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Trade and credit: revisiting the evidence. (2019). Moral-Benito, Enrique ; Gutierrez, Eduardo.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Access to Finance and Exports – Comparable Evidence for Small and Medium Enterprises from Industry and Services in 25 European Countries. (2019). Wagner, Joachim.
    In: Open Economies Review.

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References cited by this document

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  3. Alfaro, L., Garcı́a-Santana, M. and Moral-Benito, E. (2018). On the direct and indirect real effects of credit supply shocks. Banco de España Working Paper 1809.
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  4. Almunia, M., Antràs, P., López-Rodrı́guez, D. and Morales, E. (2018). Venting Out: Exports during a Domestic Slump, mimeo.

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