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‘YouTube accessible in Pakistan by mistake’ | The News Tribe
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20151231201505/http://www.thenewstribe.com:80/2015/12/06/youtube-accessible-in-pakistan-by-mistake/

‘YouTube accessible in Pakistan by mistake’


ISLAMABAD: YouTube is accessible in Pakistan on various ISPs as of now, as we are getting all sorts of reports from our readers asking us if YouTube is unblocked in Pakistan forever or its opening just temporarily.

For all those seeking the answer: YouTube is opening due to a technical glitch and it will be blocked again, anytime.

Sources at ISPs told us that access to YouTube in Pakistan was restored due to a technical glitch that is being fixed now, ProPakistani reported.

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, when asked about opening of YouTube in Pakistan, told me that their policy on YouTube ban is still intact and there’s no order sent to ISPs for restoration of YouTube.

PTA clarified that ban on YouTube is based on Supreme Court of Pakistan order that was issued on September 17th, 2012.

PTA said that it has no mandate to revert Supreme Court orders unless directive is annulled by Supreme Court itself.

It merits mentioning here that Supreme Court recently accepted a petition for hearing that pleas to get YouTube unblocked in Pakistan.

But for now, YouTube is officially banned in Pakistan and it is going to stay this way until any different orders from Supreme Court of Pakistan are issued.

It wouldn’t be out of place to mention that YouTube usage in Pakistan is increasing through proxy websites, VPNs and various websites that tunnel YouTube content through APIs.

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