“About us”
The objective of SEIO is the development, improvement and promotion of the methods and applications of Statistics and Operations Research.
SEIO organizes Ordinary Congresses and Monographic Meetings, publishes Professional Magazines and Information Bulletins, encourages exchanges, promotes consultation activities and stimulates research.
SEIO puts Statistics and Operations Research at the service of science and society.
The journal TEST
TEST is an international journal of Statistics and Probability edited by the SEIO and distributed by Springer Verlag. Each year a volume of the journal is published in four parts. All four parts include an invited article with discussion, as well as articles accepted after a meticulous revision process.
The journal TOP
TOP is an international journal of Operations Research edited by the SEIO and distributed by Springer Verlag. Each year a volume of the journal is published in threeparts. All three parts include an invited article with discussion, as well as articles accepted after a meticulous revision process..
Un algoritmo para el problema de corte en la industria del vidrio
Parreño, F., Alonso, M. T., & Álvarez-Valdés, R. (2024). Un algoritmo para el problema de corte en la industria del vidrio. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 40(2), 18-27.
New statistical resilience or how to survive in the data ecosystem
Saura Vinuesa, A. C., Gómez Menchón, Y., & Cánovas Zapata, A. (2024). New statistical resilience or how to survive in the data ecosystem. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 40(2), 28-35.
History of education in finance based on statistical techniques in scientometrics
Muñoz-Céspedes, E., Ibar-Alonso, R., & Cuerdo-Mir, M. (2024). History of education in finance based on statistical techniques in scientometrics. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 40(2), 36-48.
Exact and metaheuristic approaches por Network Design Problems
González-Blanco, N. (2024). Exact and metaheuristic approaches por Network Design Problems. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. 40 (2), 56-59.
Métodos de inferencia orientada a objetos
Bolón, D. (2024). Métodos de inferencia orientada a objetos. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 40(2), 52-55.
Estimación del rendimiento medio en las pruebas PISA 2018: Un enfoque espacial desde la metodología en estimación en áreas pequeñas
Jiménez Coley, C., & Téllez-Piñérez, C. (2024). Estimación del rendimiento medio en las pruebas PISA 2018: Un enfoque espacial desde la metodología en estimación en áreas pequeñas. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 40(2), 7-17.
Editorial: Nueva etapa
Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Parreño-Torres, C. (2024). Editorial: Nueva etapa. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 40(2), 5-6.