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UNF: Promulgating Regulations and Policies
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Regulations and Policies

Promulgating Regulations and Policies



Regulations and Policies (hereinafter Policy/Policies) are adopted to provide guidance in the administration, operation, management or implementation of University programs, services, activities, and facilities. They reflect the rules governing the implementation of campus processes and requirements, and expectations for employee behavior and actions. Regulations and Policies help ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promote the University's mission, vision and values, promote operational efficiencies and effectiveness and/or reduce risk to the institution.

*Academic Policies follow the Policy on Academic Policies (2.0010P).


REGULATION: a statement of general applicability to guide the conduct or action of the University, our constituents, or the general public (Board of Governors [BOG] Regulation Development Procedure).

POLICY: a statement of general principle, plan, or course of action that guides the University and its employees in the management of their duties and responsibilities.

PROCEDURE: the means by which employees are to carry out a particular regulation or policy.


All newly proposed policies/regulations and policy/regulation revisions must be routed through the automated workflow (https://uofnorthflorida.sharepoint.com/sites/Compliance/SitePages/Compliance%20Form.aspx). For currently existing policies/regulations, two formats must be submitted:

  1. a "clean copy" version showing the policy as it is intended to appear in final form; and,
  2. a "redline" version highlighting the changes by showing proposed changes in strike-through and underline format (via Microsoft's Track Changes).

The BOG Regulation Development Procedure provides additional information and guidance regarding the adoption of University regulations.


  • Step 1 - Policy Owner drafts regulation/policy (or revision) and coordinates with other departments/units as follows:
    1. Reviews policy library to ensure no duplication or contradictions with other policies.
    2. Solicits feedback from University legal and regulatory officers in the Office of the General Counsel, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, ADA Office, Disability Resource Center, Information Technology Services, others, if applicable.
    3. Solicits feedback from other departments/units which are affected by the new policy/reg or revision to address overlapping issues.
    4. Submits the policy/regulation through the workflow.
  • Step 2 - Vice Presidents
  • Step 3 -- Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
    1. Notifies Constituent Group Presidents (UFF President, Faculty Association, A&P Association, USPS Association, and Student Government) regarding the policy/regulation change or new policy/regulation.
    2. Confirms the Policy draft is available on the public access website.
      1. No less than ten (10) days will be available for feedback on policies.
      2. No less than thirty (30) days will be available for feedback on regulations.
    3. CCO provides feedback from constituent groups to Policy Originator.
    4. Accepts Policy Originator comments and any updates to the Policy draft.
    5. For Regulations - Coordinates with the Regulation Coordinator regarding comments and updates.
  • Step 4 - Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Oversight Committee
  • Step 5 - President and BOT (for regulations)


Originating department/unit submits a request to the CCO to rescind a regulation or policy along with the reasons for the repeal. Upon receipt of a request to repeal a policy, the CCO will notify the President, as well as CEROC and the constituent groups. Upon approval of the President, the policy will be rescinded. The BOG Regulation Development Procedures govern the process for repeal of a regulation.


  • Regulations and policies should be clear, concise, easy to read and understand, and free from legalese.
  • Other tips:
    • Run Spellcheck
    • Double check for accuracy
    • Use plain language, everyday words whenever possible
    • Always use an office, department, unit, or job title instead of a person's name
    • Capitalize titles of individuals when the title is referring to a specific person (e.g., Provost)
    • Leave titles that refer to a group of people in lowercase (e.g., vice presidents)
    • Use "must", "shall", or "will" rather than should.
    • Use gender inclusive language
    • Keep sentences brief
    • Choose words wisely (must, will, rather than should, may)
    • Do not include specific personnel names
    • Spell out acronyms the first time they are used
    • Do not use contractions or idiom
    • Use Microsoft redlining tools to edit
    • Ensure web-links are accurate and functional
    • Provide or update authority for policy or regulation