Holidays 日本にっぽん祝日しゅくじつ

だい340: Holidays of Japan 国民こくみん祝日しゅくじつ

Many people throughout the world look forward to holidays for time off work (休暇きゅうか) and for getting to gather with family members, but one thing that must be understood is that holidays are nation-specific. Meaning, the holidays in Japan are not the same holidays as the ones recognized in the US. 

There are a few words in Japanese that translate to “holiday.”

  • 休日きゅうじつ can be defined as a “day one has time off.” Depending on where you are in the English speaking world, you may describe this as “on holiday” or “on vacation,” but the point here is that 休日きゅうじつ, simply speaking, is a day that businesses, organizations, schools, and/or individuals are off from their duties to do as they wish. 
  • 祝日しゅくじつ, on the other hand, are nationally recognized public holidays that the government establishes to honor, commemorate, or celebrate something. Consequently, these days are frequently 休日きゅうじつ for many people. 
  • 祭日さいじつ may either refer to days when temples carry out festivals or days when the imperial court performs a ceremony. Prior to World War II, such Shinto related festivals were treated as “holidays” with this designation. 
  • 祝祭日しゅくさいじつ is a term meant to refer to both 祝日しゅくじつ and 祭日さいじつ.

The holidays recognized in Modern Japan were established in 1948 via the law entitled 国民こくみん祝日しゅくじつかんする法律ほうりつ. This law established holiday start dates as being aligned with the Gregorian calendar, but for most of Japanese history, holidays were determined by the lunisolar calendar. Additionally, with the introduction of a new constitution, ‘holidays’ which were originally treated as 祭日さいじつ were stripped of their religious significance and rebranded as 祝日しゅくじつ. Nonetheless, although defunct political lingo, speakers still frequently use 祭日さいじつ and 祝祭日しゅくさいじつ in their original contexts, especially when referencing festivals which are still usually organized by local temples. 

The first provision of the Law Regarding National Holidays is as follows: 

だいいちじょう 自由じゆう平和へいわもとめてやまない日本にっぽん国民こくみんは、うつくしい風習ふうしゅうそだてつつ、よりよき社会しゃかい、よりゆたかな生活せいかつきずきあげるために、ここに国民こくみんこぞつていわい、感謝かんしゃし、また記念きねんするさだめ、これを「国民こくみん祝日しゅくじつ」とづける。

Article I: The citizens of Japan, who ceaselessly seek freedom and peace, in order to build an evermore prosperous livelihood and a greater society while instilling beautiful customs, gather here as citizens to celebrate, give thanks, and commemorate these days which are to be named “Holidays of the People.” 

The second article then lists the holidays recognized under Japanese law, establishes their dates, and gives the reason for why it is a national public holiday. This law has been amended whenever holidays have either been altered, added, or removed. Next, we will be looking at these holidays individually. 

Current Japanese Holidays 現在げんざい祝日しゅくじつ

The second article then lists the holidays recognized under Japanese law, establishes their dates, and gives the reason for why it is a national public holiday. This law has been amended whenever holidays have either been altered, added, or removed. Next, we will be looking at these holidays individually. 

日本語にほんご 英語えいご 日付ひづけ
元日がんじつ New Year’s Day January 1st
 成人せいじん Coming of Age Day Second Monday of January
 建国けんこく記念きねん National Foundation Day February 11th
 天皇誕生日てんのうたんじょうび The Emperor’s Birthday February 23rd
 春分しゅんぶん Vernal Equinox Day ~March 20th 
 昭和しょうわ Showa Day April 29th 
 憲法記念日けんぽうきねんび Constitution Memorial Day May 3rd
 みどりの Greenery Day May 4th
 こどもの Children’s Day May 5th
 うみ Marine Day Third Monday of July
 やま Mountain Day August 11th
 敬老けいろう Respect for the Aged Day Third Monday of September
 秋分しゅうぶん Autumnal Equinox ~September 23rd
 スポーツの Sports Day Second Monday of October
 文化ぶんか Culture Day November 3rd
 勤労感謝きんろうかんしゃ Labor Thanksgiving Day November 23rd

Below each holiday’s significance is discussed. Each explanation starts with the corresponding part of Article II of the Law Regarding National Holidays which formally establishes it. 

New Year’s Day 元日がんじつ

だいじょう: としのはじめをいわう。
Article II: To celebrate the start of the year.

Colloquially also known as 元旦がんたん, New Year’s Day commemorates the start of the new year (新年しんねん). This time period and the festival and customs associate with it are collectively known as 正月しょうがつ, which traditionally referred to the first month of the lunisolar calendar but has since been moved to the Western month of January ever since the solar Gregorian calendar was implemented in Japan as of 1872 AD. 正月しょうがつ last four a three-day period known as さんにち

元日がんじつ is also associated with the length of time known as まつうち in which people have a decoration made of pine called 門松かどまつ outside their homes to welcome ancestral spirits back. Legend has it that one’s ancestors become the kami of the fields and mountains and that on New Year’s, they become とししん(としがみ), bringing them prosperity for the New Year. Rituals for the spirits are held with family by cleaning up the home and praying to a household shrine (神棚かみだな) meant for New Year’s.  

There are so many foods traditionally eaten during New Year celebration. These foods are referred to as おせち料理りょうり. The biggest example of this is a seven-herb rice porridge known as 七草粥ななくさがゆ. Other foods that have become popularized to eat at this time include お雑煮ぞうに,  soup containing rice cakes and various vegetables, mochi (もち), and eating soba noodles on New Year’s Eve (known as 年越としこ蕎麦そば). 

The making of mochi is a common tradition at this timeく. Steamed sticky rice (糯米もちごめ) is put into wooden containers (うす) that is then patted with water by one person as another person hits (く)it with a large wooden mallet (きね). A mochi decoration for New Year’s known as kagami mochi (鏡餅かがみもち) is made by placing one round mochi cake atop another with a bitter orange (だいだい) placed on top. 

At midnight, Buddhist temples ring their bells a total of 108 times, and the bell itself is known as (除夜じょやかね), symbolizing getting rid of the 108 worldly temptations of everyone in the nation. There are various explanations as to why it is 108 rings, but it must be noted that there are temples which ring more than 108 times.

For the first day of the New Year, people go out and do things for the first time. One of the most important duties is one’s first visit to the shrine (初詣はつもうで), but if you sleep in and stay home all day, that’s known as 寝正月ねしょうがつ

New Year’s is also when people send out postcards called 年賀状ねんがじょう to friends and relatives, but people refrain from sending postcards when a death has occurred in the family during the year. In this event, a family member sends out a mourning postcard known as 喪中もちゅう葉書はがき to inform friends and relatives not to send a New Year’s card out of respect to the one/those who have passed away in the family that year. This tradition is waning due to the influence of cellphones and the various social media apps that now exist. 

When meeting people right before New Year’s, people greet by saying よいおとしを. Once the New Year has arrived, people then greet by saying あけましておめでとうございます. This is somewhat different than the English speaking world, which sums up both phrases with “Happy New Year.”

Coming of Age Day 成人せいじん

だいじょう: おとなになつたことを自覚じかくし、みずからこうとする青年せいねんいわいはげます。

Article II: To congratulate and encourage the youth for becoming self-aware of their adulthood and to live out their lives. 

The age of maturity in Japanese culture is 20. Although the voting age has since been changed to 18 in recent years, 20 is still considered when one truly becomes an adult. On this day each year, the second Monday of January, coming-of-age ceremonies (成人せいじんしき) are held by communities to congratulate and encourage those who have reached, or will reach, the age of 20 between April 2nd of the previous year and April 1st of the current year. 

Such coming-of-age ceremonies have been celebrated in Japan since antiquity, and in the past, transitioning into adulthood also coincided with change in dress, which was called 元服げんぷく. This ceremony was called 元服げんぷく, and in early modern times, it coincided with 小正月こしょうがつ (Little New Year), held on Jan. 15 which is usually in line with the first full moon of the New Year. In fact, Coming of Age Day was once always on Jan. 15 from the time it was officialized in 1948 AD until 2000 AD when its date was changed to the second Monday of January. 

In modern society, due to Japan’s low birth rate and subsequently shrinking percentage of young people, the number of attendees each year has been on a steady decline. Nonetheless, it still remains a federally recognized holiday. 

National Foundation Day 建国けんこく記念きねん

だいじょう: 建国けんこくをしのび、くにあいするしんやしなう。
Article II: To remember the founding of the nation and foster a heart which loves the nation. 

This holiday was established in 1966 AD and first held in 1967 AD as a day to reflect on the establishment of the nation to nurture love for the country (愛国心あいこくしん). From 1872 AD to 1948 AD, a similar holiday known as 紀元節きげんせつ was held on the same day, which is the day which is believed to be when Emperor Jinmu acceded the throne in 660 BC. Although nothing spectacular is particularly held to commemorate this holiday, shrines and temples do hold festivals known as 建国けんこくさい in honor of this day. 

The Emperor’s Birthday 天皇誕生日てんのうたんじょうび

だいじょう: 天皇てんのう誕生たんじょういわう。
Article II: To celebrate the Emperor’s birthday.

The Emperor’s Birthday celebrates the birthday of the reigning Emperor. When Emperor Naruhito ascended the throne in 2019 AD, this date moved accordingly to his birthday, which is on February 23rd. This tradition can be traced back to a similar festival from ancient China known as 天長節てんちょうせつ. This name was then inherited to refer to the birthdays of Japanese emperors. The name of the holiday was only changed to 天皇誕生日てんのうたんじょうび. During the reign of Emperor Akihito from 1989 AD to 2019 AD, this holiday was observed on December 23rd, but because he had abdicated the throne prior to his birthday, this holiday was subsequently not observed in 2019 AD. During the reign of Emperor Hirohito from 1926 AD to 1989 AD, this holiday was observed on Aril 29th. 

Vernal Equinox Day 春分しゅんぶん

だいじょう: 自然しぜんをたたえ、生物せいぶつをいつくしむ。
Article II: To extol nature and to be compassionate to living things.

This public holiday commemorates the vernal equinox. Although the date is usually March 20th or March 21st, the exact date cannot be determined until the February of the previous year due to the necessity of astronomical calculations. 

Like most modern holidays, it became an official holiday in 1948 AD in modern Japan. Prior to that year, the vernal equinox was honored in Shintoism with what is known as the 春季しゅんき皇霊こうれいさい. However, due to its relation to ‘State Shintoism,’ this event in particular was subsequently abolished. Although honoring the dead of the imperial line may not be observed by the national public, this time is still meant to be when people go visit their loved one’s graves, clean the gravestones (おはか掃除そうじ), and leave offerings of food or flowers. 

Nowadays, it is part of a seven-day period known as はるの(お)彼岸ひがん. During this time, the daylight and night hours are of equal length, and it is also the beginning of spring according to the Japanese lunisolar calendar. In speaking of the lunisolar calendar, it is also a time for farmers to pray for good luck for the upcoming season. 

Shōwa Day 昭和しょうわ

Article II: To look back over the Shōwa Era which underwent turbulent days and the achievement of restoration as well as to think about the country’s future. 

April 29th first started out as celebrating the birth of Emperor Hirohito (Emperor Shōwa), who passed away in 1989 AD. To commemorate his life and his era, it became a national holiday to reflect on the events of the Shōwa Era. However, from 1989 AD to 2007 AD, this holiday was actually known as Greenery Day (みどりの).

Constitution Memorial Day 憲法記念日けんぽうきねんび

Article II: To commemorate the execution of the Constitution of Japan and hope for the nation’s growth.

May 3rd marks when the postwar constitution of modern Japan took effect. This day is meant to reflect the important of democracy in Japanese government. Each year, the National Diet building (国会こっかい議事堂ぎじどう) is open to the public for tourism. 

Greenery Day みどりの

Article II: To be intimate with nature while also giving thanks to its blessings and cultivate a relaxed mind.

This holiday was once the same as Shōwa Day, being held on April 29th. However, in 2007 AD, ‘Greenery Day’ was moved to May 4th, which up to that point had just been a 国民こくみん休日きゅうじつ (citizen’s holiday)–see below. Thus, one holiday became two holidays on separate dates. The purpose of this holiday practically involves insuring that each day of Golden Week is a holiday, but the symbolic nature of the holiday is to provide a day for people to enjoy the nature of Japan. 

Children’s Day こどもの

だいじょう:  こどもの人格じんかくおもんじ、こどもの幸福こうふくをはかるとともに、はは感謝かんしゃする。
Article II: To honor the character of children while also planning for their happiness as well as thanking their mothers.

This holiday was established in 1948 AD as a day to honor children and plan for their auspicious futures. It has its origin in the 端午たんご節句せっく. Traditionally, households with a male child will fly windsocks in the shape of a carp known as a 鯉幟こいのぼり outside their home, and they may also decorate their homes with armor and/or samurai dolls. With the rebranding of this holiday, the Japanese government attempted to make this holiday include all children, but the emphasis on boys can still be felt. 

Marine Day うみ

Article II: To give thanks to the sea’s bounty while hoping for the prosperity of Japan as a maritime nation. 

First held in 1996 AD but established in 1995 AD, this holiday is celebrated on the third Monday to give citizens an opportunity to show their gratitude to the oceans and hoping for the continued prosperity of Japan. Because of its ideal timing in midsummer, many families take this holiday as an opportunity to go to the beach.

It was once known as Marine Memorial Day (うみ記念きねん), which had been observed since 1941 AD to commemorate Emperor Meiji’s voyage to Scotland in 1874 AD. Although it was initially held each year on July 20th since 1996 AD, it was changed to the third Monday of every July to coincide with the Happy Monday System legislation which took effect in 2003 AD. 

Mountain Day やま

Article II: To gain the opportunity to be intimate with the mountains and give thanks to their bounties.

This holiday was first held in 2016 AD but established in 2014 AD as a day for citizens to appreciate Japan’s mountains. This holiday incidentally coincides with vacation time intended for the Bon Festival (おぼん) held in mid-August.

Respect for the Aged Day 敬老けいろう


Article II: To live and respect our elders who have devoted themselves to society over many years and celebrate their longevity. 

Established in 1966 AD, on this day, people return home to visit and pay respect to their elders. The Japanese government has given out silver sake cups to those who reach the age of 100 (ひゃくさいのおいの銀杯ぎんぱい), although in recent years the cups haven’t been completely made of silver like they had been. 

Autumnal Equinox Day 秋分しゅうぶん

Article II: To revere one’s ancestors and remember those who have passed.

This public holiday commemorates the autumnal equinox. Although the date is usually September 22nd or September 23rd, the exact date cannot be determined until the February of the previous year due to the necessity of astronomical calculations. 

Like most modern holidays, it became an official holiday in 1948 AD in modern Japan. Prior to that year, the vernal equinox was honored in Shintoism with what is known as the 秋季しゅうき皇霊こうれいさい. However, due to its relation to ‘State Shintoism,’ this event in particular was subsequently abolished. Although honoring the dead of the imperial line may not be observed by the national public, this time is still meant to be when people go visit their loved one’s graves, clean the gravestones, and leave offerings of food or flowers. 

Nowadays, it is part of a seven-day period known as あきの(お)彼岸ひがん. During this time, the daylight and night hours are of equal length, and it is also the beginning of autumn according to the Japanese lunisolar calendar

Sports Day スポーツの

だいじょう:  スポーツをたのしみ、他者たしゃ尊重そんちょうする精神せいしんつちかうとともに、健康けんこう活力かつりょくある社会しゃかい実現じつげんねがう。
Article II: While enjoying sports and cultivating a spirit of respecting others, to hope for the realization of a healthy and society full of vitality. 

Established in 1966 AD under the name 体育たいいく (~Health and Sports Day), this day is meant to cultivate a healthy mind and body. It was originally held on October 10th to commemorate the anniversary of the opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, but it was subsequently changed to the second Monday of October in accordance with the Happy Monday System legislation. Ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the name of the holiday became permanently changed to スポーツの as “sports” is far broader than “physical education.” That same year, the holiday was moved to July 24th to coincide with the opening of the Olympics, but because the games were postponed due to COVID measures, Sports Day was observed instead on July 23rd, also irregular, to coincide with the opening ceremony. 

Culture Day 文化ぶんか

Article II: To love freedom and peace and promote culture.

This day is set aside to promote culture, the arts, and academics. It was established in 1948 AD. November 3rd up to that point coincided with a former national holiday known as 天長節てんちょうせつ, which honored the reign of Emperor Meiji as it was his birthday. Each year, this is when the emperor awards citizens the Order of Culture (文化ぶんか勲章くんしょう), which is an award given to those who have contributed greatly to Japan’s art, literature, science, technology, etc. 

Labor Thanksgiving Day 勤労感謝きんろうかんしゃ

Article II: To value labor, celebrate productivity, and for citizens to thank each other. 

This national holiday was established in 1948 AD to honor everyone’s labor and to give thanks to one another. Prior to this establishment, November 23rd had been associated with the imperial harvest festival known as 新嘗祭にいなめさい(にいなめさい), which equates to the harvest of the Five Cereals (五穀ごこく)–the five farmed crops which were most important to society. These crops are generally understood in Japan as referring to soybeans (まめ), wheat (むぎ), millet (きび), foxtail millet (あわ), and rice (べい). 

One of the most famous events this day is the Nagano Ebisuko Fireworks Festival (長野ながのえびすこう煙火えんか大会たいかい). Schoolchildren will create cards to give out to police officers, firefighters, hospital workers, and other civil servants to show appreciation for their contributions to the nation. The meaning behind this day is very similar to thought process behind America’s version of Thanksgiving. 

Golden Week ゴールデンウィーク

Often see abbreviated as GW and also known as 大型おおがた連休れんきゅう (long series of holidays), Golden Week begins on April 29th with Shōwa Day, which is then followed by Constitution Memorial Day on May 3rd, Greenery Day on May 4th, and ends with Children’s Day on May 5th. 

※The direct translation of 黄金週間おうごんしゅうかん is occasionally seen, but it is usually reserved to formal contexts such as the news or newspapers. 

There are two provisions of Article III to the Law Regarding National Holidays which enable Golden Week to at least be a week long. Here is Article III in its entirety.

だいさんじょう 「国民こくみん祝日しゅくじつ」は、休日きゅうじつとする。


 その前日ぜんじつおよ翌日よくじつが「国民こくみん祝日しゅくじつ」である(「国民こくみん祝日しゅくじつ」でないかぎる。)は、休日きゅうじつとする。Article III: “National holidays” shall be a citizen’s holiday.
2: When a “national holiday” falls on a Sunday, the next closest day to it that isn’t a “national holiday” shall be a citizen’s holiday.
3: A day in which the prior day and day after is a ‘national holiday’ is to be a citizen’s holiday–limited to days that are not already a ‘national holiday.’

The implications of these provisions are quintessential to ensuring that Golden Week is actually a week in duration. First, ‘citizen holiday‘ is the English translation for the Japanese term 国民こくみん休日きゅうじつ as opposed to 国民こくみん祝日しゅくじつ. They’re work holidays at best to make up for Japan not having as many specified national holidays as other nations. 

Next, the clause which states that the next closest day to a national holiday following on a Sunday establishes holidays known as 振替ふりかえ休日きゅうじつ, which are substitute national holidays which are in lieu of the national holiday which fell on a Sunday. Many people have Sundays off as their weekend, so it would be disadvantageous to the general populace not to compensate them for this. This provision was enacted in 1973 AD, which ensures a certain number of three-day weekends as well as half of the duration of Golden Week each year. 

Then, the last clause to Article III establishes even more ‘citizen holidays’ by recognizing any day sandwiched in between national holidays as a holiday. This clause was enacted in 1988 AD, but its implementation is actually rather rare. Although it had ensured that May 4th was a holiday for Golden Week, this clause became void once May 4th was established as a proper national holiday when the date for Greenery Day was changed to that time. Every so often, though, a citizen’s day will emerge when Respect for the Aged Day and the Autumnal Equinox Day align just right. 

The economic impact of Golden Week is immense. Many Japanese citizens use this week to go traveling, and although many choose to travel internationally, local travel increases several fold during this time. Nonetheless, there are many cons that have arisen. Aside from the obvious traffic issues that emerge when people try returning home, many people suffer from lost productivity upon returning to work. This has led to the coining of the phrase がつびょう to particularly refer to young people who are uncapable of coping with returning to business as usual. Since the COVID pandemic (コロナ), Golden Week has been rebranded by many municipalities as ステイホームウィーク, but how Golden Week will continue to operate moving forward into the 2020s is surely to be a potential source of law revision in the coming years.  

Happy Monday System ハッピーマンデー制度せいど

As could be gleamed from the descriptions of each holiday, several holidays which did not particularly fall on a Monday were moved to Monday through a set of modifications to Japanese law from 1998-2001. The goal of this was to create more three-day weekends to benefit people who have a five-day work week. The holidays affected by this policy are as follows:

  • Coming of Age Day (since 2000 AD)
  • Marine Day (since 2003 AD)
  • Respect for the Aged Day (since 2003 AD)
  • Sports Day (since 2000 AD)

International Holidays 国際こくさい祝祭日しゅくさいじつ

The general knowledge of international holidays among the Japanese populace is limited to very well-known holidays or festival-like events. Many that come to mind include Easter (イースター), Christmas (クリスマス), Halloween (ハロウィーン), Hanukah (ハヌカー), etc. However, it must be noted that because Japanese law doesn’t recognize any religiously significant day as a holiday, international holidays with religious ties are also not treated as national holidays. So, whether you get Christmas off or not from your company while working in Japan will be left to management’s discretion. 

Putting legality aside, translations (transliterations at best in most instances) do exist for international holidays. So, if you are working for a Japanese company stationed in a foreign country (foreign referring to not residing in the domestic territory of Japan), you will likely have company provided calendars with both the holidays of Japan and of the host country listed. 

In Conclusion… 最後さいごに…

This lesson has introduced you to all of the formally recognized national holidays of Japan. In doing so, you were also introduced to prior terminology for holidays which had existed since antiquity. 

As religiosity has been stripped from the concept of “holiday” in Modern Japan, knowing when the famous matsuri festivals occur along with any other event (行事ぎょうじ) date with any form of religious significance has been completely relinquished to the public sector. As such, living in your Japanese community is the best way to be acquainted with any culturally significant 祭日さいじつ that may exist in that locality. 

For instance, although New Year’s Eve (大晦日おおみそか) is just as important in Japan as it is in the West, the events that occur on that date in Japan are heavily tied to religious tradition. As a result, only New Year’s Day (元日がんじつ) is federally recognized. To learn more of those events, visit the previous lesson on seasons.