(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Imprint | Uni Witten/Herdecke


About UW/H

Private Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbH
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
D-58455 Witten

Executive Board:
Prof. Dr. Martin Butzlaff
Dipl. oec. Jan Peter Nonnenkamp
Prof. Dr. Petra Thürmann
Prof. Dr. med. vet. Jan Ehlers
Dr. Dirk Jakobs

Phone: +49 (0)2302 / 926-0
Fax: +49 (0)2302 / 926-407
E-Mail: public@uni-wh.de
Internet: www.uni-wh.de

Editorial responsibility for website content (cf. German media law):
Faculty of Health: Prof. Dr. Margareta Halek, Prof. Dr. Stefan Zimmer
Faculty of Management and Economics: Prof. Dr. Dirk Sauerland
WittenLab.Zentrum Studium fundamentale: Prof. Dr. Claus Volkenandt, Sebastian Benkhofer
Accounting and finance, facility management, mailroom, registrar's office, library, centre of further education, International Office: Jan Peter Nonnenkamp
Research, research funding: Prof. Dr. Martin Butzlaff
Human resources: Ralf Bühler
Study, Marketing, events, news, university, communication: Martina Kiphardt
Fundraising: Hermann Siedler
Professional Campus, Career Service and Alumni: Sebastian Benkhofer

Registered seat:
Witten, Amtsgericht Bochum HRB 8671

Tax ID Number:
DE-1268 80 235 (§ 27a value added tax law)
Private Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbH

External links
Links to external sites are provided only for the convenience of visitors to the UW/H website, the content of such sites having been checked when setting links. Private Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbH (UW/H) is in no way responsible for the content of linked external sites both in terms of suitability or accuracy, nor does UW/H necessarily support the views expressed on those sites. If you consider any linked sites unlawful or offensive, please inform us accordingly.

UW/H reserves the right to alter, amend, and temporarily or finally withdraw in part or in full the information offered on its website without notice. UW/H aims to ensure, but cannot guarantee, that information and data published on its website are accurate, regularly updated and complete. UW/H has no knowledge of unlawful or offensive material on linked external websites and does not accept liability for such material. UW/H accepts liability for damage caused by use or non-use of such information only in case of premeditation or gross negligence on the part of its legal representatives, employees or other agents.

Information on online dispute resolution (ODR) in accordance with Article 14 (1) of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (Consumer ODR Regulation):
The European Commission provides a user-friendly platform for the online resolution of consumer disputes resulting from online sales of goods or online provision of services (called ODR platform). The ODR platform is available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr .

Consumer arbitration
Private Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbh is neither obliged nor prepared to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration body.

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Please note that all texts, pictures, graphic designs and their arrangements - unless otherwise indicated - are the intellectual property of UW/H and as such protected by copyright. They must not be copied nor altered nor used on other websites. We authorize third parties to use generally accessible texts in part or in full only under condition of quoting UW/H as the source. Use of other content material such as pictures or graphic designs is not permitted. For information on usage rights please contact the above address.

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Photos on this website are from:

Jürgen A. Appelhans
Amke Kramer
Jannis Chavakis
Britta Radike
Ingo Beisheim †
Michael Bergmann
Paul Esser
David Finck [Juli Zeh]
Franziska Fink
Wolfgang Flamisch
Carola Fritzsche
Jörg Fruck [Witten]
Kay Gropp
Florian Hoyer
Klett Verlag
Nik Koneczny
Thomas Kunsch
Werner Lott
picture-alliance/dpa Peer Grimm [Angela Merkel]
Andreas Secci [Märkisches Museum]
Uwe Seifert
Theater und Ruderriege der UW/H
Jan Vestweber
Svenja Wermke
Barbara Zabka
Kirstin Schütz
Florian Danner
Johannes Buldmann
Dana Mell
Domenik Treß

Die Universität Witten/Herdecke ist durch das NRW-Wissenschaftsministerium staatlich anerkannt und wird – sowohl als Institution wie auch für ihre einzelnen Studiengänge – regelmäßig akkreditiert durch: