Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

Visit the Vatican Jubilee 2025 Website: Iubilaeum 2025
Also check out the USCCB web page for the Jubilee of Young People.

  • Information for Jubilee 2025

    This information document includes background on the Jubilee that diocesan, eparchial, parish, campus, movement, and school organizers may find useful in their planning for local and pilgrim programs during the Holy Year.

    For the Jubilee of Young People, one of the major events in Rome in July-August 2025, this special information sheet includes important details. 

  • Jubilee 2025 Calendar

    This 2025 calendar of events includes a one-page overview of the Holy Year moments followed by several pages of anticipated detailed schedules for each Jubilee celebration in Rome, which can be replicated or adapted at the discretion of each local community.

  • Spes Non Confundit - Bula de Indicación

    On Thursday, May 9, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Pope Francis officially proclaimed the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025 with the public reading and delivery of Spes Non Confundit, the Bull of Indicition for the Holy Year, in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.

    Click here for a newsletter with some helpful information on the Bull.

  • Bishops’ Office for United States Visitors to the Vatican

    The Bishops’ Office for United States Visitors to the Vatican, sponsored by the Pontifical North American College and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, provides information to help you plan your pilgrimage so that it may be a truly prayerful experience.

  • Plenary Indulgence

    The Vatican decree was issued outlining the different ways Catholic may obtain the Plenary Indulgence during the 2025 Jubilee Year.  Click here to read and download the decree.

    Click here for an article written by Catholic News Service.

Jubilee 2025 – Calendar of Events

December 2024

Dec 24, 2024 Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica (Rome)

Dec 29, 2024 - Opening of the Holy Door of Saint John Lateran Basilica (Rome)

January 2025

Jan 1, 2025 - Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Mary Major Basilica (Rome)

Jan 5, 2025 - Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Paul Outside the Walls (Rome)

Jan 24-26 - Jubilee of the World of Communications

September 2025

November 2025

December 2025

Dec 14 - Jubilee of Prisoners

Dec 28, 2025 - Closing of the Holy Doors Around the World

(at this time, all holy doors will close with the exception of Saint Peter in Rome)


January 2026

Jubilee 2025 Resources