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Results for 'also:"Cisticola fulvicapilla" loc:"City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West"' :: page 1 :: xeno-canto


9 results from 9 species for query 'also:"Cisticola fulvicapilla" loc:"City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West"' (foreground species only)

Common name / Scientific Length Recordist Date Time Country Location Elev. (m) Type (predef. / other) Remarks Actions / Quality Cat.nr.
ノドジロツグミヒタキ Cossypha humeralis 0:32 Tony Archer 2021-01-08 07:00 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1500song

Calling from thick foliage in thorn trees.

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ニワムシクイ Sylvia borin 0:55 Tony Archer 2021-01-08 09:00 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1500song, bees.

Bird calling for long time from bushes against hillside.

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サバクセッカ Cisticola aridulus 0:27 Tony Archer 2021-12-19 13:30 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1400flight call

Doing display flight above open, sandy area.

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アフリカセッカ Cisticola chiniana 0:16 Tony Archer 2021-01-08 08:30 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1500call

Bird calling from top of thorn tree.

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キイロウタイムシクイ Hippolais icterina 0:10 Tony Archer 2021-01-08 08:30 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1500call, cattle

Warning or contact call from trees against steep hil.

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チャエリヤブヒバリ Mirafra africana 0:24 Tony Archer 2021-12-19 15:00 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1500call

Calling from top of dead tree. Slightly different call to normal.

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ムネアカアリスイ Jynx ruficollis 0:58 Tony Archer 2021-01-08 08:00 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1500call, fowl

Excited calling by two birds in thornveld.

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ミナミカマハシ Rhinopomastus cyanomelas 1:07 Tony Archer 2021-01-30 05:30 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1500call

Bird calling from between two koppies in valley. Thick thornveld.

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ハダダトキ Bostrychia hagedash 0:35 Tony Archer 2021-01-08 06:30 South Africa City of Matlosana (near Hartbeesfontein), Southern DC, North West1400flight call

Calling as they fly out from roosting site.

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