(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XI., CHAPTER XII., section 2
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This mountain has its beginning in Caria and Lycia, but does not exhibit there either considerable breadth or height. It first appears to have a great altitude opposite the Chelidoneæ,1 which are islands situated in front of the commencement of the Pamphylian coast. It extends towards the east, and includes the long valleys of Cilicia. Then on one side the Amanus2 is detached from it, and on the other the Anti-Taurus.3 In the latter is situated Comana,4 belonging to the Upper Cappadocia. It terminates in Cataonia, but Mount Amanus is continued as far as the Euphrates, and Melitene,5 where Commagene extends along Cappadocia. It receives the mountains beyond the Euphrates, which are continuous with those before mentioned, except the part which is intercepted by the river flowing through the middle of them. Here its height and breadth become greater, and its branches more numerous. The Taurus extends the farthest distance towards the south, where it separates Armenia from Mesopotamia.

1 There are five islands off the Hiera Acta, which is now Cape Khelidonia The Greeks still call them Cheledoniæ, of which the Italians make Celidoni; and the Turks have adopted the Italian name, and call them Shelidan. Smith, art. Chelidoniæ Insulæ.

2 Amanus descends from the mass of Taurus, and surrounds the Gulf of Issus.

3 Dudschik Dagh.

4 It is generally supposed that the modern town Al Bostan on the Sikoon, Seihun, or Sarus, is or is near the site of Comana of Cappadocia, Smith, art. Comana.

5 Malatia.

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