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Titan 4

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Titan 4
Part of Titan
Titan 401
Titan 401
Titan 401 - COSPAR 1994-026
American orbital launch vehicle. Developed to handle military payloads designed for launch on Shuttle from Vandenberg before the USAF pulled out of the Shuttle program after the Challenger disaster. Further stretch of core from Titan 34, 7-segment solid rocket motors (developed for MOL but not used until 25 years later). Enlarged Centaur G used as upper stage (variant of stage designed for Shuttle but prohibited for flight safety reasons after Challenger). Completely revised electronics. All the changes resulted in major increase in cost of launch vehicle and launch operations.

Status: Out of production. Payload: 17,700 kg (39,000 lb). Thrust: 12,821.00 kN (2,882,275 lbf). Gross mass: 886,420 kg (1,954,220 lb). Height: 51.00 m (167.00 ft). Diameter: 4.33 m (14.20 ft). Apogee: 185 km (114 mi).

LEO Payload: 17,700 kg (39,000 lb) to a 185 km orbit. Payload: 6,350 kg (13,990 lb) to a GTO. Launch Price $: 400.000 million in 1985 dollars. Flyaway Unit Cost 1985$: 89.360 million in 1997 dollars.

Stage Data - Titan 4

Family: orbital launch vehicle. Country: USA. Engines: LR87-11, LR91-11, RL-10A-3A. Spacecraft: DSP, NOSS, NOSS-Subsat, Lacrosse (satellite), SDS-2, NOSS-2, NOSS-2 subsatellite, Improved Crystal, Milstar, Trumpet, Mercury ELINT, Advanced Orion, TiPS. Stages: UA1207. Agency: Martin.
Photo Gallery

Titan 3E CentaurTitan 3E Centaur
Credit: NASA

Titan 4Titan 4
Credit: © Mark Wade

Titan 4 LargeTitan 4 Large
Credit: © Mark Wade

Titan 4 LaunchTitan 4 Launch
Credit: Lockheed Martin

Titan LVs LargeTitan LVs Large
Credit: © Mark Wade

Titan 404Titan 404
Credit: Lockheed Martin

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