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The returns to education and wage penalty from overeducation: New evidence from Vietnam. (2023). Paweenawat, Sasiwimon ; Tran, Dai Binh.
In: Bulletin of Economic Research.

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  56. Fighting Poverty One Experiment at a Time: Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty : Review Essay. (2012). Ravallion, Martin.
    In: Journal of Economic Literature.

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  57. Multidimensional Poverty and Interlocking Poverty Traps: Framework and Application to Ethiopian Household Panel Data. (2011). Smith, Stephen ; Kwak, Sungil.
    In: Working Papers.

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  58. Regional Agricultural Endowments and Shifts of Poverty Trap Equilibria: Evidence from Ethiopian Panel Data. (2011). Smith, Stephen ; Kwak, Sungil.
    In: Working Papers.

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  59. Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural Mozambique. (2010). Schindler, Kati ; Kraehnert, Kati ; Giesbert, Lena.
    In: GIGA Working Papers.

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  60. Estimation of Poverty Transition Matrices with Noisy Data. (2010). Strauss, John ; Lee, Nayoung ; Ridder, Geert.
    In: Textos para discussão.

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  61. Asset dynamics in Northern Nigeria:. (2010). Quiñones, Esteban ; Dillon, Andrew ; Quiones, Esteban J..
    In: IFPRI discussion papers.

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  62. The Returns to Education in Thailand: A Pseudo-Panel Approach. (2010). Paweenawat, Sasiwimon ; McNown, Robert ; Warunsiri, Sasiwimon .
    In: World Development.

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  63. Habits, Complementarities and Heterogeneity in Alcohol and Tobacco Demand: A Multivariate Dynamic Model. (2010). Pieroni, Luca ; Aristei, David.
    In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

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