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Proprietary Trading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide
Proprietary Trading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide
How to protect yourself online
How to protect yourself online
Why It’s Important To Recycle Old Technology
Why It’s Important To Recycle Old Technology
Google Vs Samsung: Who Is The King Of Smartphones
Google Vs Samsung: Who Is The King Of Smartphones
7 Gadgets That Can Help You Manage Your Stress Levels
7 Gadgets That Can Help You Manage Your Stress Levels
The 7 Best FPS Shooters of 2024
The 7 Best FPS Shooters of 2024
7 Easy To Install Smart Gadgets For Your Home
7 Easy To Install Smart Gadgets For Your Home
The Rise Of Mobile Gaming: How It All Began
The Rise Of Mobile Gaming: How It All Began
Is Marketing Via Email Considered to Be More Professional Than Other Marketing Strategies?
Is Marketing Via Email Considered to Be More Professional Than Other Marketing Strategies?
Becoming A Gamer: The 8 Best Entry Level Games
Becoming A Gamer: The 8 Best Entry Level Games
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Proprietary Trading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide
Proprietary Trading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide
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How to protect yourself online
Why It’s Important To Recycle Old Technology
Why It’s Important To Recycle Old Technology
Google Vs Samsung: Who Is The King Of Smartphones
Google Vs Samsung: Who Is The King Of Smartphones
7 Gadgets That Can Help You Manage Your Stress Levels
7 Gadgets That Can Help You Manage Your Stress Levels
The 7 Best FPS Shooters of 2024
The 7 Best FPS Shooters of 2024
7 Easy To Install Smart Gadgets For Your Home
7 Easy To Install Smart Gadgets For Your Home
The Rise Of Mobile Gaming: How It All Began
The Rise Of Mobile Gaming: How It All Began
Is Marketing Via Email Considered to Be More Professional Than Other Marketing Strategies?
Is Marketing Via Email Considered to Be More Professional Than Other Marketing Strategies?
Becoming A Gamer: The 8 Best Entry Level Games
Becoming A Gamer: The 8 Best Entry Level Games
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I’m currently working as a Web Solutions Engineer

In Creative Innovation at big internet company and my posts will likely revolve around my latest interests including (but not limited to) HTML5, Python, App Engine and a various Google APIs. That said, here is the standard disclaimer: any views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

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How to protect yourself online

The internet is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However, it also comes with its own set of risks. From phishing scams and…

Proprietary Trading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide

Proprietary Trading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide

So, you might’ve been hearing a lot of fuss around this new trend referred to as prop trading but might now know much about what it is. Before you jump head-first into the unknown it might be safe to know what you’re dealing with so you can know what to expect in that specific sphere of the financial world. At its core, proprietary trading is about firms using their funds to trade and exchange stock and bonds. This differentiates it from usual trading as these prop firms do not and cannot use the funds of clients to work within the financial sphere.

Required Minimum Investments

You can start prop trading with only $5k in certain areas but the reality is that you need at least a little bit of cash to be able to start proprietary trading. The idea behind the minimal funds requirement is so firms have certain amount of financial cushion to protect themselves in case of financial loss. Mind you this is not usually a regulatory requirement and is more of an unspoken rule of proprietary trading. Usually, new firms are encouraged to get as much money as they can to front their trade to prevent catastrophic failure when it comes to potential loss. Being able to balance risk and funds is important considering that generally prop trading is a pretty risky business.

Managing risk and avoiding loss

Since the prop trading business is pretty risky, it can be worth understanding how to minimize your monetary risks and potential losses incurred during trade. While having an adequate financial cushion is a massive step towards risk management, it is not the end of all of the potential procedures that firms can put in place. It is often the very first step that can lead these firms to implement more strict limits when it comes to actually trading their funds on risky stocks. In many cases, like in commercial firms, these limits are often automated in such a way that firms can set an actual potential loss risk that will automatically stop the trading operations to prevent further loss. This is the level of risk management you need to invest time and money into to properly get ahead in prop trading.


Every proprietary firm must abide by regulations put in place by the authorities, especially when it comes to respecting anti-fraud laws. They need to specifically abide by regulations put in place by the AML and KYC. These regulations are also known as the Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulations, strictly put in place to avoid the abuse that can be committed by largely unregulated firms. This is why by law proprietary trading firms have to report their trades based on assets traded. Not only that they also need to be transparent when it comes to reporting their risk analysis in a while these are required by law it’s important to check your local laws to see what level of transparency is required depending on your location. Regulation can change depending on your jurisdiction as well as the type of trades you take part in.

Understanding the regulation

While most of the proprietary trade is deeply regulated it’s important to understand that a lot of proprietary trading firms can benefit from a certain level of exception when it comes to regulations. This means that for example if you are a proprietary trading firm that solely works with its funds without interacting with clients you can find yourself exempt from certain regulations that allow you to operate mostly unregulated on certain levels. Mind you it’s important to take a look at certain of these exceptions that can potentially be considered loopholes because currently there is a lot of activity on the side of the SEC towards potentially closing some of those loopholes that are considered to be abused by certain firms. This is why keeping up to date with the regulatory landscape of the region you live in is very important since it can affect you as soon as it becomes a loved land.

As you can see getting into the proprietary trade is not exactly the most difficult thing in the world, but it requires a lot of planning and understanding of the law. Like every trading avenue, there are a lot of risks that can be incurred especially financially both for firms and individuals that are willing to play in this field. As long as you properly understand and follow regulations you should be entirely fine though it is important to make sure that you have a certain amount of funds to protect your trading venture in case of loss.

Why It’s Important To Recycle Old Technology

Why It's Important To Recycle Old Technology

The world today is largely driven by innovative technology, which is always changing. As new technology comes to the market, the old is thrown away. That happens at retail, commercial, and industrial scales, leading to huge wastes of devices and machinery.

While the development of new gadgets and devices translates to efficiency and increased productivity, the older models have raised concerns about their appropriate disposal. Poor disposal of electronic waste is causing many problems, from environmental degradation to impacts on human health, and there seems to be no better disposal to guarantee safety.

However, it has been found that electronic devices do not become wholly outdated. Rather, it’s the way the applications were designed that makes them no longer useful. In other words, the various components that make up these gadgets can be reused in the production of newer devices. Hence, this will reduce the amount of waste and make new production cheaper.

This article will help you realize the need to recycle old technology instead of letting it take up space in our ecosystem.

Environmental Conservation

Technology waste, which mainly comprises old electronics, is one of the leading single types of waste around the world. When these old electronics are thrown aimlessly, they often end up on dumpsites or farmlands. Thereafter, they contaminate the soil and water with harmful substances like lead, mercury, and cadmium, causing significant damage to the entire environment. Hence, utilizing old products will help prevent the release of dangerous substances that can pollute the air, water, and soil, posing risks to wildlife and human health.

Additionally, by recycling old technology, you help reduce the destruction of our beautiful planet by producing new gadgets. This is because the raw materials used to manufacture new electronic devices are excavated from the ground every other day. This process is achieved by cutting down trees to create space for mining, which is deforestation and destroying animal habitats. But, if the old can be recycled, we can save more trees and the lives of other living things, including humanity.

Efficiency Use of Resources

Building electronic devices uses valuable materials, including expensive metals like gold, silver, copper, and other rare earth elements. Over time, the mines are expected to run dry, and exploration of further deposits will be costly and damaging to the environment. Hence, if we were to extend the lifespan of these deposits, it would be wise to use them efficiently by recycling what can be reused to make new products. This way, the existing reserves will be used efficiently. Furthermore, it will also minimize the amount of energy and money needed to produce new devices.

By recycling, we not only conserve valuable resources but also reduce the need for new raw materials, which helps to minimize the cost of doing business. That’s why companies like selfstoragecashbuyers assist owners to sell their older storage facilities with old technology for refurbishment. That will help reduce the total amount that would have been spent on manufacturing new ones.

Preventing Health Hazards

Electronic items usually contain high levels of hazardous elements that can result in serious health issues if not disposed of properly. These include lead and mercury, which are known to cause neurological problems and developmental issues in early pregnancy. Other elements like cadmium and beryllium are carcinogens.

When disposed of on land, these toxic substances can damage the waters, killing aquatic animals or getting into their systems and finding their way to humans when ingested with food. Fish, for instance, is a potential carrier of mercury into the human system when consumed. Unfortunately, there is no perfect way to dispose of these forms of waste, and the sure way to keep it away from the environment is to continuously use it in newer gadgets.

Besides, most waste management firms in developing countries lack adequate measures to handle electronic waste properly, thus exposing the workers to direct contact with toxic substances. This exposure can lead to severe health problems. So, recycling electronics through approved systems is the only chance to protect these workers from harmful exposure.

Economic Growth

Recycling companies offer employment opportunities to young people in the economy, contributing to the gross domestic income and economic growth. While skilled IT professionals work in the development of new tech products, the middle and unskilled professions can have a share of the production in recycling firms. These jobs include collection, sorting, processing and refurbishing.

More so, recycling not only saves material and creates employment but also drives innovation in the sustainable use of resources in other sectors of the economy. Recycling companies will also require better systems and processes to be innovated so as to put as much old tech into modern use, thus spurring innovation and growth in mutual industries.


Recycling old technology not only eliminates potential harm to the environment but also creates new opportunities in the economy. The initiative involves better utilization of natural resources, employment creation, and sustainable economic growth. Hence, finding ways to recycle your old technology is much easier than investing in the most viable and safe means of disposal.

7 Gadgets That Can Help You Manage Your Stress Levels

7 Gadgets That Can Help You Manage Your Stress Levels

Stress is becoming a health concern in the current world and among the middle-aged generation due to tough economic times and social instabilities. Stress can affect your physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. If not noticed at an early stage and well managed, it can escalate to depression and serious mental degradation that may be irreversible.

Hence, managing your stress levels is an important decision in life that ensures your overall well-being is kept under check. Thanks to modern technology, innovation has delivered some cool gadgets designed to help you manage your stress levels.

In this guide, we will highlight some of the common and best devices that can help you achieve this life objective and improve your stress management routine.

Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers are wearable devices that take the form of a wristband to monitor your physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns. The device provides measures and stores data on your vitals to provide valuable information on your lifestyle. A noticeable regression from the norm is an indicator of stress levels. Some fitness trackers like Fitbit or Gemini come with a built-in breathing guide to help you exercise breathing and to help you relax.

The device tracks your heart rate throughout the day and will alert you when it senses your body is fatigued or stressed. Adequate sleep is important in keeping stress levels low, and this tracker will help you understand how well you are sleeping. Poor sleep can increase stress, so use the data to improve your sleeping habits.


Instead of investing in an expensive and luxurious watch, it may be wise to get the best Smartwatch in the market that will meet all your needs, including healthcare. Some of the brands you may consider that have advanced features that are different from ordinary standard fitness trackers include the Apple Watch or Samsung Galaxy Watch.

Smartwatches track your physical activity and can connect with compatible health apps on mobile devices for data analysis. When compounded over time, this information can provide a comprehensive solution to stress management.

Using Noise-Canceling Headphones

If you are a busy person who makes business calls both within and outside the office, you are at risk of stress from background noises from noisy places like offices, airplanes, or busy public spaces. However, if you can invest in headphones with a noise-cancellation feature, they can create a quiet environment, reducing the impact of external noise.

These headphones can block out disturbing noise to create a calm listening environment. They also feature a playlist for listening to your favorite music to help you relax on a tough day.

Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets are designed to distribute weight evenly across your body when sleeping. Available in different weights to suit individual preferences, they provide deep pressure stimulation, which can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. When using the blanket, they make you feel like you are being hugged or held. Thus promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

They are also weaved with porous fabrics to allow you to breathe easily under them and keep you comfortable throughout the night. You may also use them on the couch while reading or watching TV to create a soothing effect before bedtime.

Aromatherapy Devices

Aromatherapy gadgets emit healthy fumes into the air of your bedroom, office, or living room to elicit a calming effect on your mind and body. Blended with therapeutic scents like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus, these diffusers will do the magic to relieve anxiety after a tiring day.

Some legalised therapy clinics also use THC devices for managing anxiety orders in patients. Hence, when you visit this private cannabis clinic, the medics use special aromatherapy diffusers for you to inhale the compound and relax. Some diffusers come with LED lights that can create a more charming and relaxing environment.

Biofeedback Devices

Biofeedback devices are designed to provide real-time feedback on how your body is behaving towards external pressure. The technology behind them enables you to understand how your body responds to stressful situations. Hence, you can learn more about your stress triggers by analyzing the data from each situation you encounter during the day.

By understanding your worst triggers, you can set specific goals for reducing them. Some of the biofeedback devices on the market include the Muse headband or the HeartMath Inner Balance. These devices allow you to monitor your progress over time and see improvements in stress management.

Light Therapy Lamps

Exposure to bright light can reduce symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and help alleviate stress. Light therapy lamps are used to help regulate the body’s circadian rhythm and improve your mood for the day, especially during winter when months are darker.

You may use the lamp in the morning to help you wake up as the sunlight may delay longer. The best designs in the market include those from Verilux, Philips and other leading companies. The good thing is that the lamps are portable and can be used in different locations.

The Rise Of Mobile Gaming: How It All Began

The Rise Of Mobile Gaming: How It All Began

There’s no debate that gaming as a hobby has become one of the most important entertainment industries in the world. Raking in billions of dollars every year this industry has become almost as sizable as mainstream moviemaking for years. The reality though is that many gamers don’t understand that a large part of the gaming industry especially when it comes to discussing its profit comes from a place that many gamers would not expect. We are of course talking about mobile gaming and the massive industry that it has built in Asia. To understand why mobile gaming is so big nowadays it’s important to go back to the beginning and see where it all started. So, let’s look at the birth of mobile gaming and try to understand how it has become so big today.

As far as we know the first video game to have been ported to a mobile device was unsurprisingly one of the most popular video games ever made. We are of course talking about Tetris. After the fall of the USSR Tetris became much more widespread than it was and eventually in 1994 it was made available to the German mobile phone Hagenuk MT-2000. But as you can imagine this was only to start. Only a few years later many companies realize the potential of selling games or including games on their devices as a selling point to try to overtake their competition. This is why in the late 1990s we could see video games like Snake or Pong included on most flip phones.

Some of the major video game companies eventually realized that there was a real demand when it came to being able to play video games on the go and while playing video games on your phone back then was an option phones themselves were not powerful enough to truly power a real video game that was up to standard with what video games had become in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This is why video game companies like Nintendo eventually realized that the best way to make mobile gaming happen was to make dedicated video game consoles that could be moved around. This is why we saw the birth of products like the Game Boy Color and eventually the Gameboy Advanced. Suddenly their PlayStation brand tried to compete later on with the PSP but according to many critics, it was a little bit too late for them to jump into the market.

Well for many years the idea of having a second console that you can use while away from home was very appealing consoles like the Nintendo DS and its further iterations eventually became obsolete. Surprisingly what made those consoles obsolete was not the coming of a new powerful console but instead the popularisation of smartphones. One for many years cell phones were convenient for making calls on the go or texting the reality is that as early as mid-2010 smartphones have become much more. D and only replaced MP3 players but we’re now on the way to replace laptops for many people, especially mobile gaming consoles.

What mode the popularity of a console like the Nintendo Switches on debatable the reality is that phones have become pocket computers with a massive catalog of video games. There is a complete industry within the video game industry that solely exists to create video games for mobile devices that are not only driving but growing every year. According to a number of mobile video games are especially popular in Asia where they learn to replicate the model of the gachapon that encourages players to spend money to get better or unlock characters that they would like. While we are seeing these types of monetization make their way into console games and PC games the reality is that this industry on mobile gaming is extremely profitable and is showing no sign of faltering. Even video games coming out now replicate this system by being free and making their monetization optional. This is why you can find some codes online that provide some free gifts for all AFK journey players that allow them to avoid spending money while also incentivizing people who would spend money to do so. These types of systems work and explain the success of video games like Genshin Impact and Hearthstone.

Is Marketing Via Email Considered to Be More Professional Than Other Marketing Strategies?

Is Marketing Via Email Considered to Be More Professional Than Other Marketing Strategies

As many of us continue to struggle with the current state of the economy it’s no wonder that people have decided to go into their business for themselves rather than wait for companies to raise their salaries or pay them fairly. Going to business for yourself can be quite a difficult venture especially if you have no prior business-owning experience in your back pocket. Business is a lot of everything. You need to know how to manage staff, develop networking abilities, and of course become a marketing pro. Marketing is the bread and butter of many companies around since there is no way to make money if nobody knows who you are. But what’s the best way to market your company? Is marketing via e-mail considered to be more professional than other marketing strategies? Let’s delve into it and see what marketing strategies are professional or not and which ones can truly help your business in the long term.

When it comes to marketing for your business especially online you have to consider that what you are looking for is leads. But what is a lead? A lead is essentially what your business will thrive on if you are trying to make your place in the online world. Essentially a lead is a potential customer or somebody that could be interested in your business but not only. A lead is a customer that has the potential to actually spend money in your business and not just peruse your stocks and leave. Leads are based on marketing research and customer data. This is why many companies offer services to export leads from sales navigator instantly to allow them to start doing the following work as soon as possible. So now that we know what leads are and what they are for we can discuss how to reach out to them and get them spending on our website or in our company.

When we talk about a marketing strategy being professional we are of course talking about a certain level of prestige. you should keep in mind that there is no real negative marketing strategy. As they say, no matter how they speak of your product at least they’re spreading awareness about it. But the big difference between having targeted ads on websites or pre-roll ads playing on videos on YouTube versus advertising to people’s inboxes is of course the direct contact with your client. The idea is that marketing nowadays works with the algorithm and what you want is your advertisement to find whoever they are targeting or whoever you are trying to appeal to. You are looking for the target audience. Market research allows you to know who is interested in your product and this is what you need to know to look out for leads. And as you know leave are the life of your company.

Target demographics when it comes to advertising are not only important they’re essential. True market research you can determine which gender your product is more popular with, which region of the world your product is the most popular in, and even determine the target age group of more or less five years that you should be trying to appeal to. This is great because it allows you to formulate emails in a certain way that might be more appealing depending on them who or what group you’re looking to sell to. The reality is that e-mail marketing is more professional because it will reach an older audience who might be more connected to the use of e-mail, unlike younger generations. The professional level of emails is mostly related to people who are in business or adults who frequently use their emails for work.

While other forms of marketing might not be as professional or well-regarded they are still incredibly useful tools in business. Whether you are thinking of investing in native advertising or targeted advertising on videos live streams or even any kind of website available. Advertisement packages are always a boon the more eyes you get on your company on your name the more sales you are likely to make it is simple mathematics. This is also why many people reserve e-mail marketing too repeating clients or people who have chosen to sign up for their newsletters. By using e-mail marketing you might be able to also give favored clients access to VIP promotions which will make them often clients for life. There is a level of communication with emails that is much different from any other ads as it feels way more personal for clients to be contacted directly in their mailbox rather than getting it on any website they visit.

As you can see on a certain level e-mail marketing is much more professional than the other marketing strategies available on the market currently. Though you must know that being professional does not mean being more effective. Every company is different and you should always keep an eye out to see what works for your business and what doesn’t. Using market research might be a great way to determine which one is the best for you but sometimes trial and error is the only way to gain this kind of insight into your business and your client’s demographics. Do not shy away from hiring a professional in marketing research if you need it, as many famous and rich business owners have said before you need to spend money to make money sometimes and this is one of those instances that you should be ready to open your wallet to.

What Makes A Game A Best Seller?

What Makes A Game A Best Seller?

The gaming industry has become one of the biggest on the planet. Some have gone as far as to say it is the biggest entertainment industry in the world. With hundreds of new titles released each year. And each new generation of console igniting a massive commercial war, it is no surprise that gaming has become a billion dollar industry.

But, as with any industry that grows to this size, it has also become far more competitive too. The market is filled with companies all vying to create the next bestseller. And this is no easy task. The modern gamer has almost become spoiled. With a huge variety of games at their fingertips, creating a true bestseller has become more difficult than ever before. So what exactly makes a game a bestseller?


One of the cornerstones of a great game is innovation. If you’ll excuse the pun, innovation is the name of the game within the industry. Innovation is the term used to describe the introduction of new ideas, technologies, stories, or concepts. In the early days of gaming, it was easy to innovate. Each new technology allowed game developers to push the envelope in a huge way.

The first game to use 3D graphics, Maze War released in 1973, was innovative in terms of graphics. The first game to contain any real traces of a story, Donkey Kong, was massively innovative. But these days you can’t just rely on new graphics to become innovative.

A good example of a modern bestseller than really innovated would be Death Stranding. It introduced a completely new style of gameplay in its unique delivery based gameplay. And it introduced a relatively new multiplayer system with its shared construction systems. The game wasn’t everyones cup of tea, but it definitely took the world by storm when it first released.


Innovation isn’t always the be all and end all of a game’s success. It is true that a lot of gamers are more than happy to play a game they have played before but with a new skin. The RTS genre is a great example of this. A lot of the games, like Age Of Empires, followed the same format, yet were massively successful. This is due to their replayability.

Replayability, as the name suggests, is how replayable the game is once completed. A game like Death Stranding isn’t very replayable due to the huge nature of the game and the story. The surprises have happened and you can guarantee the second playthrough won’t be too different. Whereas a game like Minecraft has literally infinite replayability.

It is why Minecraft survival multiplayer servers are still some of the most popular multiplayer gaming servers in the industry. Minecraft is a perfect example of what a game should strive for in terms of replayability, and a lot of other aspects we will be touching upon. But a game need not go as deep as Minecraft to achieve a sense of replayability.

Roguelike games are a great example of this. Hades, a fantastic game released back in 2018, took a lot from previous games in the genre and was still a bestseller. A lot of gamers feel that replayability is the best way to get the most bang for their buck, so to speak. A game that can be played ten times is worth more than a game that can be played only once.

Ease Of Access

In the past, gaming was more of a niche hobby. And gamers were far more dedicated and obsessed. These days, gaming is a far more accessible hobby. And while the market still caters to hardcore games with titles like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and Skiro, the average gamer wants a title that is engaging and accessible.

Most bestsellers need to be accessible to everyone. The modern gamer will only have a few hours a week to game. So they want a game they can pick up and jump into with ease. Titles like the new Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom have the perfect balance between being an easy access title that also offers enough complexity to keep gamers engaged.

Ease of access can mean a lot of different things. It can be related to the gameplay mechanics and how easy they are to learn. Going back to Minecraft, the game has a fairly simple gameplay loop. Break blocks. Build things. Mine for resources. And the controls are also very intuitive.

Ease of access can also be related to the game’s story as well. Games like Dark Souls are famous for having a very complex and hidden story. Whereas a game like Sonic often has a very simple story that is easy to follow and presented in an engaging way.


Gaming is a visual medium first and foremost. It allows us to step into the shoes of someone else. To traverse different worlds. To experience a life disconnected from our own. And it does that through many different means. And the primary amongst them is through what we see.

Many games have become bestsellers simply off their artistic design alone. Journey is a prime example of this. The game is about a mysterious spirit traversing a large desert. On the surface there isn’t a lot to talk about. Yet the game was so stunningly beautiful and artistically deep that it became a bestseller.

6 Minecraft Youtubers You Have to Subscribe to Right Now

6 Minecraft Youtubers You Have to Subscribe to Right Now

Since its creation in 2011, Minecraft has had a very dedicated fan base. When it was first introduced to the gaming market, there was not a game like it on the market. At the time, the most popular kind of games were first-person shooters or open-world games. There was a set kind of game that seemed to be dominating the gaming world and not many companies dared to branch out, out of fear of not being successful.

When Minecraft came out it was an instant hit and it arguably influenced the art and play style of many other games that would later be released onto the market. Minecraft was different from other games as it offered a play style for just about everyone’s taste. You were not forced to be in constant combat, you could choose to relax and enjoy farming and building.

Due to the diverse gameplay options that came with the game, it was no wonder why it achieved instant success. Not only did people enjoy playing the game, but a new trend started where people enjoyed watching other people play the game too.

As a product of this, a new type of Youtuber was born, the Minecraft Youtuber. There are now millions of people that upload Minecraft content, which means that if you want to watch someone play, you have plenty of options. But with so many YouTubers making Minecraft content, it can be difficult to pick someone good. Here are 6 Minecraft Youtubers you have to subscribe to right now.


Wilbur first made his start as a part of the popular Youtube group Soothouse. Soothouse scoured the pages of Reddit and found some of the funniest content. When the group disbanded, Wilbur went solo and started a very successful career. He plays Minecraft several times a week, along with other content, and with other content creators.

He is currently starting a brand new world. This means that if you tune in now, you will be able to watch as he develops and learns new things. He is also set on exploring all of the brand new updates that the game has had, so if you are interested in seeing what is now available on the game, then his videos will likely help you out.


Vik was one of the earliest Minecraft Youtubers and his content arguably was one of the reasons that other people decided to make their own channels. Something that made Vik stand out from other Minecraft content creators is that he was very dedicated to his channel. You could expect to see at least one Minecraft video a day on his channel, which meant that there was always content ready to watch.

Vik now creates a lot of other content and you may know that he is a member of the popular Youtube group, the Sidemen, but he still returns to play his beloved Minecraft whenever he can.


PewDiePie first started playing Minecraft as a joke, after all of his followers begged him to play, following how admittance that he had never played the game before. He thought that he would make a few videos on the game before quickly moving on. This of course was not the case and Felix quickly became obsessed with the game.

He started off with a small house and then moved on to big projects. Arguably, one of his most ambitious projects was the giant meatball that he made in survival mode to represent his beloved Sweden. There are dozens of videos on his channel that you can go and check out right now.


Dream started making Minecraft content in 2014 and since then he has continued to be one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers on the platform. Dream is well known for his experimentation when it comes to the game and he loves to hear feedback from his followers. In particular, he asks his followers for the best minecraft servers to play on and even asks for their own personal servers, so that he can check them out and see if they are any good. Everyone comes back to him for his brilliant content and game enthusiasm.


If you have been on Youtube for some time, you have definitely heard of Syndicate by now. Syndicate has been playing Minecraft for some time now and if you are someone that doesn’t really enjoy just the standard gameplay, then you will be glad to know that Syndicate’s main focus is challenges.

He plays all of the big challenges with his friends and even plays some solo games. Recently he has been playing skyblock which is one of the most challenging modes in the game and it is a lot of fun to watch him take on the challenge.


Dan has over 23 million subscribers on Youtube and he is quickly on his way to becoming the most popular Minecraft Youtuber on the site. Ge started his channel in 2012 and when he first started off, he didn’t really get as much attention as he does now.

He did really take off when he started to collaborate with his fellow content creators and the fans of those content creators really enjoyed what he brought to the videos, which resulted in him getting his very own dedicated following. He still regularly uploads, which means there is plenty of content to enjoy.