<cite>Lux-Pain</cite>: Text Adventure for the DS

The Nintendo DS is getting a rare text-based adventure release in the form of Lux-Pain, released earlier this year in Japan but finally coming to North America next spring. The game is set in a town filled with mysterious murders caused by the presence of "Silent," a worm infecting the populace and bringing them to […]

Luxpain_2The Nintendo DS is getting a rare text-based adventure release in the form of Lux-Pain, released earlier this year in Japan but finally coming to North America next spring.

The game is set in a town filled with mysterious murders caused by the presence of "Silent," a worm infecting the populace and bringing them to violence. Enter Atsuki, our hero, who acquires the Lux-Pain power in order to rid the town of evil.

Gameplay involves investigating and interrogating the NPCs in the game. The stylus is used to perform autopsies and to find parasites in victims. Lovely.

Lux-Pain is expected to hit stores in March 2009.

Image: Marvelous Entertainment

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