(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
K04391                      KO                                     
monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
map04010  MAPK signaling pathway
map04064  NF-kappa B signaling pathway
map04145  Phagosome
map04620  Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
map04640  Hematopoietic cell lineage
map04936  Alcoholic liver disease
map05131  Shigellosis
map05132  Salmonella infection
map05133  Pertussis
map05134  Legionellosis
map05146  Amoebiasis
map05152  Tuberculosis
map05202  Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
map05221  Acute myeloid leukemia
map05417  Lipid and atherosclerosis
H00079  Asthma
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
 09130 Environmental Information Processing
  09132 Signal transduction
   04010 MAPK signaling pathway
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
 09140 Cellular Processes
  09141 Transport and catabolism
   04145 Phagosome
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
 09150 Organismal Systems
  09151 Immune system
   04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
 09160 Human Diseases
  09161 Cancer: overview
   05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
  09162 Cancer: specific types
   05221 Acute myeloid leukemia
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
  09171 Infectious disease: bacterial
   05132 Salmonella infection
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   05131 Shigellosis
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   05133 Pertussis
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   05134 Legionellosis
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   05152 Tuberculosis
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
  09174 Infectious disease: parasitic
   05146 Amoebiasis
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
  09166 Cardiovascular disease
   05417 Lipid and atherosclerosis
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
  09167 Endocrine and metabolic disease
   04936 Alcoholic liver disease
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
 09180 Brite Hierarchies
  09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes
   04147 Exosome
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   04090 CD molecules
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
   00537 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins
    K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
Exosome [BR:ko04147]
 Exosomal proteins
  Exosomal proteins of microglial cells
   K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
CD molecules [BR:ko04090]
  K04391  CD14; CD14 antigen
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins [BR:ko00537]
  K04391  CD14; monocyte differentiation antigen CD14
HSA: 929(CD14)
PTR: 462118(CD14)
PPS: 100972677(CD14)
GGO: 101147111(CD14)
PON: 100440068(CD14)
PPYG: 129037285(CD14)
NLE: 100605324(CD14)
HMH: 116471599(CD14)
SSYN: 129485702(CD14)
MCC: 697482(CD14)
MCF: 102129342(CD14)
MTHB: 126957322
MNI: 105467032(CD14)
CSAB: 103244663(CD14)
CATY: 105599891(CD14)
PANU: 101013588(CD14)
TGE: 112626119(CD14)
MLEU: 105528349(CD14)
RRO: 104681766(CD14)
RBB: 108530826(CD14)
TFN: 117065752(CD14)
PTEH: 111528037(CD14)
CANG: 105510062(CD14)
CJC: 100895453(CD14)
SBQ: 101051835(CD14)
CIMI: 108310098(CD14)
ANAN: 105728631(CD14)
CSYR: 103277118(CD14)
MMUR: 105862649
LCAT: 123637863(CD14)
PCOQ: 105824036(CD14)
OGA: 100958429(CD14)
MMU: 12475(Cd14)
MCAL: 110284977(Cd14)
MPAH: 110333539(Cd14)
RNO: 60350(Cd14)
MCOC: 116087597(Cd14)
ANU: 117719855(Cd14)
MUN: 110557360(Cd14)
CGE: 100757057(Cd14)
MAUA: 101839548(Cd14)
PROB: 127235120(Cd14)
PLEU: 114705140(Cd14)
MFOT: 126493390
AAMP: 119814846(Cd14)
NGI: 103736047(Cd14)
HGL: 101708852(Cd14)
CPOC: 100735312(Cd14)
CCAN: 109682106(Cd14)
DORD: 105988656(Cd14)
DSP: 122118142(Cd14)
PLOP: 125340095(Cd14)
NCAR: 124986944
MMMA: 107141725(Cd14)
OCU: 100008983(CD14)
OPI: 101522877(CD14)
TUP: 102502997(CD14)
GVR: 103601449(CD14)
CFA: 607076(CD14)
CLUD: 112658985(CD14)
VVP: 112934129(CD14)
VLG: 121498241(CD14)
NPO: 129513753(CD14)
AML: 100467208(CD14)
UMR: 103663749(CD14)
UAH: 113261829(CD14)
UAR: 123790266(CD14)
ELK: 111140988
LLV: 125100878
MPUF: 101682942(CD14)
MNP: 132028592(CD14)
MLK: 131832147(CD14)
NVS: 122890567(CD14)
ORO: 101376703(CD14)
EJU: 114209490(CD14)
ZCA: 113929013(CD14)
MLX: 118016718(CD14)
NSU: 110591020(CD14)
LWW: 102741458(CD14)
FCA: 101096132(CD14)
PYU: 121010818(CD14)
PCOO: 112860205(CD14)
PBG: 122488155(CD14)
PVIV: 125166669(CD14)
LRUF: 124516555
PTG: 102956253(CD14)
PPAD: 109252176(CD14)
PUC: 125935594
AJU: 106967599
HHV: 120245610(CD14)
BTA: 281048(CD14)
BOM: 102270488(CD14)
BIU: 109562104(CD14)
BBUB: 102399257(CD14)
BBIS: 104996353(CD14)
CHX: 102177056(CD14)
OAS: 443216(CD14)
BTAX: 128050920(CD14)
ODA: 120863565(CD14)
CCAD: 122439825(CD14)
MBEZ: 129559352(CD14)
SSC: 100037938(CD14)
CFR: 106728753(CD14)
CBAI: 105082208(CD14)
CDK: 105098101(CD14)
VPC: 102528618(CD14)
BACU: 103003188(CD14)
BMUS: 118892438(CD14)
LVE: 103078399(CD14)
OOR: 101283534(CD14)
DLE: 111182539(CD14)
PCAD: 102990526(CD14)
PSIU: 116751570(CD14)
NASI: 112404384(CD14)
EPZ: 103548018(CD14)
EAI: 106823774(CD14)
MYB: 102246198(CD14)
MYD: 102773178(CD14)
MMYO: 118659273(CD14)
MLF: 102425732(CD14)
MDT: 132235729(CD14)
PKL: 118711536(CD14)
EFUS: 103289828(CD14)
MNA: 107537994(CD14)
DRO: 112318027(CD14)
SHON: 118998143(CD14)
AJM: 119040610 119051069(CD14)
PDIC: 114510320(CD14)
PHAS: 123813215(CD14)
MMF: 118615605(CD14)
PPAM: 129066417(CD14)
HAI: 109393398(CD14)
RFQ: 117016395(CD14)
PALE: 102885041(CD14)
PGIG: 120581412(CD14)
PVP: 105306974(CD14)
RAY: 107521575(CD14)
MJV: 108392124(CD14)
TOD: 119242904(CD14)
SARA: 101551488(CD14)
SETR: 126028335(CD14)
MDO: 100026364(CD14)
GAS: 123237555(CD14)
SHR: 100934480(CD14)
AFZ: 127550003
PCW: 110220949(CD14)
TVP: 118840933(CD14)
OAA: 100682230(CD14)
GGA: 100194427(CD14)
PCOC: 116237739(CD14)
CJO: 107320422(CD14)
TPAI: 128081364(CD14)
LMUT: 125700313(CD14)
NMEL: 110405353(CD14)
APLA: 101798784
CATA: 118254453
CCRI: 104166717(CD14)
NNI: 104022144(CD14)
PCAO: 104045617(CD14)
PADL: 103921595(CD14)
AFOR: 103899580(CD14)
FGA: 104075353(CD14)
GSTE: 104250443(CD14)
CMAC: 104479316(CD14)
OHA: 104328278(CD14)
RTD: 128916365(CD14)
CCAY: 125640955
APRI: 131195249(CD14)
PRAF: 128418051(CD14)
 » show all
Ferrero E, Goyert SM
Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the monocyte differentiation antigen, CD14.
Nucleic Acids Res 16:4173 (1988)
Thomas L, Bielemeier A, Lambert PA, Darveau RP, Marshall LJ, Devitt A
The N-terminus of CD14 acts to bind apoptotic cells and confers rapid-tethering capabilities on non-myeloid cells.
PLoS One 8:e70691 (2013)

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