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How to read a taxoboxWikipedia:點樣睇生物分類框
How to read a taxobox

さい唔使Least Concern) (LC)[1]
さかい 動物界どうぶつかい Animalia
もん 脊索せきさく動物どうぶつもん Chordata
つな 哺乳ほにゅうつな Mammalia
食肉しょくにく Carnivora
いたち Mustelidae
みつ獾亞 Mellivorinae
ぞく みつ獾屬 Mellivora
Storr, 1780
たね みつ獾 M. capensis
Mellivora capensis
(Schreber, 1776)

みつMellivora capensisがかりいちしゅいたち動物どうぶつさい細分さいぶんなりみつ獾亞どうみつ獾屬」。しゅう嘅大部分ぶぶん地區ちくしゅうろう東部とうぶひしげかつ南部なんぶともえはじめ斯坦どう印度いんど西部せいぶゆうみつ獾分佈。咁多ねん嚟,佢哋一路いちろ喼著けん力士りきし世界せかいろく嘅「最大さいだいきも動物どうぶつろく[2]だしめい咁膽だい,搞到こうすくな動物どうぶつえん願意がんいおさむやしなえ佢哋。


背面はいめんどう側面そくめん睇蜜獾個のう(Mellivora indica)。

みつ獾體がたMeles melesほそ全長ぜんちょう60いたり102りんまい尾長おなが16いたり30りんまいおおやけ比較ひかくじゅうたち9いたり14おおやけきんあいだ;乸比較輕,よし5いたり10おおやけきん不等ふとう。佢哋外耳がいじから頭頂とうちょうれん脊由白色はくしょくつつみじゅう




2002ねん國家こっか地理ちりしきみちはく咗部ろくへんめいさけべ做「へび嘅殺しゅ:喀拉哈里沙漠さばく嘅蜜獾」。呢部へんいれ便びんいちせきさけべはなれぶん(Kleinman)」嘅蜜獾同へび掙食。佢響へび個口こぐちいれ便びん搶走食物しょくもつ,就響嘶嘶ごえさけべ緊嘅へび面前めんぜんこうずい便びん噉慢慢食咗落去。跟著佢又捉嗰じょうへび嚟食。じょうさけべ做「鼓腹こふく噝蝰(Bitis arietans)」嘅毒へびがかり佢最鍾意しょく嘅毒へびいち。佢咬咗條へび開始かいししょくどうへび搏鬥嗰陣,佢亦畀條へび咬嚫。はなれぶんひびきじょうへびがわあたりぼけいた...りょうつぶがねこれ,佢又醒返,爬起とうあさ痹過咗之繼續けいぞくしょく嗰條へび,跟著さい捕食ほしょく[3]。呢挺兇殘大膽だいたん嘅天せいれいいたみつ獲得かくとくちょう強敵きょうてきしゅ形象けいしょう




成年せいねんみつ比較ひかく兇猛きょうもう皮膚ひふまたあつ而鬆たゆれい佢哋こうなん捉住あるもの窒息ちっそく所以ゆえんこうしょうなりため獅子ししどうひょう嘅獵ぶつ老弱ろうじゃく嘅蜜獾較容易ようい獅子じしひょうどううめ蟒蛇うわばみりょうろう嘅蜜獾都かい極力きょくりょく保衞やすえ自己じこれい如喺Animal Planetいち節目ふしめ[未記みき出處しゅっしょある根據こんきょ]いちせき唔多冇牙、而且めくら咗一隻眼嘅老蜜獾乸,はな咗一隻豹成個鐘頭先至獵殺到。


Zoo Prague

Once a female honey badger comes into heat, courtship is very energetic. After days of deliberation, a male is accepted as a mating partner, and the honey badgers will remain in a burrow for 3-4 days of mating. The female badger will give birth to a cub 2 months later. A honey badger cub is almost a complete replica of its mother, and as it grows, it learns to be aggressive to any other creature (e.g., curious jackals) as it travels across the desert. It relies on its mother for food and shelter as they regularly move and she digs new burrows. Cubs can handicap a honey badger's hunting; therefore, they are usually left back at the den, where they can be vulnerable. It has been documented that other honey badgers will drag cubs from their dens and eat them. Due in part to cannibalistic threats such as this, only half of honey badger cubs will live to adulthood.

As the cub grows up, its ability to navigate the tough terrain of the desert improves by learning from its mother to not only walk, but to also climb trees and to chase snakes. The honey badger is not born with these vital skills for survival, they must be learned.

Once a mother comes back into heat and is ready to rear another cub, the other cub is old enough and skilled enough to survive alone, so it makes its own way in the world, leaving its mother behind. This happens a few months after the cub has been born.



Regardless of its fierce temperament, the honey badger's low birth rate makes it extremely vulnerable to hunting and habitat destruction. They are often scorned and hunted by farmers who own commercial beehives and believe this animal to be a threat to their livelihoods. Many honey badgers are killed by farmers or stung to death by bees after becoming snared in a hive trap. [4]

Urban legend

うちぶんKiller badger

The Killer badger is a creature found in a number of modern urban myths from Basra (Al Basrah) province, Iraq, where it was said to have attacked both people and livestock. It has since been identified as the honey badger, inflated by rumor. [5][6][7][8]


  1. Begg, K., Begg, C. & Abramov, A. (2008). Mellivora capensis. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 21 March 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern
  2. Most fearless animal on Animal of the Day
  3. "More info on the documentary Snake killers: Honey badgers of the Kalahari". 原著げんちょ喺2010ねん1がつ31ごう. 喺2009ねん3がつ23ごう搵到.
  4. Piper, Ross (2007), Extraordinary Animals: An Encyclopedia of Curious and Unusual Animals, Greenwood Press.
  5. Weaver, Matthew (2007-07-12), "Basra badger rumour mill", The Guardian (2007-07-16)
  6. Philp, Catherine (2007-07-12), "Bombs, guns, gangs - now Basra falls prey to the monster badger 互聯もう檔案かんかえりかえり檔日2011ねん9がつ17ごう,.", The Times (2007-07-16)
  7. Baker, Graeme (2007-07-13), "British troops blamed for badger plague 互聯もう檔案かんかえりかえり檔日2008ねん1がつ13ごう,." The Telegraph (2007-07-16)
  8. BBC News (2007-07-12) "British blamed for Basra badgers", BBC (2007-07-16)
Rare morph variation
