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Murray Christian :: xeno-canto

Murray Christian


Unique Species0
Recording Time43:01

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Common name / Scientific Length Recordist Date Time Country Location Elev. (m) Type (predef. / other) Remarks Actions / Quality Cat.nr.
シャローエボシドリ Tauraco schalowi schalowi 0:41 Murray Christian 2019-11-11 07:30 Malawi Dzalamyama - s of lodge nr dambo, Central Region1200song [also] [sono]discuss icon
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Green Malkoha Ceuthmochares australis 0:11 Murray Christian 2018-12-23 11:00 South Africa Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal380call

A call of Green Malkoha likened to a begging baby raptor, and which is quite distinct from its ''clicking then wailing'' song. The bird sang for a short while from a dense canopy thicket in tall forest, then proceeded to give the recorded call for a while before moving off.

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ハシブトカッコウ Pachycoccyx audeberti 0:48 Murray Christian 2019-11-10 07:45 Malawi Dzalamyama - s of lodge nr dambo, Central Region1200song

A bird calling from the canopy of miombo woodland. Possibly responding to whistled imitation of the song.

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ムネアカシマクイナ Sarothrura rufa 0:08 Murray Christian 2016-12-28 06:30 South Africa Cathkin Estate, KwaZulu-Natal1300song

A bird calling from tall grass and bracken along a stream in hilly grassland.

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クリオシマクイナ Sarothrura affinis 1:03 Murray Christian 2021-11-20 21:30 South Africa Bergrivier Municipality (near Porterville), West Coast DC, Western Cape850song

Bird calling from a small marsh in montane fynbos. About the loudest I've ever heard a Striped Flufftail.

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クリオシマクイナ Sarothrura affinis 0:34 Murray Christian 2014-07-27 09:00 South Africa Helderberg Nature Reserve, Somerset West, Western Cape280call

Recorded here is the ''ki-ki-ki-ki-ki'' type alarm call of the species. At the beginning of the recording it is already calling, then at 00:11 the bird that is calling at the beginning is apparently answered by a second bird a few meters away. The call of the second bird starts off very rapid, then seems to 'change gear' at 00:17.

Calling from tall (about 1 meter high), dense fynbos, with much bracken, in a small valley.

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クリオシマクイナ Sarothrura affinis 0:43 Murray Christian 2014-12-18 18:30 South Africa Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Free State2000song

Audio track extracted from video from a DSLR camera; no modifications made.

The flufftail is the low hooting, which gets slightly louder as I was walking closer to the bird. The flufftail was calling from a very slight drainage line with slightly taller grass in pristine highveld grassland, about 20 - 30 cm in height.

The high-pitched ringing call is Wing-snapping Cisticola, and the ''chattering'' noise that can be heard at the beginning of the recording, and again at 00:24 - 00:29 is Yellow-breasted Pipit alarm call. The pipits had a nest with eggs about 20 - 30 meters away.

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アフリカカッコウハヤブサ Aviceda cuculoides 0:01 Murray Christian 2019-01-02 09:30 South Africa Ndumo Game Reserve30call

A single whistle recorded from a perched adult African Cuckoo Hawk. For a while the bird gave this whistle at intervals of at least ten seconds, first in flight, then perched. Habitat was dense mixed woodland near a large river.

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エボシクマタカ Lophaetus occipitalis 1:05 Murray Christian 2018-12-18 08:30 South Africa Near Clarens, Free State1700call

One of the two birds recorded in XC449486 wailing mournfully as the other bird soars away on a thermal.

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エボシクマタカ Lophaetus occipitalis 0:50 Murray Christian 2018-12-18 08:30 South Africa Near Clarens, Free State1700call

Excited calls from two birds, probably a pair as they were observed to perch alongside each other and no aggressive interaction was observed. Calling from a stand of tall, exotic eucalyptus (gum) trees in an area of mixed agriculture and indigenous grassland.

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ヒメクマタカ Hieraaetus pennatus 1:00 Murray Christian 2018-10-07 14:00 South Africa Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape120call

A rapid series of excited whistles from a bird perched on a cliff. The eagle calls for a few seconds at the beginning of the recording, from about 00:27 and again from about 00:57. Two birds were seen circling together nearby shortly thereafter, one a pale morph and the other a dark morph.

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クロチュウヒ Circus maurus 0:23 Murray Christian 2022-04-18 10:21 South Africa Hessequa Local Municipality (near Heidelberg), South Cape DC, Western Cape340flight call

Two birds calling in a swoop-and-stoop display flight over a valley of moist lowland fynbos/renosterveld. Another two birds were over the ridge nearby, which suggests to me that this was a territorial interaction of sorts.

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オジロクロオウム Zanda baudinii 0:18 Murray Christian 2018-09-04 09:00 Australia Margaret River, Shire of Augusta-Margaret River, Western Australia100call, flight call

Social and flight calls from a group of birds feeding on marri nuts.

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オジロクロオウム Zanda baudinii 1:47 Murray Christian 2018-09-04 09:00 Australia Margaret River, Shire of Augusta-Margaret River, Western Australia100call

Calls from a group of several birds feeding on marri nuts.

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ギンホオミツスイ Anthochaera lunulata 0:12 Murray Christian 2018-09-03 07:00 Australia Redgate Rd, Shire of Augusta-Margaret River, Western Australia20song

Birds calling around dawn.

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オリーブミドリヤブモズ Chlorophoneus olivaceus 0:11 Murray Christian 2017-12-03 06:00 South Africa Magoebaskloof1600song

A bird singing from forest edge - the series of four ringing notes is repeated twice.

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カオジロムシクイヒヨ Nicator gularis 0:57 Murray Christian 2019-12-01 08:00 Malawi Likhubula Mission area, Mulanje, Southern Region800song

Habitat: mixed miombo-mango woodland with dense understory.

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コウゲンヤブヒバリ Certhilauda chuana 0:33 Murray Christian 2017-12-03 17:30 South Africa Polokwane Game Reserve, Polokwane, Limpopo1300song

Clear whistles, some very high pitched, others less so, from a bird perched on top of an Acacia tree in sparsely wooded savanna with short grass.

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Eastern Long-billed Lark Certhilauda semitorquata 0:52 Murray Christian 2018-01-05 10:00 South Africa Golden Gate National Park, Free State1700song

A single bird calling from the ground next the the road, near a rocky ridge in open grassland. The lark is giving the clear descending whistles, the cat-like 'mewing' given a few times in the first half of the recording (e.g. at 00:08) is the alarm call of Cape Longclaw.

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ハシボソヒバリ Certhilauda curvirostris 0:27 Murray Christian 2018-05-06 10:00 South Africa West Coast Peninsula, West Coast DC, Western Cape20song

Clear descending whistles from one or possibly two birds foraging and calling intermittently, in very open, sandy strandveld along a broad, dry valley bottom.

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ウスイロハシボソヒバリ Calendulauda albescens 0:36 Murray Christian 2018-05-05 08:30 South Africa West Coast Peninsula, West Coast DC, Western Cape20call

Two birds calling, one slightly further away than the other, in fairly open strandveld.

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ウスイロハシボソヒバリ Calendulauda albescens 0:15 Murray Christian 2017-10-22 10:00 South Africa At the top of Skitterykloof, Tanqua Karoo, Western Cape800song

Bird singing from the top of a bush. (Apologies for the camera shutter about four seconds in.)

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Eastern Clapper Lark Mirafra fasciolata 0:04 Murray Christian 2018-01-05 07:30 South Africa Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Free State1700song

The typical display flight of this species - audible wing claps as the bird ascends to one or two meters above the ground, followed by an ascending whistle as it descends to the ground with wings held up in a stylised position.

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キタアオノドヒヨ Arizelocichla fusciceps 0:29 Murray Christian 2019-11-29 19:00 Malawi Mulanje, Southern Region1900song

Habitat: montane forest.

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ヒメアオヒヨドリ Eurillas virens 0:41 Murray Christian 2019-11-27 07:30 Malawi Likhubula Mission area, Mulanje, Southern Region800song

Habitat: mixed miombo-mango woodland with dense understory.

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クサムシクイ Sphenoeacus afer 0:28 Murray Christian 2018-12-24 17:00 South Africa Howick, Indlovu DC, KwaZulu-Natal1300song

Habitat was tall, moist grassland with some bramble thickets and other woody components in places, in a small valley in open grassland.

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ケープオウギセッカ Cryptillas victorini 1:09 Murray Christian 2018-10-07 11:30 South Africa Helderberg Nature Reserve, Somerset West, Western Cape280song

A concealed bird singing from dense fynbos at the base of a south-facing cliff. Recorded from a few meters away, a distance at which the song is almost painfully loud.

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キイロムシクイ Iduna natalensis 0:27 Murray Christian 2019-11-09 08:00 Malawi Dzalamyama - s of lodge nr dambo, Central Region1200song

The warbler calls five times in the recording, just the first part of the song ('tip-tip-tip-tip-tip') at c 0:02, then the full song ending in a down-slurred note at about 0:07, 0:13, 0:18 and 0:25.

Habitat: rank grassland and open Syzigium woodland in a dambo amongst miombo woodland.

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キイロムシクイ Iduna natalensis 1:04 Murray Christian 2018-12-24 17:00 South Africa Howick, Indlovu DC, KwaZulu-Natal1300song

Habitat was tall, moist grassland with some bramble thickets and other woody components in places, in a small valley in open grassland.

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キイロムシクイ Iduna natalensis 0:32 Murray Christian 2018-12-24 17:00 South Africa Howick, Indlovu DC, KwaZulu-Natal1300song

Two birds counter-singing from perches about 20m apart. Each bird had a different song phrase - you can hear the one bird's starting at 0:03, and the other's at 0:07, for example. Habitat was tall, moist grassland with some bramble thickets and other woody components in places, in a small valley in open grassland.

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