(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Prof. Dr. Johannes Heinrichs
Integrale Philosophie

Prof. Dr. Johannes Heinrichs
Integrale Philosophie

Johannes Heinrichs (borne 1942 in Duisburg/Rhine) is a German philosopher and semiotician of action, language, arts, mystics.

Heinrichs studied philosophy, theology, social sciences, and linguistics in Munich, Bochum, Bonn, Frankfurt/Main, Paris. His doctoral dissertation was the Hegel-study "Die Logik der Phänomenologie des Geistes” (The Logic of the Phenomenology of Spirit), (appeared in print Bonn 1974 and 1983. Bouvier). His habilitation in philosophy was accomplished by the same "master piece", and his first publications in social philosophy (Frankfurt 1975). Since 1975, he taught as Jesuit junior professor philosophy at the Jesuit University of Frankfurt (St. Georgen).

After leaving the Jesuit order for philosophical reasons, he taught occasionally at the universities of Bonn and Berlin (Humboldt University, where he succeeded to the former GDR-dissident Rudolf Bahro), but earned his life mainly as a writer and ghost-writer, because the German Concordat (originally between Hitler and the Vatican 1933) hindered his career even at the secular German universities. He published more than 40 philosophical books and some 200 articles in journals and dictionaries. A recent summary of these books is “Integrale Philosophie”, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin 2014, which appeared 2018 in English translation with many references to Sri Aurobindo: ibidem publisher Stuttgart and Columbia University Press, New York.

Heinrichs is a friend of Auroville, the South-Indian international city-foundation by the followers of Sri Aurobindo and the "Mother" (Mira Alfasa) and entertains contacts to several
Indian university-institutes, as to the Madras Institut of Development (Prof. Ananta K. Giri).

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