(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Human Resources (HR) Development|Human resources|Social|SANYO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD

Based on our company mission, “Establish a better society through our corporate activities,” we have set our Vision as “Grow into a global, unique, and highly profitable company where every employee feels pride and satisfaction in his/her work.” We have also set out the following three values as our important values: (1) Inspire WakuWaku feeling from all stakeholders, (2) Co-create environmental, social and economic value with the stakeholders, and (3) Facilitate every employee’s own value creation.
To realize our Vision, we will continue to take on challenges with a sense of speed while combining the power of the Group and all of our stakeholders, in order to create innovations beyond the boundaries of chemistry based on new ideas of diverse individuals. We will also co-create environmental, social, and economic value with our stakeholders to increase our corporate value.
To promote changes toward the Vision, we believe that it is important to create a company in which each and every employee can be excited (“WakuWaku”) based on the idea that “Every department is a profit center” (each and every diverse employee from all walks of life plays a leading role).
Based on this belief, we have established our HR Philosophy as “Respect diversity and collaboration.” Our goal is to create new value through the synergistic effects of individual connections based on mutual recognition of each other’s individuality. Under this philosophy, we will foster job satisfaction and pride in each employee based on our HR policy, “Create an environment in which individual abilities can be maximized.” Specifically, we will develop a grade system that makes better use of capabilities, a compensation system based on competence and roles, and a fair and transparent evaluation system. We will also carry out human resource development while being conscious of the learning that individuals require, such as strengthening management skills, deepening specialization, and reskilling.

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HR Philosophy Respect diversity and collaboration
HR Policy Create an environment in which individual abilities can be maximized

Image of the connection between human resources philosophy, human capital, and management policies

Image of the connection between human resources philosophy, human capital, and management policies

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Image of the connection between human resources philosophy, human capital, and management policies

In accordance with our motto, “Every employee in various situations plays a leading role,” which includes overseas and production sites employees as well as at our head office, we are determined to spotlight everyone so that every employee can shine and experience a sense of accomplishment. We have the concept that “Every department is a profit center” which expresses the essence of this idea. We believe that being a company where every employee can be excited (WakuWaku) is key to transformation toward our vision.
Sanyo Chemical group will actively put effort into the resolution of diverse issues for a better sustainable society. Therefore, while placing importance on each and every employee’s job satisfaction, including global staff (locally hired employees of overseas affiliates), we will take on the challenge along with all stakeholders toward “An exciting (WakuWaku) future.”

Every department is a profit center

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Every department is a profit center


The Group has long been committed to “people-oriented management,” and has established systems that allow everyone to take on challenges on their own initiative, aiming to be a company in which each and every employee can grow together with the company and feel job satisfaction and happiness. We position human resources as the driving force that creates innovation toward the realization of our Vision. Aiming to spotlight everyone and to promote changes in an exciting way (“WakuWaku”), we set our HR Development Policy to “have everyone play an active role” and “develop an environment in which leaders (successors) grow naturally.” Under this policy, we will strengthen our human resource base to support our sustainable growth.

Management System

Management System

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Management System

Personnel affairs/education system for fostering employee’s challenge spirit

We have a personnel affairs/education system for employees to develop their capabilities and nurture their desire to take on new challenges.
We also have the following systems; self-development support centered on ON-JT (On the Job Training), OFF-JT (Off the Job Training), online English conversation, upskilling/career development education including Dojo, a place for dialogue between top management and employees, global human resource development education as well as our Unique Challenge System.


a. Everyone can play an active role

Believing that a “strong organization (One Team)” composed of “strong individuality” (each playing a leading role) will create new value, we will proceed with each measure.

Strong individuality

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Measure Details Target Achievement time (FY)
Item Current situation Target value / Vision
Ensuring that everyone can play an active role To provide an environment in which all employees can play an active role regardless of their course, we unify the grade system from the current generalist and specialist positions to an associate position. Establishment of a course system There is a distinction between generalist and specialist positions (as of March 2023). Unification of courses 2023
Supporting proactive challenges and independent learning
  • We improve existing systems, such as the “Internal multiple role system” that allows employees to take on challenges in work that interests them, “Awards from General Managers to encourage challenges” that encourage employees to propose their ideas to do to executives, the “Challenge contract system,” “Commendations from the president,” “JET,” and “Training retreats,” to make them more user-friendly for active utilization while incorporating opinions from on-site employees.
  • We establish a new career development training program in which employees understand their strengths and weaknesses, make efforts to increase their value, envision a career that continues to grow, and consider how to implement their career goals to contribute to the organization. We also conduct a training program in which the superiors of these employees who have envisioned their future careers consider how to support them.
  • By actively implementing rotations both within and between divisions (functions), we provide opportunities for employees to acquire diverse and wide-ranging knowledge and experience. We also conduct aptitude tests for all employees and compile personnel data so that we can implement rotations based on the characteristics of each employee (the right person for the right job).
  • We continue to conduct training programs, such as the “Study abroad system,” “Overseas training,” and “Language training,” to develop human resources who can play an active role on the global stage.
Creation of a spirit of challenge There is a mix of proactive and passive people. A state full of human resources with a spirit challenge and a strong desire to grow 2027

Strong organization

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Measure Details Target Achievement time (FY)
Item Current situation Target value / Vision
Organizational evaluation system We introduce an organization evaluation system with the aim of maximizing organizational performance. We create a state in which each organization sets an organizational goal toward its vision (Wakuwaku vision), with everyone in the organization taking action toward the organizational goal. Achievement rate of organizational goals 80% or more 2025

b. Development of an environment in which leaders (successors) grow naturally

We believe that the ideal environment is one in which candidates for future management or key positions in major businesses and functions are growing naturally. To achieve such an environment, we will first work on measures to develop leaders systematically. Then, we will develop an environment in which more and more employees will see the careers of those who grow into leaders and want to become leaders themselves, and realize their goal.

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Measure Details Target Achievement time (FY)
Item Current situation Target value / Vision
Systematic leader development We regularly hold human resource development meetings to select candidates for the next leaders and discuss a leadership development plan, thereby identifying missing human resource requirements. We provide training for selected leadership candidates to enable them to see the company from a manager’s perspective and acquire the skills to formulate strategies. We implement rotations to fill missing human resource requirements. We provide career training to discover young employees who envision their career paths and want to take on the challenge of becoming a leader. Number of leadership candidates A state in which leadership candidates are not identified A state in which there are enough leadership candidates for each position 2027

Work environment improvement

Aiming to become a company in which all employees can work in good health and with peace of mind while valuing their individuality, we will promote efforts to reform work styles, diversify human resources, and create a work environment in which all human rights and diverse values are respected and accepted and in which all employees are encouraged to perform active roles.

Education/training system

We have developed an education system based on our “Skill and Training Map” which summarizes the skills and knowledge of each role. We introduced Online language (English, Chinese) training programs and e-learning system, to help employees enlighten themselves and develop their individual capabilities.

Education system in accordance with job rank

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Role (1) Upskilling/career development (2) Global human resource development
Rank based education Selective training Educational Programs
Managerial staff Promotion training – near future forum Executive candidate training New technical school,
Law course,
Training Program,
Open seminar,
Online English lessons,
Online Chinese lessons
Study abroad,
Overseas training,
Language training,
Expatriate staff development program,
Education of overseas group educations
Chief Promotion training – future forum Offshore training
Deputy chief or lower rank Promotion training – long-term forum Trainer training

(1) Upskilling/career development

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Law course Explanation of details of important laws, including Chemical Substance Control Law,
Lectures on regulations on insider trading through e-learning,
Lecture classes on Export Trading Control Order (for sales personnel), etc.
Training Program for research section
  • Research basics course: basic chemistry necessary for product design; 56 trainees completed the course in FY2022
  • Prepared 12 kinds of training using outside vendors, total of 56 people took lectures such as MOT schools, coaching training, critical thinking training, and design thinking training in FY2022.
  • e-learning (GLOBIS unlimited learning, Udemy) : total of 230 persons took lectures
Forum Informal seminar offers an opportunity for dialogue between managerial staff and employees; dialogues took place 12 times in FY2022
(Job Exchange Training)
Training in which two employees from different departments switch workplaces for about one month to experience different work. Its purpose is diversification of the capabilities of individuals.

(2) Global human resource development

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Study abroad For the purpose of acquisition of MOT (Management of Technology) and MBA (Master of Business Administration) degrees at overseas universities; one person studied abroad in FY2022.
Overseas training Language learning and experience in the business field at overseas affiliates*
  • No implementation of overseas tanning program in FY2022 due to COVID-19
Expatriate staff development program Education targeted for employees posted overseas; one trainee in FY2022

Awards system

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Awards from president The managerial staff gives awards to people for their performance at various points in time. Voluntary challenges are highly rated. 33 cases in FY2022.
Awards from general managers to encourage challenges Award given when the general manager or other executive recognizes through operations that actions, such as voluntary challenges and innovations, have begun to thrive (e.g. start of implementation) : 522 cases in FY2022
INVENTOR OF THE YEAR Aside from special awards, the best patent among invention patents in the corresponding year is awarded.

HR Development lecture sessions hosted by the labor union

With a union shop system, in which all employees except managers join the labor union, we work to build relationships that emphasize dialogue and cooperation between labor and management. As part of the activities of the labor union, it holds HR Development lecture sessions, inviting experts and celebrities, with the aim of developing human resources, who are the assets of the company. The sessions are attended by not only union members but also managers and executives. In FY2022, the following lecture sessions were held in an online live distribution format (22nd session) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and in a hybrid format (23rd session) that combines an online distribution with on-site participation. Both sessions were attended by over 100 online participants, with approximately 20 on-site participants in the 23rd session.

  • 22nd session: “Organizational design for cross-cultural communication—Leading to the growth of employees and the company”
    Lecturer: Mr. Jeff Berglund [Professor at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto International Tourism Ambassador]

Mr. Jeff Berglund
[Professor at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto International Tourism Ambassador]

  • 23rd session: “Mental coaching that changed Japan’s national rugby team—Leadership that revitalizes the organization”
    Lecturer: Ms. Kaori Araki [Visiting Professor at Juntendo University, chief consultant at CORAZON Co., Ltd.]

Ms. Kaori Araki
[Visiting Professor at Juntendo University, chief consultant at CORAZON Co., Ltd.]