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Sustainability Management|SANYO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD

All policies and initiatives related to sustainability of the Sanyo Chemical Group originate from its company mission, “Establish a better society through our corporate activities,” which has been valued since its founding.
This company mission represents the spirit of realizing sustainable harmony between society and the company through corporate activities. It serves as the foundation of all our activities.

Basic Policy

In FY2022, the Basic Policy on Sustainability was established to define the future vision of our corporate activities, which is based on the company mission that has been implemented since our founding. This is the foundation of the sustainability management strategy of our Group. We believe that the enhancement of both economic and social value in close cooperation with all stakeholders leads to the sustainable growth of the company.

Basic Policy on Sustainability

Our mission has been to establish a better society through our corporate activities since our foundation. Sanyo Chemical Group aims for sustainable growth in the future by enhancing both economic and social values in close cooperation with all stakeholders.

Metrics and targets

To establish a basis for more practical sustainability management, we identified material issues that have a significant impact on the creation of our medium- to long-term value. We will cope with issues in the four fields of the environment, life, society, and governance, by setting specific metrics and targets.

Promotion system

Our Group studies appropriate response to issues that may pose management risks, and makes decisions to take action under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
To fulfill the company mission, we established the CSR Guidelines, which comprehensively compile our Group’s response to social issues. The CSR Committee, a body under the direct control of the Board of Directors, practiced CSR management to formulate policies, check the status of implementation, and give instructions. In FY2021, the Sustainable Management Committee was established (chairperson: President and CEO) as a body under the direct control of the Board of Directors with sustainability management positioned as a higher-order concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).
The Sustainable Management Committee is responsible for establishing policies on material issues, giving instructions to take action, and reviewing the progress and results to enhance both economic and social value.
Meanwhile, the former CSR Committee was placed under the direct control of the Management Council and renamed the “CSR Promotion Management Committee.” The committee formulates plans for implementing the CSR Guidelines (CSR activities), and monitors the status of implementation in order to conduct effective activities.

Promotion system

Sustainable Management Committee and CSR Promotion Management Committee

The Sustainable Management Committee considers the process of creating economic and social value for the sustainable growth of the Group as a whole. In particular, regarding the environment, society, and governance, the committee is responsible for deliberating and deciding on policies and corporate measures to resolve material issues that should be prioritized, and for developing these policies and measures into measures for related departments.
Meanwhile, the CSR Promotion Management Committee aims to link the implementation of the CSR Guidelines (CSR activities) with effective activities. In particular, with regard to the achievement of carbon neutrality, which is one of our material issues, we have positioned the reduction of CO2 emissions as the most important issue, and are working to create systems and mechanisms to plan and implement specific initiatives to achieve this goal. The activities of the CSR Promotion Management Committee are reported to the Sustainable Management Committee once a year.

[Sustainable Management Committee]

Chairman President / CEO
Committee members Full-time Director, person appointed by chairman
Observer Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member
Secretariat General Manager of Corporate Planning Division,
Manager of Corporate Planning Division


To enhance both the economic value and corporate value while coordinating with stakeholders in order for continual growth

[Holding frequency]

Twice a year or more


  • (1)To discuss the process of creating economic value and corporate value for the purpose of sustainable group company growth
  • (2)To examine and determine policies for solutions and company-wide measures for Materiality and develop them into measures for the relevant departments
  • (3)To review the plan, progress, and results concerning the above measures and examine and determine improvement, correction, and other results
  • (4)To serve as the dissemination base of information concerning our sustainability management in order to proactively communicate with stakeholders, as well as global organizations, such as the United Nations

[CSR Promotion Management Committee]

Chairman General Affairs Division General Manager
Committee members General Manager and Deputy General Manager of each Sales, Research, Production, and Administrative Division Nominee of the Chairman
Observer Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member
Secretariat Corporate Social Responsibility Promotion Department Senior Manager


Meeting social needs and expectations and fulfilling the company mission to help create a sustainable society

[Holding frequency]

Twice a year or more


  • (1)Creating systems and mechanisms to plan and implement specific initiatives to realize carbon neutrality
  • (2)Monitoring the status of promotion and proposing improvement measures
  • (3)Monitoring the planning and implementation of promotion plans for each fiscal year by the person or department responsible for promotion, from the viewpoint of ensuring the effectiveness of CSR activities, and proposing improvement measures
  • (4)Constantly reviewing the basic policies (e.g., CSR Guidelines) to meet social needs and expectations

CSR Guidelines

The initiatives of our Group to deal with social issues were comprehensively compiled as the CSR Guidelines, which comprise nine items.

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Items of the CSR Guidelines Details
1. Safety and accident prevention We will give top priority to safety and accident prevention in all our business activities. We will strive for the continuance of accident-free and injury-free operation, and contribute to social safety. At the same time, we will protect the safety and health of everyone involved in our operations, and strive to create a comfortable work environment.
2. Compliance All directors and employees of our Group make sure to take action with the questions in “Advice on Compliance” in mind, including “Can you declare openly that your actions have always been legal, just, and fair?”
3. Reduction of environmental impact We work voluntarily and steadily on effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the generation of plastic and industrial waste. Notably, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we actively promote energy conservation and the shift to renewable energy.
4. Product development We aim to develop products that are useful in society and that can “realize a sustainable global environment” and “improve convenience and comfort,” by combining the strengths that we have acquired with new strengths that we will acquire and external expertise.
5. Sustainable purchasing We have our Sustainable Purchasing Policy in place and steadily fulfill the policy to contribute to “realizing a sustainable global environment,” and avoid complicity in human rights violations throughout the supply chain, including suppliers.
6. Product safety and quality reliability We provide accurate product information to external parties to ensure safety throughout the product lifecycle, from development and manufacture to use and disposal of products. To improve the quality reliability of products, we ensure rigorous quality control in-house.
7. DEI and human resource development We respect the diversity, personalities, and individuality of our employees, and ensure a safe and comfortable workplace environment. We develop human resources who can achieve self-actualization by demonstrating self-initiative and creativity in addition to realizing well-being, abundance, and mental and physical health. We endeavor to eliminate harassment and respect human rights in the workplace.
8. Dialogue with stakeholders We disclose financial and non-financial information of our Group in an active and fair manner and promote dialogue so that our stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, investors, suppliers, local communities, local governments, mass media, and employees can correctly understand the corporate value of our Group, and so that we can understand the expectations and evaluations of our Group from the viewpoint of our stakeholders and reflect them in our corporate activities.
9. Social contribution activities We maintain our voluntary activities to contribute to educational and research institutions, medical institutions, local communities, NPOs, and NGOs, with the aim of promoting science and technology, art, culture, education, and welfare.

Supporting initiatives

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Initiative Subjects/contents Sponsoring organizations
UN Global Compact Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption United Nations
Responsible Care Global Charter Responsible Care ICCA(International Council of Chemical Associations)
TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) Climate change Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure
Challenge Zero by Keidanren Climate change Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
GX League Green transformation Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
Ikuboss Corporate Alliance Work style reform NPO Corporation Fathering Japan
“Declaration on Action” by a group of male leaders who accelerate “A Society in which Women Shine” Promotion of women’s advancement Cabinet Office
The “Challenge to 30% by 2030” initiative of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) aims to achieve a ratio of 30% or more female executives by 2030 Promotion of women’s advancement Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
Business for Marriage Equality LGBTQ Public Interest Incorporated Association Marriage For All Japan (MFAJ)
― Freedom of marriage for all
NPO Legal Network for LGBT and Ally Lawyers, Certified NPO Rainbow Diversity

Major participating organizations

Organization name Position, qualification, etc.
Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) Officer
Japan Chemical Industry Association RC committee member
Japan Surfactant Industry Association Director
Japan Urethane Raw Materials Association Director
Kyoto Model Forest Association Director
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) RSPO member

ISO certification

Sanyo Chemical and its domestic subsidiaries and affiliates obtained certification for the environmental management system (ISO14001) between 1999 and 2001, and then we have maintained this certification for approximately 20 years. However, we discontinued the certifications for domestic facilities in FY2020 based on our judgment that we are able to adequately operate the system on our own. The certifications of overseas facilities will continue.
As a pharmaceutical-related quality control management system, the Biotechnology & Medical Division acquired ISO 13485 certification for medical devices in 2019 and for invitro diagnostic medicine.

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Location map

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Location Facility Year established
(in operation)
ISO14001 ISO9001
Year acquired Certification authority Year acquired Certification authority
Production Base Sanyo Chemical Kashima Factory 1977 1997 JCQA
Sanyo Chemical Kyoto Factory 1949 1999 JCQA
Sanyo Chemical Nagoya Factory 1969 1998 JCQA
Sanyo Chemical Kinuura Factory 2010 2010 JCQA
SDP Global Co., Ltd. 2001 2000 JCQA
San Chemical Co., Ltd. 1982 2000 JCQA
San-Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. 1977
Sanyo Kasei (Thailand) Ltd. 1997 2009 TICA/J-VAC 2004 TICA/J-VAC
Sanyo Kasei (Nantong) Co., Ltd. 2003 2012 TUV NORD 2006 TUV NORD
San-Dia Polymers (Nantong) Co., Ltd. 2003 2013 CQM 2007 DET NORSKE VERITAS
Sanyo Chemical Texas Industries, LLC 2005
Non-production Base San-Apro Ltd. 1966 2003 JCQA
Sanyo Chemical Logistics Co.,Ltd. 2020
Shiohama Chemicals Warehouse Co.,Ltd. 1983
  • The four Sanyo Chemical factories and domestic affiliates/subsidiaries ① through ④ will discontinued their ISO 14001 certification in FY2020. ④San-Petrochemicals Co., Ltd also discontinued its ISO 9001 certification in FY2020.