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Worldpress.org - World Press Wire Feeds

World Press Wire Feeds

Worldpress.org offers a variety of FREE news feeds so you can easily keep up with World Press throughout the day.

RSS — "Rich Site Summary", or, to be cute, "Really Simple Syndication" — is a way of encoding headlines from a Web site so they can be read by software programs called news readers or aggregators, or even used by other Web sites.

To view our feeds you will need a feed reader.

Editors and Web Administrators:

Add the latest news from the international press, as well as translations and analysis from thousands of newspapers in more than 20 languages, to your Web site, free of charge.

We offer a variety of regional and world news feeds in both an RSS and JavaScript format. The customizable JavaScript feeds allow any Web Administrator to cut and paste a few lines of code into a page to create a Worldpress.org headline box. The RSS feed, though more difficult to implement, allows administrators complete control over the appearance of their feeds.

RSS Feeds

XML Top Stories: topstories.xml Translations, analysis, and reporting from around the world. Draws on the greatest number of sources, updates irregularly throughout the day.

Regional news and views from around the world:

XML Africa.xml
XML Americas.xml
XML Asia.xml
XML Europe.xml
XML Mideast.xml

Add RSS Feeds to Your News Reader

Setup differs from one program to another. Usually it involves clicking on one of the links above, copying the URL from the address bar of your Web browser, and pasting it into your reader. Some popular feed readers:

PC Users

MAC Users

Linux Users

Web-Based Reader

Add RSS Feeds to Your Web Site

WebReference offers information on using Perl to add RSS news feeds to your Web site. If you're more comfortable with PHP, CaRP is a good bet.

JavaScript Feeds

JS World Press Wire: worldpresswire.js automatically delivers the top headlines from leading newspapers around the world to your site, in real time, 24 hours a day.

JS Top Stories: topstories.js supplies your readers with daily translations, reports and analysis from newspapers around the world, and features and analysis from our correspondents on the ground.

JS Editor's Picks: mainnews.js is updated daily and delivers our editor's picks of news and views from around the world.

Add JavaScript Feeds to Your Web Site

Click on one of the links above to get the code. Customize the appearance of your headlines:

wpr_header_name determines the text that appears above the wire feed. Do not use single or double quotes.

wpr_total_font specifies the font in which the headlines will appear.

wpr_total_font_desc determines the font for the bylines of each article.

wpr_total_number determines how many headlines will display. Any number between 1 and 7 is a legal value.

wpr_odd_row_color sets the background color behind every other news item, beginning with the first. Any hexidecimal (hex) color code will work.

wpr_even_row_color specifies the background color behind every other news item, beginning with the second. Any hex code will work.

wpr_open_in_blank allows you to determine whether links will open in a new window or not. Legal values are 'true' (links will open in new window) and 'false' (links will open in same window). Do not use single quotes around either value.

wpr_table_width determines the width, in pixels or percentages, of the table containing the headlines.

Terms and Conditions

Worldpress.org provides the headline feeds at no charge and on an "as-is" basis. As a condition for using the RSS feeds, we ask that sites using the feed credit Worldpress.org and link back to our home page, www.worldpress.org. We specifically disclaim any representations or warranties, express or implied. Any site that chooses to use this service specifically acknowledges and agrees that Worldpress.org is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the headline feeds. Worldpress.org supplies this service as an educational resource, and does not endorse the opinions of publications featured on the feed, and cannot vouch for the accuracy of material featured on the feed.

Dates and Times of Last Updates

File Name Date and Time (EST)
Africa.xml 06/27/2024 12:14 PM
Americas.xml 06/27/2024 12:14 PM
Asia.xml 06/27/2024 12:14 PM
Europe.xml 06/27/2024 12:14 PM
Mideast.xml 06/27/2024 12:14 PM
topstories.js 06/27/2024 12:14 PM
topstories.xml 06/27/2024 12:14 PM
worldpresswire.js 07/09/2024 11:55 PM
worldpresswire.xml 07/09/2024 11:55 PM
wprw.js 07/09/2024 10:16 PM
wprw.xml 07/09/2024 11:40 PM