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Bellator 41 Live Results and Play-by-Play


Bellator 41 Live Results and Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com will report from the Cocopah Resort and Casino in Yuma, Ariz., at approximately 7:30 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 41, which features both season four featherweight tournament semifinals, as well as Bellator champions Joe Warren and Zach Makovsky in non-title action.

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Dave Mandel

Tierney (left) tapped out Moore.
Dano Moore vs. Brendan Tierney
Round 1
After some brief circling, Moore lands a left head kick that momentarily drops Tierney. Tierney recovers quickly, and takes Moore down, passing to side control and mount. Tierney goes for an armbar, and Moore bucks up and attempts to stand, but Tierney keeps it locked up and Moore goes belly down, tapping out at the 0:49 mark of the opening period.

Michael Parker vs. Nick Piedmont
Round 1
Parker starting out with low kicks, as Piedmont is throwing punching flurries. Piedmont rushes in, but Parker ducks low, and momentarily gets a rear waistlock before pushing Piedmont to the fence. They disengage and trade heavy blows, while Parker attempts an unsuccessful pair of single legs. Parker drops Piedmont with a left hook, and follows him down into his guard. Parker tries stacking Piedmont against the fence, but Piedmont does a good job kicking him away and avoiding any major damage before regaining his feet. Both men are visibly fatigued, but Parker still winging big overhand rights as the round wears down. Parker attempts a takedown against the fence as time expires. 10-9 Parker.

D. Mandel

Piedmont (left) edged Parker.
Round 2
Parker catches a Piedmont low kick, and starts firing right hands as Piedmont attempts to balance on one leg. Parker lands a couple of good shots before Piedmont regains his footing and clinches with Parker against the cage. Referee Jason Herzog breaks them up relatively fast, and Parker looks to have tired himself out. He catches another Piedmont low kick, but can't punish him as effectively this time around. Piedmont begins coming forward behind punches of his own, but can't seem to land too many besides his long jab. Piedmont connects with a body kick, and Parker again is unsuccessful in capitalizing on catching the leg. Piedmont misses a flying knee knee against the cage, but lands a combination of punches as a follow-up. Parker attempts an unsuccessful takedown
against the fencing as time expires. 10-9 Piedmont.

Round 3
Piedmont backs the visibly tired Parker up with punches, landing occasionally when he manages to trap him against the fence. Piedmont throws another body kick, but Parker catches it, and drops him with a left hand. He follows him down and snatches a guillotine, pulling full guard to try and finish it. But he's too tired and slippery, and Piedmont escapes after a few tense moments. They both go back to their feet, and Parker is bleeding from the bridge of his nose. Parker is still pumping his jab, and Parker is winging looping hooks. Parker lands a solid left hand. The two lob tired strikes each other as time expires and the fight goes to the judges. Sherdog.com sees the round 10-9 Parker, on account of the landing the heavier blows and the guillotine attempt (29-28 Parker overall).

Official scores: Judges Henry Gueary and Chuck Wolf see the bout 29-28 Piedmont and Brooks Mason has it 30-27 for Parker. Piedmont takes the split decision.

The third frame was close, as Piedmont was landing well, but Sherdog.com's Joe Ortiz felt Parker was more effective with his spurts of offense.

D. Mandel

Birchak (right) choked Bialecki.
Tyler Bialecki vs. Anthony Birchak
Round 1
Bialecki rushes forward with strikes, and tries to lock up a quick guillotine as Birchak changes levels for a takedown. Birchak escapes, and Bialecki attempts to frame up some submissions with no success. They stand, but not for long before Birchak attempts a guillotine of his own, driving forward and getting top position once again. Bialecki spins for a leg as his opponent postures up, but Birchak pounds away before falling into an armbar. Birchak escapes after a few seconds, landing in side control and then quickly locks up a brabo choke. Bialecki fights it momentarily, but soon taps out at 4:06 of the first round.

Bellator Featherweight Tournament Semifinal
Kenny Foster vs. Daniel Straus

Round 1
Referee Jason Herzog gets the first featherweight semifinal underway. Straus takes the center of the cage while fellow southpaw Foster goes outside. The larger Straus rushes Foster and puts him against the fence, then hip-tosses Foster down when he reverses. Foster stands, but has his back taken in the scramble. He gets loose when Straus defends against a toss and they’re back to trading. Not for long, though, as Foster pushes Straus into the cage. Straus throws a couple knees and Foster a few punches in the clinch, but there’s not much going on, so they disengage. Foster ducks under a murderous Straus left hook and then catches a leg kick. They tie up and Straus executes another toss, but Foster’s right back up. Straus leaps in with a flying knee and lands a follow-up takedown. Foster sits against the cage with Straus working for mount, punching away. Foster wraps his arms around his opponent and hears the bell.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Straus
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Straus
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Straus

Round 2
D. Mandel

Straus (left) shocked Foster.
Not much happening in the first minute until Straus slips inside and clinches with Foster, muscling him into the cage. They stall out and it’s back to striking. Foster rushes in with an uppercut to the gut which appears to hurt Straus. The “Tooth Fairy” follows up with a knee, but Straus recovers and circles out. Superman punch and a takedown for Straus, who winds up in the same position as the end of round one: trying to mount Foster, who’s sitting against the cage. This time, Straus has a loose headlock that could turn into a guillotine. Nothing comes and Foster slips loose, putting Straus in full guard with 90 seconds to go. Foster flips over and Straus flattens him out, taking Foster’s back. Straus can’t get his hooks and Foster gets to his feet, then shucks Straus off his back. With 10 seconds to go, Straus lands a left
hook and a takedown to finish strong.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Straus
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Straus
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Straus

Round 3
More feinting and flinching begins the final round. Straus slaps with a head kick and rushes in for a takedown. Foster stuffs, but gets pinned against the fence nonetheless. Straus gets the drop with three minutes left and works in Foster’s open guard. Solid punches from Straus to the body and head, before he passes to half-guard on Foster’s right. Straus grabs a headlock and punches away to Foster’s ribs. Straus has a brabo choke, but can’t finish. He switches to a guillotine choke with his left arm, but both men are very sweaty. Straus has Foster in a bad spot against the fence and wrenches it. It’s deep, and Foster is forced to submit at 3:48 of the third round.

Zach Makovsky vs. Chad Robichaux
Round 1
Robichaux rushes in with a one-two and has a body kick caught. Makovsky spins Robichaux to the ground as Robichaux grabs a guillotine with his right arm. The Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt has a good angle on the choke, but Makovsky is in side control on the far side. It’s a stalemate that continues until there’s 3:20 left on the clock, when Makovsky busts loose and dives back into Robichaux’s guard with punches. He lands a few shots that make Robichaux scramble to his feet, where Robichaux slips on a spinning kick attempt. Makovsky plows him to the ground with a big double-leg, but spins over the top. The next takedown sticks and Makovsky sticks Robichaux with a knee to the midsection against the fence before they find themselves back on the feet. Ninety seconds remain as Robichaux ties up and his tossed aside by Makovsky. The champ lands a hard left hand and then a takedown, where he quickly passes to Robichaux’s left. Makovsky frames up a kimura, but gets swept. Robichaux comes up swinging and is taken down again. Robichaux has the same far side guillotine to end the round.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makovsky

Round 2
Makovsky pops Robichaux with a left straight and plows Robichaux down off a teep kick a moment later. Again, Makovsky immediately passes to side control on Robichaux’s left and gets to work on the far arm. Makovsky whips into full mount and begins pummeling Robichaux. He tries for a choke, can’t get it and punches away some more until Robichaux opens up. Makovsky has a deep-looking rear-naked choke in no time, but Robichaux guts it out and turns over. Makovsky punches from on top and Robichaux is warned by referee Jason Herzog for elbowing the back of Makovsky’s head from the bottom. Makovsky stands and dives in with a hard shot. Grinding strikes from top position from Makovsky, who takes Robichaux’s back as he tries to get up. Robichaux turns over, but finds himself caught in an arm-triangle choke. Robichaux defends by generating momentum with his legs and then blitzes Makovsky on the feet with wild combos. With just over a minute to go, Makovsky floors Robichaux once more. Makovsky lights his man up with hard punches from guard, then eats an illegal upkick. Referee Herzog warns Robichaux, but does not deduct a point. Makovsky says he’s good to go and the round ends shortly after they’re restarted.

D. Mandel

Makovsky (top) dominated Robichaux.
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Makovsky
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makovsky

Round 3
Robichaux misses on a spinning back fist and Makovsky tries one of his own, whiffing as well. A Robichaux body kick finds its mark, but Makovsky quickly trips him to the ground and passes to side control. Into full mount goes Makovsky, who looks to sink in another arm-triangle. He can’t get it, switches to a rear-naked choke, and can’t get that either. Makovsky abandons the submissions and opens up on Robichaux, blasting his opponent with vicious left hands from back-mount until Jason Herzog is forced to intervene. The stoppage officially
comes at 2:02 of the third round.

Bellator Featherweight Tournament Semifinal
Patricio Freire vs. Wilson Reis

Round 1
Reis opens up with an outside leg kick and misses on the hard left hook after. He ducks inside to clinch and is shucked off by Freire. Now Reis stutters into the pocket and eats an overhand left. The Brazilians clinch up and it’s Freire with double underhooks, pinning Reis to the cage. Reis shoves him off with three minutes to go. Reis times a punch, ducks in and again looks for the single-leg, but Freire defends with his back on the fence. Reis gets busy in the clinch and they split up. Pitbull cracks Reis in the jaw with a right high kick, but Reis stays up and gets underhooks in the ensuing clinch. The first takedown of the round, surprisingly, goes to Freire, who doesn’t keep Reis down for long and eats a knee to the gut on the way out. Freire lands another nice counter-left over the top, then keeps on with his jab in the last 30 seconds. They tie up and Reis flurries with uppercuts at the end of the round, though Freire seems unfazed.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Freire
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Freire
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Freire

Round 2
Reis is keeping up his frantic pace on the feet, but still getting countered frequently by Pitbull. Takedown attempt from Reis is stuffed and Freire takes the back standing. He goes over the top and looks for a triangle from guard, but Reis slips him. Now Reis tries to pass Freire’s guard against the fence. He nearly hops to mount, but Pitbull stuffs him back. Reis knees to the thigh and chest of the grounded Freire as he tries to stand. Back on the feet, Reis pins Pitbull to the fence and is warned by referee Jason Herzog for grabbing the fence. Soon after, the ref tells them to get busy and Freire responds by jumping guard. He grabs a guillotine and stands, then gets taken back down. Freire uses the cage and gets back up, where Reis knees to the thigh with 60 seconds to go. More knees until Reis tries to lift and slam Freire, but Freire keeps his balance beautifully and stays vertical. Freire lands a leaping knee to the gut, forcing Reis to clinch just before the bell.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Freire
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Freire
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Freire

Round 3
D. Mandel

"Pitbull" knocked Reis out.
Reis snaps off a kick to the head, then tries to get inside for a takedown. Freire stuffs it and zaps his countryman with a few hard right straights. Another cracking one-two from Freire, whose crisp boxing and counterstriking is helping him outland the more active Reis. The right hand of Freire is finding its mark over and over. A vicious pair of hooks stumble Reis and Pitbull smells blood. He pounces and sprawls on a takedown attempt. Reis is dazed as he staggers backward into the fence. Freire stands at range and slugs away -- right, left, right, left -- battering the helpless and senseless Reis, who appears to lose and regain consciousness several times before finally collapsing at the 3:29 mark. It’s an absolutely vicious knockout win for Patricio Freire, who moves on to meet Daniel Straus in the featherweight tournament final.

Joe Warren vs. Marcos Galvao
Round 1
Warren wastes no time getting inside and clinching up, but he’s tripped by Galvao and winds up on his back. Galvao gets to mount and punches away, landing a few to the back of Warren’s head. Warren turtles and it looks bad for a moment until Warren explodes out. Galvao spins to guard and Warren tries to toss the legs aside and pass. He’s unable to and Galvao instead sweeps to stand. The pair clinch along the fence and the taller Galvao scores with a few knees up the gut. Warren tries to toss Galvao down and winds up on his back again. Once more, Warren turtles as Galvao tries to unload. Warren gets up and grabs a guillotine. It’s very high and Galvao slips free easily. Warren tries some knees in the clinch and is tripped down for a third time, but pops right back up. Hard right straight from Warren puts Galvao on the defensive, allowing Warren to clinch up. He doesn’t do much and they disengage. Warren spends the last 30 seconds lunging in with wild, ill-intentioned punches and scores a takedown at the bell.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Galvao

Round 2
Warren slugs a combo to the body of Galvao, who replies with a hard flying knee. Another comes in short order, then more up the middle from Galvao when the pair clinch. Warren ducks in to tie up and eats an uppercut. They clinch and stall out, and Warren lands a nice knee upon exit. Uppercuts and hooks are scoring for Galvao, and then another big knee on Warren’s jaw. Warren ties up and Galvao gives him the slip, socking the American with a hooking left. Warren gets double underhooks and tries a takedown, and gets tossed down again. Galvao can’t keep Warren down this time and they go toe-to-toe with 90 seconds left in the second. Galvao steps in with another hard knee and keeps the champion on the end of his jab. Yet another knee finds its mark, prompting Warren to try for a takedown. He gets it and takes a knee in the guard of the smiling Galvao, who’s winding up for an upkick. Galvao keeps busy down the stretch with punches to the head and body of Warren, who’s in his open guard.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Galvao

Round 3
Stinging left jab from Galvao to open the round. Warren gives chase and has his leg kicked out from under him. He stands and goes for the takedown; Galvao shoves him off. Finally, Warren gets his takedown, but he’s in a bad place as Galvao throws up his guard a triangle or armbar. Warren wisely extracts himself and tries for another takedown. After some struggle against the fence, he gets it. With three minutes left, Warren works to pass Galvao’s open guard. Galvao closes up and elbows from the bottom as Warren tries to grind and punish. Galvao’s elbow strikes from the bottom are landing nicely. Warren is still trying to pass with one minute left and referee Jason Herzog calls for action. Galvao peppers Warren’s ribs with punches and Warren jams his man’s head into the base of the cage. Warren tries to close strong with punches and elbows, but it may be too little, too late.

Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Warren (29-28 Galvao)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Warren (29-28 Galvao)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Warren (29-28 Galvao)

Official scores: Judge Chuck Wolf has it 30-27, while judges Henry Gueary and Brooks Mason each see it 29-28 in favor of the winner by unanimous decision, Joe Warren.

Rudy Aguilar vs. Carlos Flores
Round 1
Aguilar is circling away, being stalked by Flores, who attacks with low kicks and the occasional punch. Flores traps Aguilar against the fence and opens up with knees and punches, sending Aguilar into a retreat. Flores pursues, landing a variety of strikes before finally dropping Aguilar. He follows up with hammerfists as Aguilar turtles up, forcing referee Herzog to step in at 1:19 of round one.
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