ; Crystal System: Orthorhombic ; Crystal Habit: Fibrous, Radial, Massive - Granular ; Cleavage: Distinct, None, None ...
www.dakotamatrix.com からのKobellite site:dakotamatrix.com
Kobellite - Compact fibrous silvery crystals of verified Kobellite on a piece 1.5cm wide with numerous smaller pieces in a vial with label.
www.dakotamatrix.com からのKobellite site:dakotamatrix.com
A collection of kidwellite, kleinite, kobellite mineral specimens from Lake Boga granite quarry, Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia, McDermitt mine, Humbo.
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