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School of Scandal: Alice Duer Miller, Scandal, and the New Woman - AMS Acta - AlmaDL Università di Bologna

School of Scandal: Alice Duer Miller, Scandal, and the New Woman

Morey, Anne (2013) School of Scandal: Alice Duer Miller, Scandal, and the New Woman. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3808. In: Researching Women in Silent Cinema: New Findings and Perspectives. A cura di: Dall'Asta, Monica ; Duckett, Victoria ; Tralli, Lucia. Bologna: Dipartimento delle Arti - DAR, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, pp. 163-175. ISBN 9788898010103. In: Women and Screen Cultures, (1). A cura di: Dall'Asta, Monica ; Duckett, Victoria. ISSN 2283-6462.
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This paper examines adaptations of Her First Elopement (1920) and Are Parents People? (1925), based on novellas by Alice Duer Miller, in order to explore how both the underlying texts and the films derived from them explore the heroines’ desire for autonomy, which is achieved through their strategic cultivation and control of scandal. While the films met with widely contrasting receptions, their exploitation of Miller’s interest in scandal that gratifies rather than punishes the heroine suggests a complex relationship between a best-selling female author and the film industry in the first half of the 1920s.

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Morey, Anne
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
28 Set 2013 15:08
Ultima modifica
13 Mar 2015 14:46

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