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GLUD1 antibody | antibody review based on formal publications
This is a Validated Antibody Database (VAD) review about human GLUD1, based on 4 published articles (read how Labome selects the articles), using GLUD1 antibody in all methods. It is aimed to help Labome visitors find the most suited GLUD1 antibody. Please note the number of articles fluctuates since newly identified citations are added and citations for discontinued catalog numbers are removed regularly.
GLUD1 synonym: GDH; GDH1; GLUD

domestic rabbit monoclonal (EPR11370)
  • western blot; human; loading ...
Abcam GLUD1 antibody (Abcam, ab168352) was used in western blot on human samples . Theranostics (2021) ncbi
domestic rabbit polyclonal
  • western blot; human; 1:1000; loading ...; fig e10b
Abcam GLUD1 antibody (Abcam, 153973) was used in western blot on human samples at 1:1000 (fig e10b). Nature (2019) ncbi
domestic rabbit monoclonal (EPR11370)
  • western blot; human; 1:1000; loading ...; fig s2c
Abcam GLUD1 antibody (Abcam, ab168352) was used in western blot on human samples at 1:1000 (fig s2c). J Cell Mol Med (2017) ncbi
domestic goat polyclonal
  • western blot; mouse; loading ...; fig 1f
Invitrogen GLUD1 antibody (Thermo Fisher, PA5-19267) was used in western blot on mouse samples (fig 1f). J Inherit Metab Dis (2022) ncbi
Articles Reviewed
  1. Mao X, Chen H, Lin A, Kim S, Burczynski M, Na E, et al. Glutaminase 2 knockdown reduces hyperammonemia and associated lethality of urea cycle disorder mouse model. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2022;45:470-480 pubmed publisher
  2. Zhang X, Yu K, Ma L, Qian Z, Tian X, Miao Y, et al. Endogenous glutamate determines ferroptosis sensitivity via ADCY10-dependent YAP suppression in lung adenocarcinoma. Theranostics. 2021;11:5650-5674 pubmed publisher
  3. Elia I, Rossi M, Stegen S, Broekaert D, Doglioni G, Van Gorsel M, et al. Breast cancer cells rely on environmental pyruvate to shape the metastatic niche. Nature. 2019;568:117-121 pubmed publisher
  4. Li W, Chen C, Zhao X, Ye H, Zhao Y, Fu Z, et al. HIF-2? regulates non-canonical glutamine metabolism via activation of PI3K/mTORC2 pathway in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. J Cell Mol Med. 2017;21:2896-2908 pubmed publisher